Tuesday, November 28, 2017

How to Prepare For A Psychometric Test

How to Pass Psychometric Tests

Companies have long employed to be able to make the best possible hires to fill positions. However, most fail more than they succeed and find themselves in an endless turnover cycle. For that reason, all kinds of new techniques for making better choices have emerged over the past several years. The psychometric test has reared its ugly head for job applicants, and you need to be prepared in case you are asked to take one (or more) of them. It"s comforting to know that they are rarely used by themselves to make hiring decisions but are considered along with several other measures, with the concluding of the interviewer carrying the most weight.

What are Psychometric Tests?

So what are they and what do they do? First of all, they are intended to objectively measure your abilities and probably your personality. The ability tests will ask you to carry out a range of tasks. The personality test will examine how you do things but more importantly how you interact with whatever surroundings you find yourself in and particularly with the people who make up those surroundings.

On the day of the test, you will be in a room with a lot of desks and other examinees. The test may be taken on a computer or it may be in pencil-and-paper mode. You can expect a thorough explanation of the procedures that will include a little bit of information about the tests you are taking and how long each will last. It"s the job of the test administrator to make sure the test is fair to everyone. For example, if you realize that you have not marked questions correctly, if you report it, it will not affect your score.

Tips for taking psychometric interviewing tests:

Some people suffer from severe test-anxiety and these tests may not be accurate measure of their abilities or their personalities. Almost everyone experiences some of this, so it"s best to do some things ahead of time that can help you do the best you can. It would be a shame if you were the best candidate for a job but were eliminated just because you were not prepared for the test.

1. Practice. A number of practice tests are available. Look in a local bookstore or get online and Google "psychometric test".

2. You are entitled to know why you are taking the test. If you are not given that information, ask for it.

3. You are also entitled to have your scores given to you privately. Again, if this does not happen, ask why.

4. You are entitled to know who will see your scores and where they will be stored and for how long. Ask the question.

5. When you are in the testing room, clear your mind of other things and listen carefully.

6. If something is not clear, ask for clarification.

7. If you are taking the test on a computer, fiddle with it to be sure it is working properly.

8. Keep your mind on your own little space. It"s irrelevant how others are doing.

9. If you do not know the answer to a question, guess.

10. Read each question carefully.

11. Do not panic if you"re not going to finish. It may be built into the test.

12. If you finish early, go back over your answers. It helps if you"ve marked the questions you were not sure about so you can find them quickly.

The best advice is to calm down and deal with your anxiety before you even begin thinking about the test. If taking a practice test helps, then do so by all means. Use techniques for becoming calm and confident and you will have a much better chance of passing with flying colors.

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How to Prepare For A Psychometric Test

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