Sunday, December 3, 2017

Executive CV Writers

When many executives go looking for a new position, most will recognize that the last time they engaged in a job search, that they had an Executive CV that worked, but now needs refreshing. They also have new skills, and want something different from a new challenge. On realizing that they may need some assistance, they go looking for Executive CV Writers, so the questionis: what should they look for?

Executive recruitment

The first thing to recognize, is that Executive Recruitment is not like any other form of job seeking. Firstly, while a third of blue collar and professional jobs can be found in the public domain, less than 10% of executive positions can be found, let alone advertised. In actual fact, if a job appears in The Sunday Times, you should be asking what"s so wrong with that job?

Like executive head hunting of old, most corporate recruiting is now based around recommendation and networking, over direct "fill out the boxes and submit a CV" recruitment of non-executives.

Best Executive CV

With that in mind, is a two page or more piece of paper actually going to get you the job? The summary today is simple: No!

If you do not have the required skills, and have not positioned yourself as the ideal solution to that companies problems, then however good an Executive CV is, it will not get you the job. In fact these days, your ability to show your capabilities through being found through both Google and social media, and then to show your leadership in those forums is as important as an Executive CV.

Your whole job application needs to build you and your abilities: how you position yourself; what your skills and industry are; did you build, improve or rescue; can you evidence these capabilities in both what you communicate and how. If your entire executive profile does not do this, then you will be redirected.

Executive job search

Successful executive job application involves a number of key steps, and often takes between two and six months.

As always with any form of job application, successful executive employment starts with you, and resolving what challenge that you want to address next? Then there is a check of the market: are people actually recruiting for this role in this market?

This is a key step, as your employment opportunity starts and ends with the needs for skills and capabilities. This is often best accomplished through starting to network, a skill that I often find that either executives have lost, or are not comfortable with selling themselves. Well if you thought that networking was about selling, then I have news for you: it is not, and if you did your job search that way, you would fall foul of the "three recruiters and out" rule!

Successful executive job application

Once you have reached the stage of job application, now the executive market is at its most diverse from that of other job applicants. There are three core methods of job application:

  1. Respond to job adverts

  2. Target key employers

  3. Network

Accepting that 90% of executive job adverts do not appear in the public domain, and those that do you have to ask why, then the major of job search in the executive market is based around testing the opportunities with key target employers, and networking.

Here again, I come back to the question of the old two page Executive CV: will it get you a job? If someone meets you at a networking event, then how will they – be they a board member of a target company, an HR person, or a head hunter – check you out? In part that will be through the person who introduced you, and in part in checking out your online profile. Note that all this is ahead of seeing any copy of your Executive CV, but all information has to tie together.

Executive CV writing
The Executive CV is not like any other CV, because its structure reflects both a more advanced skill set, as well as aa different method and system of job application. While what you did to get the job you now have may have worked then, the method of job seeking and successful application has changed for all job applicants, but even more so for the modern executive.

Modern Executive CV writing is not just about capturing and displaying your unique capabilities, but also about where and how you display and reference those. When so much of Executive job application is reliant on networking, your Executive CV and approach has to address that to be successful.

Does you executive CV address all of these issues, or will your Executive CV writer encompass all of these needs? To get employed in the shortest possible time scale, they need to be doing all of this and more for you: so ask them.

Good Luck!

Jobs in Nigeria

Executive CV Writers

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