Wednesday, January 10, 2018

United Nations Children’s Fund New Opportunities [4 Positions]

UNICEF works in 190 countries and territories to protect the rights of every child. UNICEF has spent 70 years working to improve the lives of children and their families. Defending children’s rights throughout their lives requires a global presence, aiming to produce results and understand their effects. UNICEF believes all children have a right to survive, thrive and fulfill their potential – to the benefit of a better world.

We are recruiting to fill the positions below:

Job Title: International Wash Consultant (Riverine Sanitation) P3
Job Number: 509903
Location: Bayelsa
Work Type: Consultancy

  • The European Union in partnership with UNICEF within the framework of FGN reform programme in the WASH sector, recently launched the Niger Delta Support Programme targeting 5 states: Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa, Delta, Edo and Rivers. The total population of the five Niger Delta States benefiting from the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project is 21,896,399 (projected from the 2006 census figure of 18,125,689).

  • The Niger Delta Region (NDR) of Nigeria is a unique region. As the world’s third largest wetland, it is characterized by significant biological diversity as well as rich oil and gas reserves. The region is situated in the southern part of Nigeria and is bordered to the south by the Atlantic Ocean and to the East by Cameroon.

  • The Niger Delta Region is mostly a flat, low-lying swampy basin, crisscrossed by a network of rivers and creeks and is prone to flooding. Because of its challenging environment, the regions population tends to cluster in small communities and villages. According to the Niger Delta Region Development Master Plan (NDRDMP) (published in 2005), there are a total of 13,329 settlements in the Niger Delta Region. 94% of these settlements are rural communities with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants.

  • Typically, these rural communities consists of compounds, closely spaced groups of small buildings with a population of between 50 and 500 inhabitants most of whom are farmers, fisher-folks and traders. Most of these rural settlements lack essential amenities, such as health care facilities, market access, water supply, power supply, good transportation systems and access to improved sanitation. Approximately 70% of the population in the Niger Delta region lives below the poverty line.

  • The communities of the region are challenged by environmental threats including overfishing, flooding, pollution and environmental degradation following oil exploration activities as well as man-made conflicts, largely stemming from the inequitable distribution of the wealth the region produces.

  • Since the inception phase of WASH NDSP in the year 2013, the programme has faced a number of serious challenges such as:
    • High water table hindering household latrine uptake using affordable common latrine options;

    • Lack of low cost latrine options suitable for riverine area,

    • No dislodgement method in place in the riverine areas

    • No in-situ treatment options of sewage in septic tank:

    • Land tenure restrains non-landlords from constructing latrines

    • Little space for construction of sanitation facilities;

    • Low level of awareness among the people on benefits of safe sanitation and hygiene practices.

  • Owing to the challenges highlighted above and many more, after three years of sanitation implementation and institutionalization in the area, no significant result has been achieved with respect to achieving ODF in triggered communities. Most households cannot construct safe and hygienic latrines because of the peculiarities of the Riverine environment. The few latrines built are communal latrines, so majority of the indigenes defecate in hanging latrines referred to as ‘Pier latrines which contaminates their drinking water sources and food especially during floods.

  • Consequently this terms of reference is seeking an International Consultant who would undertake a study to address the issue of appropriate and affordable latrine options for riverine environment that is also acceptable to the communities in order to accelerate progress in access.

Purpose of the Assignment

  • The overall objective is to contribute to achieving the sanitation targets under the sustainable development goals which states that, by 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations.

  • Therefore, the purpose of the assignment is to understand the specific challenges and needs of the people in riverine communities when constructing and using sanitation facilities and use the knowledge to make recommendations and identify and design affordable latrine options or systems that address their need for improved and sustainable sanitation in the selected areas.

End Product/Deliverables

  • Inception Report within two weeks detailing the methodology, work plan for the study including tools and instrument to be utilized within the study;

  • Affordable options identified and adapted by stakeholders within 1 month

  • Pilot project developed in at least 5 communities within 3 months

  • Monthly Work Plan and Reports in line with the agreed format;

  • 2 case studies developed and published

  • Final report submitted

Qualifications or Specialized Knowledge/Experience Required

  • At least a Master’s Degree or comparable level in Architecture/Civil Engineering or Construction, Environmental Sanitation Engineering, Science/Environment or other related fields;

  • Five years of relevant working experience in designing, computer aided design of various superstructures, mainly residential/household infrastructures in sub-Saharan developing countries;

  • Research and programming experience in sanitation options with a good knowledge of riverine communities and marketing;

  • Demonstrated skills and ability to work with the Government and Development partners and CBOs/NGOs

  • Excellent in writing project document with UNICEF procedures;

  • Ability to work independently in the field

  • Knowledge in social sciences with a focus on behaviour changes in developing country;

  • Good analytical and ability to think strategically;

  • Excellent communication skills in English language

Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply for this Position


Job Title: International Sanitation Financing and Marketing Consultant
Job Number: 509999
Location: Abuja, Nigeria
Work Type : Consultancy
Contract Duration: Contract will be for a total duration of 5 months from 1st February 2018 to 30th June 2018.

The main purpose of the Sanitation Marketing and Financing (SMF) Consultant is to strengthen and scale up the SMF approach from three states to all six SHAWN states. The Sanitation Financing and Marketing consultant will specifically work with the SMEDAN, State Polytechnics and the state/LGA consultants for on boarding, training and monitoring performance of TBOs in the three additional SHAWN states. For the performance monitoring of the TBOs and the SMEDAN, the consultant will work closely with the WASHIM consultant to develop a smart phone based monitoring system. The consultant will also train SMEDAN to onward train TBOs in the use of pre-developed record keeping registers providing details such as number of orders received, number of order completed, delivery time, types of toilets provided and cost info etc. The consultant will assist UNCIEF Field Staff in developing proposal template for engagement of SMEDAN.

The SFM consultant will also develop a mechanism for LGAs to ensure that the TBOs deliver quality latrine construction services to maintain the communities trust and interest in investments in improved sanitation. Upon approval of the proposed mechanism by the WASH specialist, the consultant will work with the state and LGA consultants to capacitate LGA staff in the quality certification and assurance process.

The consultant will finalize the ANAMFIN funding proposal to support and guide all 42 partner MFIs to start sanitation lending.  The consultant will also develop the modalities for utilization of state government funding (in Katsina, Bauchi and Zamfara) for interest free lending to MFIs based on consultations with key stakeholders. The consultant will develop sample expression of interest, model agreements between the state and the MFI for initiating such loan financing. The consultant will provide necessary mentoring and monitoring support along with ANAMFIN to make sure that this intervention matures and delivers on the promise of cheaper loans.

The consultant will also study and assess the continuity of The Rural Finance Institution Building Programme (RUFIN) and if feasible will engage RUFIN to ensure that the 2000 trained Adashes are monitored, supported/mentored for sustained functioning leading to higher savings and lending for the construction of improved toilets. Either a separate PCA will be signed with RUFIN or its services will be secured through a proposal from FMWR. In order to ensure performance based payment to RUFIN for their services in support of sanitation financing work, the consultant will develop an evidence based Adashes support/mentoring mechanism for RUFIN and payments to RUFIN will be linked to real time geotagged data evidence. This reporting system will also provide weekly information on: number of active Adashes; loans provided; default rate; and type and number of toilets constructed etc. If RUFIN future engagement is uncertain then the consultant will work to link and peg Adashes to an appropriate local government institutions for their continuity, routine data collection, monitoring and mentoring support as explained above.


  • The Consultant will be based in the UNICEF Nigeria Country Office, Abuja and will work closely with National Task Group on Sanitation, Central Bank of Nigeria, Association of Non-Bank Microfinance Institutions in Nigeria (ANMFIN), Ministry of Agriculture/RUFIN as well as UNICEF National and Field Office colleagues.

  • The tasks will involve travelling to States, LGAs and communities for consultation with relevant government partners.

Major Tasks to be Accomplished
Under the overall guidance of Chief of WASH and with supervision from the WASH Specialist, the key tasks for Sanitation Financing and Marketing Consultant include the following;

  • Under the guidance of the WASH specialist, develop and implement sanitation marketing and financing scaling up plan to expand to three additional SHAWN states and deepen the implementation across all six SHAWN states

  • Finalize funding proposal for partnership with SMEDAN, RUFIN, ANAMFIN (as explained under Purpose above) for subsequent engagement of these agencies in implementation of the sanitation marketing and financing scale up plan.

  • Develop and operationalize monitoring mechanisms to track the progress of TBOs, Adashes MFIs, SMEDAN, RUFIN, ANMFIN and LGAs. The data from the monitoring dashboard will serve the basis for weekly LGA, monthly state level and quarterly national review meetings.

  • Effect, operationalise and support States-MFI-UNICEF agreement in three states resulting in access to capital on (near) zero percent markup rate to MFIs for cheaper on lending to households for construction of toilets

  • Field visits to the respective states and LGAs to participate in reviews, backstopping implementation, documentation of best practices and to assist UNCIEF FO in scaling up

  • Oversee the expansion of sanitation marketing and financing in additional States and LGAs.

  • Provide guidance to the national sanitation marketing and financing consultants to accomplish their tasks

Deliverables/Payment percentage per deliverable:

  • Approved sanitation marketing and financing scaling up plan to expand and deepen the implementation across the target areas – 10%

  • Monitoring mechanisms to track the progress of TBOs, Adashes MFIs, SMEDAN, RUFIN, ANMFIN and LGAs developed and the monitoring dashboard fully operational to serve the basis for weekly LGA, monthly state level and quarterly national review meetings – 20%

  • Draft agreement between States-MFI-UNICEF developed and ready for signing to start cheaper lending to households for construction of toilets – 10%

  • Proposals, finalised in all respects from SMEDAN, RUFIN, ANAMFIN ready for PCA formulation available – 20%

  • Reports available for: i) national review workshop ii) consultant’s active participation in 6 SHAWN state monthly review meetings – 10%

  • Best practice documentation of TBOs, MFIs and Adashes – 20%

  • Final report and way forward for Sanitation Marketing and Financing in SHAWN program in Nigeria – 10%

Qualifications or specialized knowledge/experience Required

  • Advanced degree in business studies, marketing, economics, civil engineering, social sciences and or related discipline.

  • Demonstrated experience and expertise working in the area of financing, supply chain investments, water, sanitation and hygiene issues with multi country experience.

  • Experience in developing and implementing sanitation marketing

  • Experience of conducting qualitative and quantitative studies in development financing.

  • Specific work experience of working in sanitation financing and marketing areas and working with rural financial institutions – microfinance institutions, sanitation entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurship and community managed financial systems

  • Seven (7) years progressive professional development sector experience in financing, social entrepreneurship (livelihoods) and working with sector institutions at both large scale and small scale

  • Experience working across multiple sectors related to the design and implementation of development and social protection policies as well as in conditional cash transfer programs.


  • Experience in conducting studies on marketing and financing approaches and result-based management would be an added advantage.

  • Experience in leading/working with a technical team in similar assignments and capturing their suggested recommendations.

  • Experience in financing approaches and result based management would be an added advantage.

  • Proven and excellent analytical skills, writing ability, and written and oral communications skills in English)

  • Willingness to be a part of, and closely work with a government personnel/staff and institutions.

  • Willingness to travel to rural and semi-urban areas of the country.

  • Diplomacy and negotiating skills.

  • Demonstrated experience and expertise working in the area of financing, supply chain investments, water, sanitation and hygiene issues with multi country experience

  • Previous work experience with UNICEF and in Africa would be an added advantage.

Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply for this Position


Job Title: Wash Consultant (Disaster Risk Reduction And Resilience Support In European Union Supported Projects -NDSP and WSSSRP III), NOC
Job Number: 509904 | Vacancy Link
Location: Abuja
Work Type: Consultancy

  • The Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Reform Programme (WSSSRP) III and the Water Supply and Sanitation Components of the Niger Delta Support Programme (NDSP) are part of the overall efforts in the consolidation of the ongoing reforms in the WASH Sector.

  • These projects are implemented under the Joint Management Agreement between the European Union and UNICEF, within the framework of FGN-led reforms in the Water Supply and Sanitation Sector.

  • These projects cover 16 LGAs across 8 States, namely; Adamawa, Ekiti and Plateau (WSSSRP III), and, Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa, Delta, Edo and Rivers (NDSP) States of Nigeria.

  • WASH services are critical to communities and save lives in both routine and emergency situations. Natural hazards can compromise WASH infrastructures and service delivery and this interruption of WASH services can impact negatively on the number of affected people directly and even beyond the area of direct impact. Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) interventions are necessary to protect WASH investments and should therefore be integrated into a regular WASH development programming, rather than viewed as a separate or additional entity.

  • The sustainability of WASH service delivery has been challenged severally by the devastating flood across the country with a very gruesome effect in 2012, where some of the facilities were completely submerged in the flood.

  • Key lessons learnt include capacity building of community members to know how to bring back their WASH facilities to a functional level; building families and community resilience to be able to withstand the adverse effect of disaster.

  • Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Resilience associated with Climate Change has been incorporated in each project design. Activities to build competence for disaster management, in DRR and Resilience, have been incorporated in the 2 projects (NDSP and WSSSRP III). This involves; ensuring that there are sound institutions and structures at all levels with requisite capacity to ensure preparedness for any disaster; and delivering WASH response services in a sustainable and acceptable manner.

  • Within the implementation of these projects therefore, UNICEF seeks a technical support to reinforce capacities of RUWASSA and LGA WASH Departments on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Resilience to enable them prepare and sensitize communities on prevention and early recovery of damaged WASH facilities in the communities.

  • The Consultant will also develop/adapt a WASH training package on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) to build capacity of WSSSRP III and NDSP supported RUWASSA, LGAs and communities for early recovery of water supply and sanitation facilities after disasters.

Expected Deliverables

  • Detailed work plan for the implementation of the consultancy

  • Disaster Risk reduction and Resilience training tools reviewed and customized;

  • Reports of consultancy with the following results:

  • 9 states (RUWASSA and LGA staff) sensitized and trained on DRR and Resilience

  • Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Resilience action plan developed in each state with number of affected/vulnerable communities to be supported for DRR and Resilience.

  • A Report of training participants, action plans, and action items from RUWASSA developed during the trainings;

  • DRR experience documented and disseminated and National DRR Guidelines developed and validated as well as the training tools revised based on lessons learnt/ National work plan developed;

Qualifications or Specialized Knowledge/Experience Required

  • Advanced University Degree or equivalent experience in Environmental Public Health, Civil Engineering, Programme Communication, Mechanical Engineering, Geology, Hydrogeology, or Sanitation Engineering, or other related field.

  • Experience working with government agencies, local authorities, international organizations, NGOs and communities in the field of water, sanitation and participatory approaches in health and hygiene promotion.

  • A minimum of 5 years of experience overseas including at least 2 years in the WASH sector under a humanitarian context, mainly in the DRR and Resilience;

  • Good skills in training and supporting WASH partners and developing DRR Guidelines and plan

  • Fluency in English (verbal and written). A good written and spoken skill in the language of the humanitarian operation and knowledge of another UN language is an asset.

  • Capacity to provide short training/support to WASH partners

Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply for this Position


Job Title: National Education Consultant (Early Childhood Development (ECD))
Job Number: 510006
Location: Abuja
Work Type: Consultancy
Purpose of the Consultancy

  • The purpose of this consultancy is to provide technical support in the review, adaptation, development and translation of early stimulation and communication training materials; build capacity of LGA level health workers (11) and community volunteers (70) in early stimulation and communication using the Care for Child Development (CCD) package.

  • The CCD promotes physical, cognitive, social and emotional development of children in the early years, with focus on the first 1,000 days.

  • The consultancy will in addition, provide monitoring and mentoring support to LGA facilitators, health workers and community volunteers. Two national consultants will be hired to work as a team on the tasks outlined. They will work individually in some cases and as needed within the LGA and in close collaboration with field office Education Specialist.

  • These consultants will serve as the lead trainers and mentors for all communication and stimulation related trainings at the LGA level, with technical oversight, on-going mentoring and capacity building provided to same by the International ECD consultant.


  • Reviewed, adapted and finalized CCD training manual and trainees materials

  • Revised counselling cards with illustrations

  • Initial training and refresher training reports of health workers and community volunteers

  • Monitoring and mentoring (monthly touch base) reports.

When there are some overlaps in deliverables, the consultants will work jointly to finalize the deliverables with the best possible quality, in additional level of effort as per days allocated to each activity can be adjusted across activities, increased or reduced provided it does not exceed the number of days. Timelines may change depending on implementation realities of the INP plus project.

Qualifications or Specialized Knowledge/Experience Required

  • Masters degree in Early Childhood Care and Education, Education or any other social sciences.

  • At least 8 years of experience and demonstrated experience in providing Early Childhood Care and Development training at the community level and at the in-service and pre-service level

  • Experience in developing and implementing ECD interventions for disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, especially those in emergency contexts.

  • Deep familiarity and understanding of ECD context in Nigeria, especially in emergency contexts or and disadvantaged settings is added advantage.

  • Strong editing and translation (Hausa and English) skills

  • Experience in conducting programme monitoring and mentoring at the community level.

  • Excellent workshop facilitation and training skills, especially with teachers and government officials.

  • Excellent writing and reporting skills

  • Fluency in English and Hausa language

Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply for this Position


Application Deadline  22nd January, 2018.

Jobs in Nigeria

United Nations Children’s Fund New Opportunities [4 Positions]

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