Thursday, January 25, 2018

Professional CV Writing Services or Write Your Own CV?

Nobody needs reminding how tough it is out there for jobseekers right now. For each company or recruiter you send your CV to there can sometimes be hundreds of other candidates pitching for the same role. Professional CV writing services make jobseekers" lives much easier by writing an effective CV and tailoring it to the individual candidate.

But what if for whatever reason you"ve decided to go it alone and write your own CV? How do you make sure your CV stands out from the crowd and gets you one step closer to that all important interview?

How to improve your CV:

1. Review your CV right now and ask yourself if it"s the very best that it can be. Look for gaps in employment and areas that are not selling your skills and achievements as well as they could.

2. Expand in these areas and educate but do not overdo it – employers and recruiters do not want to read reams of pages on your entire life history. Keep it relevant and concise.

3. Check for spelling, grammatical mistakes and common CV clichés. No employer will be impressed with your work history if they"re distracted by poor spelling or lazy language.

4. Get a good CV site to review your CV for free, or ask a trusted (and highly knowledgeable) family member or friend. Take on any points and tips you can glean from this experience.

5. If by this stage you really do not think your CV is up to scratch or you do not have the time to write one to a competitive standard, get one of the professional CV writing services to do it for you. Do not submit a lackluster, substandard CV to one more employer simply because you did not have time to review your CV and make it shine.

The best professional CV writing services do not use the common adages and banal language found in popular CV templates – so if you do choose to write your own, do not let this creep into your CV. Instead review your strong points, your achievements and your capabilities and then highlight these in a professionally formatted document that is free from errors. Copy the professional CV writing services by introducing yourself in a way that will make recruiters sit up and take notice of your CV and potentially consider you as a valuable future asset to their company.

Selling your own skills and past achievements in a CV is hard to get right, but it is achievable to do on your own. And if you need help? Get a free CV review from one of the professional CV writing services. If nothing else, you"ll get valuable free tips and hints on writing and presenting your skills that will make your CV stand out in this incredibly competitive job market.

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Professional CV Writing Services or Write Your Own CV?

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