Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Top CV Writing Tips for Volunteering Jobs With NGOs

What should you include in your CV application for an NGO for a volunteering position?

Here are some quick tips to help you out.

1. Read the job description and tailor your CV to it

"Job seekers are quick to apply for all jobs with the same CV. If the position requires someone with an ability to work efficiently in a fast-paced environment, clearly indicate that on your CV," advises Melody Mwendwa, a Professional CV Writer and Career Advisor, at Corporate Staffing Services

2. Demonstrate evidence of interests in humanitarian work

Most NGOs work on the principles of achieving results, managing yourself in a pressured and changing environment, demonstrating leadership and understanding humanitarian contexts and principles.

For example Amnesty International requires individuals with a background through study, work or other experience in a relevant area, such as human rights, law and international relations. In your "Key Professional Skills and Competencies" section include "extensive knowledge in human rights and their relationship with national security".

3. Graduates with no work experience have a lot to include

You are just out of school so you probably have no work experience. Any volunteering activities done while in university, books you have read on topics relating to organization, trainings attended or even any internships done can be included.

This will go a long way in showing the employer that you are not interested in a position just for the money or benefits that come with it.

You can also focus on volunteer work and participation in community service projects.

4. Use of Action verbs to describe your experience

For example you may say "Maintained and updated logs on a number of human rights issues, and others" or "Monitored newspapers and other online media on a daily basis."

This draws the attention of the HR Manager and effectively demonstrates your major achievement in your past, skills and credentials. Avoid general phrases, such as "team player" or "aggressive".

5. Show your passion for NGO causes.

Did you know that NGOs require people who are passionate about a cause, and have actively participated in community based programs to be feeding the hungry or visiting the sick?

As much as it is important to lay emphasis on your skills, education and experience there is a need to prove that you are really passionate about their purpose.You may say "passionate supporter of Human Rights- launched a program to stop domestic violence" or " Strong commitment to the values ​​and principles of volunteerism-motivated the community to rehabilitate street children ".

Job seekers should participate in community based events that have a direct impact on their career. These may include cleaning up exercises and visiting a children"s home.

They provide an opportunity for you to express your achievements in your CV.

Jobs in Nigeria

Top CV Writing Tips for Volunteering Jobs With NGOs

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