Thursday, February 8, 2018

Resume Writing - Does Your Resume Measure Up?


Okay, you just spent a gazillion hours trying to write your resume and now you are ready to send it out to all those prospective employers and recruiters. Or are you? Maybe just a few more tweaks. Do I have too much information or maybe not enough? Is it all relevant?

The following resume writing tips may be useful to you in critiquing your resume:

Does the resume have FOCUS?

Focus meaning career direction. Will the reader know exactly what type of position you are looking for? Does the resume highlight your strengths based on the focus? Have you eliminated all unnecessary information?

How is the FORMAT?

Is the format visually appealing and easy to read? Is it free of errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar and syntax? Is there sufficient white space in the document? Is your resume in a modern format and electronically scannable?

What about the CONTENT?

Does the resume contain strongly written industry-specific language? How about quantitative achievements? Does it effectively communicate your professional worth? Will it sell your skills, abilities and potential to position you as the best candidate?

These are the questions you need to ask yourself. In addition, you also must consider the audience you are trying to target. Will your resume appeal to your audience?

So, before you start sending your resume out to everyone on the planet, use a critical eye in examining your resume to ensure it has the focus, format and content to make it a winner and secure the interview.

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Resume Writing - Does Your Resume Measure Up?

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