Sunday, July 19, 2015

Electrician"s CV - How to Write the Best Electrical Curriculum Vitae

To boost your chances of landing a job in the electrical industry you’ll need to be able to write the best Curriculum Vitae (CV) to showcase yourself, your qualifications and your achievements. You’ll find many CV templates and sample covering letters on the internet which you can use as a foundation or starting point but there are certain key points that you should include when writing your electrician’s CV.

You can begin by modifying the content of the sample covering letter and CV templates to suit your personal profile and then use the points below as a guide to help you cover all the other aspects you may want to include.

Covering Letter

A good covering letter is essential to introduce yourself to the employer and this is where you can really sell yourself. Give a brief description of why you want to join their company, your experience and your contact details.

Hopefully, after reading your covering letter the employer will be looking forward to seeing your CV!

Be Honest and Brief

Always tell the truth. Don’t exaggerate your qualifications and make sure you have proof in the form of certificates or documents. Keep your CV down to 2 sides of A4 and make it simple and uncomplicated.

Personal information

Don’t forget to include your name, telephone, and email contact details.


State your objectives, ambitions and hopes for working with this particular company. Even something as simple as wanting to work as part of a team alongside other professional electricians to gain experience and develop your knowledge. You could also state this in your covering letter.

Educational Qualifications

List any education or training qualifications you have including where and when you obtained them. If you don’t have any electrical qualifications you could mention that you have a working knowledge or practical experience and also that you are willing to undergo further training when necessary. A knowledge of the latest updates in the electrical industry is very important and you may be required to be ‘up to speed’.


Key skills relevant to the job you are applying for should be listed. A range of electrical skills are a real asset to an employer and show that you have experience. Also include any relevant past experience you have including IT, Computer, Team Working or Leading, and Problem Solving Skills. IT skills are gradually being included in the work of a modern electrician and could be required by employers.

Employment History

If you’ve already had a job or jobs, begin with the most recent and list them including the dates you were there, the name and address of the employer, your job title and a brief description of your duties.

Try to make the employment history relevant to the electrical industry. Electricians can cover a wide range of electrical jobs and you’ll need to let an employer know your full capabilities in your CV.


Don’t simply list your hobbies and interests, but briefly cover areas where you have shown initiative and especially those that show skills relevant to work as an electrician. You may take your home computer or IT skills for granted but they are worth mentioning. Also include any voluntary work you may have done if you think it may be relevant.


It’s a good idea to keep your references on file incase you need them for a CV or job application in the future. References could be from your teachers, college tutors or any previous employers.


Job interviews can be quite daunting but a little preparation can go a long way. Learning good interview techniques will give you an advantage and when you are properly prepared you will feel more relaxed so you can give your interviewer want they want.

Electrician"s CV - How to Write the Best Electrical Curriculum Vitae

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