Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Apply For World Bank Group Recruitment Drive for African Nationals II

The World Bank Group is launching a recruitment drive aimed at increasing the number of Sub Saharan Africans in its work force. This

commitment to hire Sub Saharan Africans reflects the Bank Group’s senior leadership commitment for a diverse workforce in which African nationals can play a key role in fighting poverty and increasing shared prosperity. Employment opportunities will be in various technical areas and professional streams for talented and diverse young professionals and mid-career level professionals to contribute and grow their skills in a career in international development.

A career with the World Bank Group offers a unique opportunity for exceptionally talented individuals with a passion for international development to contribute to solving some of the world’s most pressing problems. Bank staff work with governments, civil society groups, the private sector, and others in developing countries around the world, assisting people in all areas of development, from policy and strategic advice to the identification, preparation, appraisal, and supervision of development projects.

Below are the areas that we are currently recruiting for.

Specialists – Macroeconomics and Fiscal Management


The Macroeconomics and Fiscal Management Global Practice is the home of the World Bank Group’s family of country economists and macroeconomic experts, providing integrative development strategies, policy-based lending, macro data, global perspectives, real-time policy analysis, country risk assessments, and innovative projection tools. This practice delivers solutions based on global best practices, transformational financing, and cutting-edge knowledge and analytical tools.

Selection Criteria

  • Demonstrated experience in positions of increasing complexity and responsibility in the agenda relevant to the following thematic areas: macroeconomics, fiscal policy, growth, economic management in resource rich environments and statistics.
    • Senior Specialist/Economists – at least 8 years + advanced degree

    • Specialist/Economists – at least 5 years + advanced degree

  • Advanced Degree (Masters or PhD) in a relevant field; ideally economics, statistics, policy or related discipline.

  • Deep technical knowledge and experience in one or more of the following areas: macroeconomics, macroeconomic forecasting, growth analytics, growth strategy development, fiscal analysis and management, subnational fiscal frameworks, distributional impact of fiscal policies, debt management and contingent liabilities, government finance and quality of government expenditures, greening growth, management of natural resource rents, macroeconomic impact of ageing.

If you are interested in this area, please click the position(s) below to submit your application. To apply, click the relevant link. You will be prompted to log in to the Member Center or create a new account. Please fill in all fields, answer the screening questions if any, attach your resume or CV, and submit your Statement of Interest (no more than 700 words).
– Senior Specialist/Economists
– Specialist/Economists

Specialists – Transport and ICT


Transport and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Global Practice enables economic and social development, food security, and access to jobs and health and education services. Transport is also at the heart of the climate change solution, as it is one of the largest energy users and emitters of greenhouse gases. The Transport and ICT Global Practice provides clients with infrastructure and policies for improving connectivity and competitiveness, linking people to markets and social services, increasing climate resilience, and reducing the carbon footprint.

Selection Criteria

  • Demonstrated experience in positions of increasing complexity and responsibility in the Transport and ICT agenda:
    • Senior Specialist – at least 8 years + advanced degree

    • Specialist – at least 5 years + advanced degree

  • Advanced Degree (Masters or PhD) in a relevant field; engineering, information systems or technology, ICT, economics, transport planning, public policy, economics or a related discipline.

  • Deep experience with policies, strategies, institutions, and regulations. Exposure to Transport & ICT Engineering and Technologies. Expertise in one or more of the following areas: 
    • Urban transport planning, traffic management, public transport development

    • Management of transport infrastructure projects with multiple stakeholders including government transport authorities, contractors, consultants and development institutions

    • Civil works contract management and execution

    • Procurement of, or bidding for, large civil works contracts

    • Policy, institutional and financing outlooks

    • Transport infrastructure maintenance issues

    • Planning and programming of capital and maintenance works

    • ICT competition policy, industrial organization, infrastructure regulation, telecommunication sector reform

    • Economics of ICT and telecommunications

If you are interested in this area, please click the position(s) below to submit your application. To apply, click the relevant link. You will be prompted to log in to the Member Center or create a new account. Please fill in all fields, answer the screening questions if any, attach your resume or CV, and submit your Statement of Interest (no more than 700 words).

Specialists – Poverty


The Poverty Global Practice delivers advice and knowledge on policies and multi-sectoral solutions, policy monitoring and evaluation, capacity building, innovative data collection and measurement systems, and global leadership on poverty and shared prosperity.
Selection Criteria

  • Demonstrated experience in Applied Development Micro-economist
    • Senior Economists – at least 8 years + advanced degree

    • Economists – at least 5 years + advanced degree

  • Advanced Degree (Masters or PhD); ideally economics or related discipline.

  • Expertise in household surveys and poverty measurement, and broad experience in using household and other “micro” data to inform the design and implementation of policies and programs.

  • General Economic Knowledge and Analytical Skills—Possesses a demonstrated track record of working with economic and sectoral data and analytical tools and models to conduct economic analyses and produce user-friendly written outputs; understands underlying statistical concepts.

  • Technical and Quantitative Skills—Experience in micro-econometrics and statistical modeling: designing, implementing household surveys & performing complex econometric analysis. Able to lead/participate in projects related to poverty and inequality reduction, poverty and welfare measurement, national development strategies, monitoring, information and evaluation systems, impact evaluation, and related areas.

If you are interested in this area, please click the position(s) below to submit your application. To apply, click the relevant link. You will be prompted to log in to the Member Center or create a new account. Please fill in all fields, answer the screening questions if any, attach your resume or CV, and submit your Statement of Interest (no more than 700 words).
– Senior Economists
– Economists

Specialists – Health, Nutrition and Population


The central contribution of the HNP Global Practice to the World Bank’s twin goals is to enable the achievement of Universal Health Coverage (UHC), in which all people are effectively covered by essential health services, and nobody suffers undue financial hardship as a result of illnesses. In the quest for UHC, the HNP Global Practice is building on progress made in the framework of the Millennium Development Goals, an array of analytical and advisory services, strategic partnerships with partner institutions and other financing agencies, and an active lending portfolio. The HNP Global Practice includes staff members in Washington, D.C. and many country offices.
The HNP Global Practice is led by a Senior Director, who has overall responsibility for the GP. The Senior Director is assisted by the Director, who serves as the Chief Operating Officer of the Practice. The HNP Global Practice Leadership Team, which is the group that leads and manages the HNP GP, consists of the Senior Director, the Director, eight HNP Practice Managers and six Global Leads for technical domains of the Global Practice. The HNP Global Practice works with and across multiple sectors, in recognition of the fact that HNP outcomes often depend on actions that lie outside the HNP sector. Accordingly, a capacity to work across GP boundaries, forge coalitions and influence multi-practice solutions is essential for achieving the major objectives of improving HNP outcomes.
The Senior Health Economist / Health Economist will have the following main responsibilities:
  • Support and ensure the technical rigor of complex sectoral (or multi-sectoral) analytical and advisory services.

  • Earn credibility with clients on the basis of intellectual rigor, a capacity to apply principles to specific challenges with tact, and willingness to learn and adapt in each context.

  • Initiate and lead high-impact publications, including just-in-time briefs and reports to meet client demand, and new ideas to stimulate new ways of meeting long-standing challenges in HNP in Africa.

  • Lead sectoral or multi-sectoral teams in business development, program formulation, preparation and supervision of lending operations.

  • Initiate innovations in HNP services and products, and lead teams that incubate new services and products.

  • Cultivate and maintain effective relationships with country officials, partner agencies and multi-partner fora

  • Develop and improve effective relationships with Country Management Units, technical specialists within and outside the Human Development Global Practice Group.

  • Contribute to knowledge generation and sharing across countries and across units.

Selection Criteria

  • Demonstrated experience in positions of increasing complexity and responsibility in Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH) and global health systems.
    • Senior Specialist/Economists – at least 8 years + advanced degree

    • Specialist/Economists – at least 5 years + advanced degree

  • Advanced Degree (Masters or PhD) in a relevant field; ideally public health, epidemiology, health economics, health financing, or health management, health services administration, epidemiology, demography, sociology, business administration, etc.

The successful candidate is expected to demonstrate the following:

  • Track record of technical excellence and operational leadership in health economics, financing, health services. A record of peer reviewed publications is an advantage.

  • Demonstrated ability to lead and function within and across teams in operational and analytical work.

  • Track record of influencing policies, brokering informed consensus, and managing complex bargains among institutions or stakeholders with divergent interests.

  • Prior experience in the at least one of the regions (in which the World Bank Group operates) is advantageous but not essential.

  • Prior experience in an international development institution (public, NGO, or private) is preferred.

  • Strong interpersonal and diplomatic skills.

  • Ability to inspire, coach and mentor less experienced colleagues.

  • Strong writing skills in English.

  • Fluency in spoken English is essential. Strong working knowledge of French or Portuguese is advantageous.

In addition to the above, the successful candidate is expected to demonstrate the following competencies:

  • Knowledge and Experience in Development Arena—Translates technical and cross-country knowledge into practical applications and contributions to country and sector strategies; interacts with clients at the policy level.

  • Policy Dialogue Skills—Anticipates needs and requests in the field and conducts independent policy discussions with representatives of the government and non-government partners.

  • Integrative Skills—Understands relevant cross-sectoral areas how they are interrelated; able to undertake cross-sectoral work in lending and non-lending operations.

  • Health, Nutrition and Population Knowledge and Experience—Possesses strong expertise in: Health systems, public health, nutrition and/or population. Has experience assisting clients, in partnership with other stakeholders, in developing flexible and creative approaches to HNP reform and implementation.

  • Client Orientation—Maintains client relationships in the face of conflicting demands or directions and provides evidence-based advice and solutions based on sound diagnosis and knowledge.

  • Drive for Results—Identifies the needed resources to accomplish results involving multiple stakeholders and finds solutions to obstacles affecting key deliverables.

  • Teamwork (Collaboration) and Inclusion—Shows leadership in ensuring the team stays organized and focused, and actively seeks and considers diverse ideas and approaches.

  • Knowledge, Learning and Communication—Leads in the sharing of best practice, trends, knowledge and lessons learned across units and with clients and partners, articulating ideas verbally and in writing in a clear and compelling way across audiences of varied levels.

  • Business Judgment and Analytical Decision Making—Gathers inputs, assesses risk, considers impact and articulates benefits of decisions for internal and external stakeholders over the long term.

If you are interested in this area, please click the position(s) below to submit your application. To apply, click the relevant link. You will be prompted to log in to the Member Center or create a new account. Please fill in all fields, answer the screening questions if any, attach your resume or CV, and submit your Statement of Interest (no more than 700 words).
– Senior Specialist/Economists
– Specialist/Economists

Specialists – Governance


The Governance Global Practice brings together professionals in procurement, financial management, taxation, public management, regulatory policy, open and accountable government, citizen engagement, digital governance, law and development, anticorruption, and social accountability to develop innovative, integrated solutions to pernicious institutional problems.
Selection Criteria

  • Demonstrated experience in positions of increasing complexity and responsibility in public sector management and governance
    • Senior Specialist – at least 8 years + advanced degree

    • Specialist – at least 5 years + advanced degree

  • Advanced Degree (Masters or PhD) in a relevant field; ideally procurement, public administration, political science, economics, law or related discipline.

  • Deep understanding and familiarity with the broader governance and public sector agenda. Expertise in at least one of the following areas: 
    • Reform of administrative system and related institutional development.

    • Public sector performance, monitoring & evaluation, oversight.

    • Local government development and decentralization.

    • Public expenditure and investment management.

    • Corporate governance of State-owned Enterprises.

    • Fiscal transparency and open government (including citizen engagements and parliamentary oversight).

    • Regulatory governance modalities, reforms and tools.

    • Rule of Law and justice administration.

  • Good knowledge of ‘best practices’, trends, and emerging lessons in economic policy, public sector/economic governance reforms, and experience in developing ‘best fit’ solutions adapting knowledge to client needs and local context.

If you are interested in this area, please click the position(s) below to submit your application. To apply, click the relevant link. You will be prompted to log in to the Member Center or create a new account. Please fill in all fields, answer the screening questions if any, attach your resume or CV, and submit your Statement of Interest (no more than 700 words).
 Senior Specialist
– Specialist

Specialists – Trade and Competitiveness


With 90 percent of jobs created by the private sector, new solutions to support firm growth, higher productivity, innovation, and competitiveness are critical. The practice partners with governments, the private sector, donor agencies, and civil society to improve the business and trade environment, promote competitiveness across key industries, and encourage productive and responsible investments.
Economist. The specific roles and responsibilities are:
  • conducting and delivering technical assistance and analytical work one of the core areas of the T&C agenda (Trade, Investment Climate, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Competitive Sectors).

  • carrying out responsibilities for a variety of operational tasks, for example, technical analyses, design of technical assistance interventions, participation in loan negotiations.

  • participating in developing and implementing sector strategy and assists in country-specific policy work.

  • participating in missions in area of specialization; providing technical inputs and guidance to counterparts on one of the core areas of the T&C agenda; preparing terms of reference for project- or sector-related work.

  • developing knowledge pieces, as well as indicators and statistics on the relevant topics.

  • contributing to the development of collaborative partnerships with external and internal partners and contributing to a coherent strategy across teams for the benefit of the client country.

  • contributing to the development of monitoring and evaluation of relevant indicators for as well as analyze the impact of policy interventions.

  • working independently, seeking guidance on complex projects/issues from senior specialists.

Senior Private Sector Specialist. The specific roles and responsibilities are:

  • providing intellectual leadership on topics of at one of the core areas of the T&C agenda (Trade, Investment Climate, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Competitive Sectors).

  • leading the policy dialogue with senior government officials on complex economic issues concerning the T&C areas of expertise.

  • overseeing the design and delivery of the T&C program in selected countries in terms of both policy and programmatic interactions with internal (the CMU, in particular the Program Leaders overseeing the T&C programs, and other practices within the country team) and external country-level partner.

  • engaging with task teams from other practices working in the respective countries to support the operationalization of the WBG’s twin goals by identifying opportunities to enhance the private sector development impact of specific operations through more granular analyses using micro data.

  • mentoring and guiding junior members of the teams working on various T&C programs.

  • working actively on knowledge generation and dissemination of relevant good practices and lessons learned across countries.

  • providing quality control of projects, recruiting and supervise consultants and managing program implementation, monitoring the budget and spent on each program, and reporting on progress, activities, outputs and outcomes.

  • contributing to country and sector strategy; and making recommendations on strategies and policy options for member countries.

Selection Criteria

  • Demonstrated extensive relevant professional experience on trade and competitiveness issues, at the analytical, policy level, as well as on operational projects:
    • Senior Private Sector Specialist – at least 8 years + advanced degree

    • Economist – at least 5 years + advanced degree

  • Advanced Degree (Masters or PhD) in a relevant field; ideally economics, business administration, trade, industrial organization, or a related discipline, and with a focus on competitiveness or private sector development.

  • Expertise in one or more of the following areas in the public or private sector (government, international organization, private company, non-government organization): trade, investment climate, competitive industries, innovation and entrepreneurship, competitiveness diagnostics, value chain analysis, diversification, etc.

  • Good command of microeconomics, industrial organization, or related fields is strongly preferred, as are econometric skills. International experience is an advantage.

If you are interested in this area, please click the position(s) below to submit your application. To apply, click the relevant link. You will be prompted to log in to the Member Center or create a new account. Please fill in all fields, answer the screening questions if any, attach your resume or CV, and submit your Statement of Interest (no more than 700 words).
– Senior Private Sector Specialist
– Economist

Specialists – Education


Education is a powerful driver of development and one of the strongest instruments for reducing poverty, raising incomes, promoting economic growth and shared prosperity, and improving health, gender equality, peace, and stability. The mandate of the Education Global Practice is building effective educational systems, creating and deploying global knowledge, and developing the capacity to deliver results, including through strategic partnerships.
Selection Criteria

  • Demonstrated experience in positions of increasing complexity and responsibility within education sector management in government and/or international organizations.
    • Senior Specialist/Senior Economist – at least 8 years of experience + advanced degree

    • Specialist/Economist – at least 5 years of experience + advanced degree

  • Advanced Degree (Masters or PhD) in a relevant field; ideally education, economics, statistics, public policy or related social science fields; and relevant experience in an area relevant to human development work, such as education, public policy or related social science fields for Education Specialist/Economist job groups.

In addition, we are looking for a combination of the following technical and soft skills for both job groups:

  • Excellent microeconomic skills and/ or experience with public expenditure analyses and demonstrated ability to use relevant analytical methods for policy analysis and Economic and Sector Work in developing countries

  • Demonstrated combination of analytical rigor and pragmatism in designing solutions relevant to the country context.

  • Experience of conducting policy dialogue with government officials at a senior level including experience in designing and implementing education sector reforms.

  • Experience in analyzing policy options and recommending practical policy options based on evidence; and; conceptualizing and implementing monitoring and evaluation of public programs.

  • Ability to convey complex technical ideas to a non-specialist audience through short briefs, power point presentations, etc.

  • Strong client orientation and excellent interpersonal skills. Proven ability to work effectively and collaboratively across within and across sector boundaries, inspire commitment to excellence and teamwork, and to liaise tactfully as a member of a multicultural team.

  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, demonstrated ability to work cooperatively with both Bank staff and client country counterparts, and ability to liaise tactfully as a member of a multicultural team.

  • Language proficiency – English is essential for all positions, and French speaking candidates for Burkina, DRC, Republic of Congo, Cote d’Ivoire. Knowledge of Portuguese/ Spanish would be a plus to work on Portuguese speaking countries.

If you are interested in this area, please click the position(s) below to submit your application. To apply, click the relevant link. You will be prompted to log in to the Member Center or create a new account. Please fill in all fields, answer the screening questions if any, attach your resume or CV, and submit your Statement of Interest (no more than 700 words).
– Senior Specialist/Senior Economist
– Specialist/Economist

Specialists – Finance and Markets


The Finance & Markets Global Practice aims to help countries build deep, diversified, inclusive, efficient, and stable financial systems which are essential to promoting economic growth and reducing poverty and increasing shared prosperity. The practice is committed to delivering public and private sector tailored solutions to development challenges by leveraging the whole range of the Bank Group’s financial, knowledge/advisory and convening services for clients. In doing so, the practice not only partners with the broader World Bank finance team (IFC, WB, MIGA, and WB/IFC Treasuries) but also acts as an enabler for all of the other GPs and Cross-Cutting Groups.
As a joint World Bank-IFC practice, the Finance & Markets Practice brings together the World Bank’s knowledge, finance (loans, credits, guarantees, risk management products), and convening services, and IFC advisory at the industry and public sector level into a single suite of development solutions for our clients and the global community to support reaching the twin goals of eliminating extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity.
Today, this suite of financial solutions is in excess of $10 billion in current and pipeline engagement commitments. We also have an ongoing portfolio of about 400 knowledge activities (with costs up to $73 million) and 98 IFC advisory services (valued at $136 million).
Led by a Senior Director and two Directors, the practice is managed by a cadre of 14 Practice Managers who oversee its regional teams and global solutions groups, global leads who help in setting the direction of the Practice, and CGAP, which has a dedicated Director. Thematically, the practice is organized into three global solutions groups. The first groups activities aimed at Strengthening the foundations of stable financial systems and markets by supporting global financial sector oversight frameworks and policies; strengthening banking regulation and restructuring regimes; improving financial sector integrity efforts and deepening capital markets, insurance, pensions and investment funds; the second Improving financial infrastructure and access through its work on credit infrastructures; payment and market infrastructures; responsible financial access: and SME finance, and the third on partnering with other practices on frontier development finance initiatives such as climate change finance, disaster risk finance and insurance, infrastructure finance, agriculture finance and housing finance.
The Capital Markets, Pension, Insurance, and Investment Funds Global solutions team leads WBG advisory operations to provide sustainable, long term finance for strategic sectors (for example, infrastructure, housing, SMEs) through development of local securities markets, mainly for bonds, institutional investors, and funds, and stronger safety nets through improved access to quality pension and insurance products and services. The team interacts closely with other practices, cross-cutting thematic groups, and WB and IFC Treasury and investment departments to create integrated advisory and financing programs that better support clients in addressing large-scale development needs. It represents the WBG on standard-setting bodies, including the International Organization of Securities Commissions, International Association of Insurance Supervisors, and International Organization of Pension Supervisors. The work agenda also includes building government bond markets for better fiscal/ macro management and financial stability and sovereign wealth funds.
The Financial Market Integrity Global Solutions Team leads the World Bank activities on anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism, asset recovery, tackling financial crime and improving corporate governance. It plays a critical and leadership role in the growing activities of the World Bank Group on Illicit Financial Flows. The GST leads WBG engagement with the relevant international standard setters (UN, FATF, OECD) and designs and delivers advisory services and knowledge development on these issues. It ensures the most effective articulation between Global and Country engagements on these subject matters. The GST is also an active participant to the World Bank Group activities on broader financial sector issues, the promotion of good governance and the fight against corruption.
The Financial Sector Specialist will be responsible for setting and leading the policy dialogue on behalf of the WBG-related to the capital markets, pensions, insurance, and investment funds area. The high-level ToR is to:
  • Support the F&M GP Leadership in setting the strategic direction and policy in their particular solutions area

  • Advise on mobilization of talent across the WBG for their relevant thematic area

  • Carry-out quality enhancement reviews on behalf of the F&M GP to ensure for a consistent policy approach, notably across country activities.

  • Represent internally and externally the F&M GP and global solutions group on their topic area, engage with clients and help develop business on behalf of the GP.

  • Support the development of cutting edge knowledge in their topic area.

Selection Criteria
Minimum Education/Experience:
Master’s degree in a relevant discipline (for example, finance, economics, public policy) or equivalent combination of education and experience:

  • Lead Financial Sector Specialist – at least 12 years + advanced degree (Masters or PhD)

  • Senior Specialist – at least 8 years + advanced degree (Masters or PhD)

  • Specialist – at least 5 years + advanced degree (Masters or PhD)

Preferred Experience for Lead and Senior Specialists roles:

  • Recognized internally and externally as an authority/leader in the field of capital markets, pensions, insurance, and investment funds or a large portion of this area

  • Demonstrated track record to work across institutional boundaries

  • Able to lead and inspire around a common vision, and strong mentoring skills

  • Excellent client skills and track record in delivering successful financial and advisory solutions

  • Strong leadership in creating world class knowledge collateral and leading communities of practice

If you are interested in this area, please click the position(s) below to submit your application. To apply, click the relevant link. You will be prompted to log in to the Member Center or create a new account. Please fill in all fields, answer the screening questions if any, attach your resume or CV, and submit your Statement of Interest (no more than 700 words).
 Lead Financial Sector Specialist – Capital Markets, Pension
– Lead Financial Sector Specialist/Global Lead – Financial Market
– Senior Specialist
– Specialist

Specialists – Social Protection


Delivers operational approaches and evidence-based solutions to help individuals and families manage risk, cope with chronic and transitional poverty, and access better livelihoods and jobs.
Selection Criteria

  • Demonstrated experience in positions of increasing complexity and responsibility within public sector, international finance institutions, government and/or civil society:
    • Senior Specialist – at least 8 years + advanced degree

    • Specialist – at least 5 years + advanced degree

  • Advanced Degree (Masters or PhD) in a relevant field; ideally Economics, Development, Public Policy, Social Sciences, or a related discipline.

  • Demonstrated knowledge and track record on employment, social protection, education and skills in the context of social inclusion

  • Close familiarity with the policy and institutional environment on employment, skills and social protection. Extensive policy and operational experience and a proven track record in research, advocacy and advisory work is highly desirable.

If you are interested in this area, please click the position(s) below to submit your application. To apply, click the relevant link. You will be prompted to log in to the Member Center or create a new account. Please fill in all fields, answer the screening questions if any, attach your resume or CV, and submit your Statement of Interest (no more than 700 words).
– Senior Specialist
– Specialist

Specialists – Agriculture


Because many of the poor living in rural areas rely on farming, ending extreme poverty cannot be achieved without more and better investment in agriculture, food security, and nutrition. The World Bank Group is the largest provider of development finance for agriculture in the world.

Selection Criteria

  • Demonstrated experience in positions of increasing complexity and responsibility in the rural/agriculture sector, within government and/or international organizations. 
    • Senior Specialist/Economist – at least 8 years of experience + advanced degree

    • Specialist/Economist – at least 5 years of experience + advanced degree

  • Advanced Degree (Masters or PhD) in relevant field; ideally agricultural economics, agriculture policy, agricultural science/engineering, rural development, policy/economics, or a closely related discipline.

  • Track record of leading analytical work and operations in the rural/agricultural sector. Deep technical knowledge and experience in one or more of the following areas: agriculture economics, agriculture policy, agriculture technology, rural livelihoods, landscape management, and deep understanding familiarity with the political challenges of stakeholder engagement and management, and issues faced by smallholders participating in modern value chains.

  • Extensive experience with both country level project and analytical work, as well as with the agenda relevant to agriculture, including the climate change agenda. Adept at interacting with institutions involved in agriculture and rural development.

If you are interested in this area, please click the position(s) below to submit your application. To apply, click the relevant link. You will be prompted to log in to the Member Center or create a new account. Please fill in all fields, answer the screening questions if any, attach your resume or CV, and submit your Statement of Interest (no more than 700 words).

Specialists – Environment


The Environment and Natural Resources Global Practice has three broad functions: providing clients the lending and other services needed to support sustainable natural resources management, pollution management, climate change action, and policy reforms; working to mainstream environmental considerations into their policies, strategies, and operations; and providing technical input to other sectors to implement the Bank Group’s environmental policies and ensure that development interventions do no harm.
Selection Criteria

  • Demonstrated experience in positions of increasing complexity and responsibility within environmental management in government and/or international organizations.
    • Senior Specialist – at least 8 years + advanced degree

    • Specialist – at least 5 years + advanced degree

  • Advanced Degree (Masters or PhD) in relevant field; ideally environmental science, forestry, environmental economics, environmental policy, engineering or other environmental/social discipline.

  • Proven track record and expertise in environmental and social aspects of development projects with the private and public sectors. Candidates should possess formal technical merit, and extensive development experience in one or more of the following areas:
    • Environmental risk management

    • Forests, watersheds and sustainable landscapes

    • Fisheries and coastal resources

    • Pollution management and environmental health

    • Policies, institutions and environmental economics

    • Agriculture, climate change

    • Environmental and social assessments and audits, compliance assessments

    • Air and water quality management

    • Pollution control and prevention technology;

  • Broad multi-regional experience and international exposure preferred.

If you are interested in this area, please click the position(s) below to submit your application. To apply, click the relevant link. You will be prompted to log in to the Member Center or create a new account. Please fill in all fields, answer the screening questions if any, attach your resume or CV, and submit your Statement of Interest (no more than 700 words).
– Senior Specialist
– Specialist

Specialists – Energy and Extractives


Providing reliable electricity to the unserved and inadequately served people of the world is central to efforts to eradicate extreme poverty and create a shared prosperity. The Energy and Extractive Industries Global Practice delivers comprehensive energy and extractive industry solutions through environmentally and socially sustainable approaches. It also houses financial solution experts specialized in guarantee structuring and execution, project finance, and market capital mobilization.
Selection Criteria

  • Demonstrated experience in positions of increasing complexity and responsibility within energy/extractives management in government and/or international organizations.

    • Senior Specialist – at least 8 years of experience + advanced degree

    • Specialist – at least 5 years of experience + advanced degree

  • Advanced Degree (Masters or PhD) in relevant field; ideally engineering, energy planning, economics, business administration/finance, public policy/administration or related discipline. Specializations relevant to the energy sector (e.g. renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy access, or energy markets and institutions) are a bonus.

  • Track record of dealing with energy sector strategic and policy issues, regulation, as well as operational and analytic work. Familiarity with energy policies, strategies, institutions, and regulations. Preferred areas of experience include energy (specifically oil and gas, gas to power, upstream gas, hydropower, utility corporate finance), and extractive industries. Others include: 
    • Power sector development, policy and financing, supply chain and market structure.

    • Power generation, transmission, distribution, energy sector reforms; and tariff calculation and reforms.

    • Infrastructure financing and investment with private sector or market-oriented financial institutions

    • Sector reform and modernization, energy efficiency investments and program design

    • Renewable energy, energy efficiency, low carbon strategies, and broader climate change mitigation issues.

    • Energy access including rural electrification. Clean cooking and heating solutions. Familiarity of business models for promoting energy access through mini- and off-grid systems.

    • Energy Sector Technologies—hydrocarbon, hydropower, power generation, transmission and distribution, renewables, energy efficiency, low carbon strategies, etc.

  • Experience and/or substantive exposure with recent developments in the energy sector such as utility reform, regulatory reform and public-private partnerships.

If you are interested in this area, please click the position(s) below to submit your application. To apply, click the relevant link. You will be prompted to log in to the Member Center or create a new account. Please fill in all fields, answer the screening questions if any, attach your resume or CV, and submit your Statement of Interest (no more than 700 words).
– Senior Specialist
– Specialist

Specialists – Social Urban, Rural, and Resilience


The Social, Urban, Rural, and Resilience Global Practice works to help clients build inclusive, resilient, and sustainable cities, villages and communities, with strong linkages to the World Bank Group’s twin goals: ending extreme poverty, and boosting shared prosperity.

The SURR GP covers a wide gamut: (i) developing green, inclusive, and resilient cities; (ii) addressing the social inclusion of the poor, vulnerable, and excluded groups through accountable institutions, and ensuring compliance with social safeguards; (iii) enhancing urban and rural development through supporting and managing the urban-rural transition, assisting local development through developing land tenure, management, and information systems; and (iv) assisting in disaster risk management through issues of risk assessment, risk reduction (including flood management, urban drainage, coastal management, and retrofitting of infrastructure), disaster preparedness (including hydromet services, early warning systems, and civil defense), risk financing, and resilient reconstruction (including post-disaster damage and loss assessment). A key responsibility of the GP is to provide professional expertise and operational support to other GPs to implement the World Bank Group social policies to deliver sustainable development results that ensure that any adverse impacts of Bank Group interventions are limited and mitigated.

If you are interested in this area, please click the position(s) below to submit your application. To apply, click the relevant link. You will be prompted to log in to the Member Center or create a new account. Please fill in all fields, answer the screening questions if any, attach your resume or CV, and submit your Statement of Interest (no more than 700 words)

Disaster Risk Management (DRM): GG Senior DRM Specialists – Professionals with solid masters degrees (urban planning, engineering, environmental sciences, preferably with DRM specialization) and at least 8 years of relevant professional experience in developing and implementing disaster prevention, response, and reconstruction systems at the city, regional level, or country level, preferably in developing countries.

Urban: GF Urban Development Specialists – Professionals with solid masters degrees (urban or regional planning, urban or regional economics, preferably with housing specialization) and at least 5 years of relevant professional experience in: (a) slum upgrading; and (b) housing policy, financing, and investment solutions for the poor. Professionals with excellent trajectory of performance and achievement in IFIs, metropolitan governments, or national agencies would be good candidates.

Land: GG Senior Land Administration Specialists – Professionals with solid masters degrees (land administration, rural/urban or territorial development, land economics, land law, land surveying or information technology) and at least 8 years of proven leading expertise in relevant land tenure, land administration and land management theme, in developing countries and/or countries in transition experience in developing and implementing disaster prevention, response, and reconstruction systems at the city, regional level, or country level, preferably in developing countries.

GF Land Administration Specialists – Professionals with solid masters degrees (land administration, rural/urban or territorial development, land economics, land law, land surveying or information technology) and at least 5 years of working experience in developing countries and/or countries in transition and proven track record in team work in dynamic contexts and with developing project cycles.

Social Development:

GF-GG Social Development Specialists (focus on Social Safeguards Policies) – Professionals with solid masters degrees (social sciences) and extensive knowledge and at least 5 (for GF) or 8 (for GG) years of proven experience in addressing issues covered by social safeguards policies (involuntary resettlement, indigenous peoples) in complex and challenging settings, including the ability to provide high quality advice by taking principled and balanced positions and presenting them effectively to decision makers at all levels of public administration and actors at the community level, task team members or management, preferably in developing countries.

GF-GG Social Development Specialists (focus on Social Inclusion) – Professionals with solid masters degrees (Social Sciences) and at least 5 (for GF) or 8 (for GG) years of proven experience in complex social development issues, including the ability to provide high quality advice by taking principled and balanced positions on social development issues and presenting them effectively to decision makers at all levels of public administration and actors at the community level, task team members or management, preferably in developing countries

GF-GG Social Development Specialists (focus on Conflict & Fragility) – Professionals with solid masters degrees (Social Sciences) and at least 5 (for GF) or 8 (for GG) years of proven experience in complex social development issues, including the ability to provide high quality advice by taking principled and balanced positions on social development issues and presenting them effectively to decision makers at all levels of public administration and actors at the community level, task team members or management, preferably in developing countries

Specialists – Water


The Water Global Practice works to ensure that water is a reliable foundation for poverty reduction and broad prosperity through the delivery of public water “goods” coupled with private initiatives that add value to water services throughout the water cycle.
Selection Criteria

  • Demonstrated experience in positions of increasing complexity and responsibility in water supply and sanitation. Experience may include work in governments, academia, private companies, consultant firms, and multilateral institutions
    • Senior Specialist – at least 8 years + advanced degree

    • Specialist – at least 5 years + advanced degree

  • Advanced Degree (Masters or PhD) in a relevant field; ideally water resource management, hydrology, irrigation, economics, engineering, or a related discipline.

  • Sound knowledge of policy, technical, institutional and political economy issues in the water supply and sanitation sub-sector, and a good knowledge of issues facing the broader water sector. In depth understanding of water and sanitation sector policies, strategies, institutions, and regulations relevant to operational or analytical work.

  • Expertise in one or more water resource management subtopics such as: remote sensing technologies and their application in water resources, exposure and vulnerability to floods and droughts, hydrological modeling, etc.

  • A track record working on trans-boundary water management issues, including on infrastructure related projects, is a bonus.

If you are interested in this area, please click the position(s) below to submit your application. To apply, click the relevant link. You will be prompted to log in to the Member Center or create a new account. Please fill in all fields, answer the screening questions if any, attach your resume or CV, and submit your Statement of Interest (no more than 700 words).
– Senior Specialist
– Specialist

Method of Application

Interested and suitably qualified candidates should click here to apply online.

Apply For World Bank Group Recruitment Drive for African Nationals II

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