Monday, August 24, 2015

Enhance Your Credibility With a Great Curriculum Vitae

Submitting a poorly constructed cover letter will cause you a lot of damage. Your resume will not only be ignored but also possible job interview will be out of reach. As a job hunter, you might need a cover letter, Curriculum Vitae (CV) or resume, and information. The CV functions the same way as a resume. However, they are more preferable for advanced degree holders in academic and research fields.

As such, a CV cover letter should be written carefully and it should contribute to your reader’s good perception of you. The letter is designed to accompany your CV. Metaphorically, it functions like a friend does, that is, to help and support each other. It is submitted so that you have the opportunity to capture the hiring manager’s attention as it provides more specific details on your skills and experiences that are relevant to the position you are applying for. For a well-written letter, follow these simple steps when writing a cover letter.

• Be Brief yet Complete. It is vital that you keep your letter brief. A quality cover letter should be able to capture and keep the attention span of the reader. The best way to do it is to keep your cover letter short and yet complete as possible. Otherwise, you will be losing the reader’s interest for every additional 5 minutes that he or she reads your letter. Bear in mind that for some people it is not interesting to read some strangers professional skills and experiences. So put yourself in other people’s shoes.

• Motivate Your Reader. If you can, motivate the hiring manager to look into your application form and CV. Typically, you can motivate an employer if he thinks that you might be the right person for the position as it will make his life simpler and his task may be finished much earlier. So always highlight your relevant skills and qualifications for every letter you will be sending.

• Introduce Yourself Positively. The cover letter generally may reflect the kind of person you truly are. It is an introduction between you and the employer. With this in mind, it is important that the letter should make a good impression. Remember that the letter serves a purpose and you should take advantages of it. When introducing yourself to the readers, factual information is necessary. This includes real contact information.

• Clearly Indicate the Position you are applying for. Always be specific. Specify the position you are interested in and do not expect the hiring managers to guess the position you are applying. They do not have the time for that. Aside from this, also clearly indicate your strong points and achievements.

• Proof Read Your Cover Letter. Honestly, it will be difficult for you to proofread your own writing. Since this is the case, consult or ask a friend to read your cover letter and also your CV and other application forms. Ensure that it has no misspelling, poor grammar construction and typos.

Enhance Your Credibility With a Great Curriculum Vitae

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