Friday, August 28, 2015

How to Take Tests - Tips on How to Take a Test

Ok so you need to know how to take test. Maybe you have a class you are studying for, or maybe you have classes in which case change it to “you need to know how to take tests”.

Either way it is all the same.

First tip Imagine what will be on the test. Use cornell notes if you need to. Cornell notes work in an interesting way. On your paper go out 3 inches from the left and draw a line going down vertically.

Label this side questions. The larger right side is where you take notes, the left side you write questions on your notes. Example:

/left side / right side /

2 + 2 is?  2 + 2 is 4

This is a basic example. Then while studying go back through and read the questions, if you can answer them great! You just saved yourself time by not studying what you already know, if you miss a question go over the section.

Tip 2 Study often! but not too often. OK so you come here wondering how to take a test, not how to take test and fail it. We all hate studying, so lets do it right and fast ok?

Study right after class 15 minutes, study later that night 15 minutes, then the week before the test go over cornell notes. This almost guarantees your success.

Tip 3 Get a good breakfast. It has been proven that the better breakfast you have the better you will remember information. This is why I believe it is important to eat a good breakfast in the morning, eat an apple and get some protein. This really does help. Get some sleep too.

Tip 4 Calm down, chill, this test is important but once your brain runs off so does any memory of the things you have learned.

How to Take Tests - Tips on How to Take a Test

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