Friday, September 25, 2015

Acupuncturist CV - How to Write Them Effectively

Most employers usually do not scan CVs/resumes for more than 30 seconds. As a result you should ensure that your acupuncturist CV follows the conventions which employers expect. Although rare, an employer may require a printed CV in which case you should use a laser printer with quality conqueror paper. Never send out photocopied resumes.

For acupuncturists, there is no hard and fast rule about the length of a CV but typically two pages should be enough to compile a good CV detailing your career, experience and qualifications as an acupuncturist. However, the CV of an acupuncturist with 25 years experience will have more information than someone recently qualified with 2 years experience; and it would not be unreasonable to expect a CV highlighting a 25 year career to extend beyond 2 pages.

The format of your CV should be simple and without clutter and the font style along with the font size should be consistent throughout the CV. The most widely adopted font styles are Times Roman and Arial. Font size 14 is adequate for headings and 10 is fine for the body of the document.

Your resume should begin with a professional profile in which you briefly state your background, career and intentions within the acupuncture profession, all within a single short paragraph consisting of a maximum of 4 sentences. Below the profile, you should highlight a bulleted list of your key skills. Theses skills are what make you an acupuncturist and employers will be looking for typical competencies here. Your list of skills should typically include mention of:

  • A thorough understanding of complementary therapies

  • Sound interpersonal skills and ability to listen, relate and communicate with patients

  • Ability for putting together detailed history of patients

  • Experience in undertaking thorough diagnosis of patients’ conditions

  • Experience in formulating sound course of treatment for patients

  • Expertise in administering needles depending on the degree of sensitization needed

  • Sound ability to create and maintain good customer/client relations

  • Good business and management skills (for running a practice)

If you have recently qualified with little or no work experience as an acupuncturist, then the next section below your key skills should highlight your qualifications along with professional training. This should be followed by a brief description of your work experience. However, if you already have professional experience as an acupuncturist, then your professional work experience should precede your education/qualifications. In either case, always write in the third person and minimise use of “I” in your narrative. In highlighting your education and training, always mention dates, name of institutions attended and qualifications attained. Likewise, highlight your professional work experience with starting and leaving dates, name of employer, job title and brief description of what you did / achieve. Make liberal use of verbs in describing your remits and mention how you acquired, used and developed relevant skills and competencies.

Acupuncturist CV - How to Write Them Effectively

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