Saturday, September 19, 2015

How to Get Into College - The SAT - What it is and How to Succeed

The SAT Reasoning Test (SAT I), also known as the Scholastic Aptitude Test, is often used by colleges to gauge your ability to succeed on their campus. Performing well on the SAT is a must if you want to get into a good college.

The SAT currently consists three categories: Math, Writing, and Critical Reading. Each section is worth 800 pts, and thus the highest score you can get is 2400. When you’re actually taking the test, these three main categories will be divided into many sections. You are timed for each section, and the whole test currently comes out to three hours total.

What score should you aim for?

You need to figure out what score you want to get on the SAT. You need to pick a reasonable number, and write it down. How do you find a reasonable number? Go to and search colleges you are interested in. The average scores of the latest class accepted should be posted for each section. If you get higher than the average, you are in good shape.

How can I get the score I want?

Most people hate this answer, but your method of success will be different from everyone else. Learn yourself – figure out how you study best. I advise you ask around and see what other people have done to succeed on the SAT and pick a method you think will work best. Here’s what I did:

Practice tests, practice tests, practice tests. I had a big book of SAT practice tests and old tests and just went through as many as I can. What I would do is go through a certain number of sections a day and understand every single problem. When I got through a whole test I would then take a different full practice test all at once. After that I would go through all the problems on that test, and then start over section by section the next week. This method takes time but it worked for me. You really get to know the test and start notice patterns. I guarantee you will encounter the same tricks over and over.

You could also take SAT courses such as those offered by Kaplan or Princeton Review. I personally did not find these very useful, and they are quite expensive, however these classes do help many people.

I didn’t do well the first time I took the test, can I take it again?

Yes you can take the test as many times as you want, but try not to go over three times. Colleges will be able to look at all your scores, but they like to see improvement. If you did great the first time however, I would advise sticking with that score. Nailing it the first time looks better than improvement to colleges.

What are the chances my score will go up the second time?

I have never talked to someone who did worse on the test their second time. They usually go up by about 100 – 200 points, or stay at the same level. If you feel like you can do better, and have not reached your desired schools averages, I strongly advise you try again.

Don’t blow it!

How you do on the SAT can be the reason you get accepted or rejected from your desired school. Many people do not realize the importance of this test. Many people believe that their good grades and extracurricular will overshadow their low SAT score. They are wrong. I use to know people like this, and they are currently attending colleges they did not want to go to. Make time for this test, and pace you’re studying. Don’t blow your chances to get into the college of your dreams, this test is extremely important!

How to Get Into College - The SAT - What it is and How to Succeed

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