Monday, September 7, 2015

How to Succeed in a Group Discussion Test?

The secret of success in group discussion test lies in the ability of the candidate to create a strong and favourable impact on the other members in the group and also on examiners, observers or selectors who watch the proceedings from the background. To create a forceful as well as favourable impact, the candidate has to use leadership qualities and motivation techniques. Remember that the other candidates happen to be your rivals, each competing against the rest for the same selection posts or appointments.

How to succeed in a group discussion test?

For success, the most important requirement is a good power of expression. The candidate should be able to speak freely and fluently. Next he should have adequate knowledge of the subject so that he could make meaningful and effective contribution to the discussion. Mere waffling will not do. The candidate must be able to convince others with his rational and logical arguments. Finally, the candidate should possess leadership qualities to direct the proceedings towards the goal which would be completion of the discussion on the subject within the given time-frame with the active and keen participation of all concerned.


Generally the group will consist of 8 to 12 candidates. The age, education, experience etc., of the candidates will normally be of the same level. They will be seated in a closed circle so that each one can see and observe all the others in the group. No one will ordinarily be assigned as chairman or leader of the group. The group will be allowed the freedom to make its own rules for the actual conduct of the discussion. The total time assigned for completing the discussion will be 25 to 30 minutes. The examiner will retire to the background after explaining the nature, scope and modalities of the test.

Winning the first impression

It is not enough to have a wealth of ideas and power of expression on the subject given for the discussion. To create the right impression on your examiners, observers and selectors you need to develop the qualities of leadership, co-ordination and motivation. Only people with unruffled temperament will be capable of handling a group of heterogeneous nature. And the winner is one who knows how to utilize every minute of the 30-minute discussion.

How to Succeed in a Group Discussion Test?

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