Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Firefighter Exam - What Every Aspiring Firefighter Needs to Know

I remember what it was like being on the outside looking in at the fire service. I wanted to be a firefighter in the worst way but had to learn the hard way how the process works. Full-time firefighter positions are VERY, VERY competitive across the nation. You have to know exactly what you want and have a plan if you want to stand a chance to make it through the screening process and obtain employment. This article will provide you with that plan.

First, do your homework. Make a list of fire departments you would like to work for and then research each one. Get on the internet and see if they have an employment page on their website. In these informational times, this should be easy to find. When are they conducting their next testing process.

Second, purchase a firefighter exam study guide or two. I recommend several on my blog that I actually used to get me hired. These are great resources and they include practice tests to give you an idea of what the real test will be like. Most of the time, a fire department will start the hiring process with a written test. You need to score well on this test to advance!

Next you need to apply, apply, apply. It is OK to apply for more than one fire department at a time. Take as many entrance exams as possible. You will get better with each one. I promise. Some of my co-workers were lucky and aced the exam the first time. I had to take it a few times but if you study the preparation books you will be ready. I promise.

The last advice I will give you is that if you really want to be a firefighter then you need to take the time to visit a firehouse near you. As firefighters we love to help and we will point you in the right direction. Some department even offer ride along programs so that you can get an even better understanding of what it is we do. I highly recommend that you make informal contact with any fire department you are considering applying to.

If you want something bad enough, you will succeed in obtaining it. If you can make it past the written firefighter exam you will have succeeded in the first step of the typical hiring process. Then it will be on to the physical agility and interview phases. With hard work and determination you can make your dream of becoming a full-time firefighter come true.

Firefighter Exam - What Every Aspiring Firefighter Needs to Know

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