Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Jobs at Transforming Irrigation Management in Nigeria (TRIMING)

The Federal Government of Nigerian in an effort towards diversifying the economy and creating significant welfare improvement for

the Nigerian citizen has embarked on a transformation agenda in the irrigation sector through the Transforming irrigation Management in Nigeria (TRIMING) Project. The development objective of the TRIMING project is to improve access to irrigation and drainage services, and to strengthen institutional arrangements for integrated water resources management and agriculture service delivery in selected large-scale public schemes in Northern Nigeria.



This invitation for expression of interest follows the general procurement notice that appeared in UN Development Business online of February 5, 2015. The Federal Govemment of Nigeria (FGN) has received a credit from the Intemational Development Association (lOA) towards the cost of the Transforming Irrigation Management in Nigeria (TRIMING) Project and it intends to apply partofthe proceeds for consulting services

The TRIMING Project Development Objective is to improve access to irrigation and drainage services and to strengthen institutional arrangements for integrated water resources management and agriculture service delivery in selected large-scale public irrigation schemes in Northem Nigeria. To strengthen the PMU team in implementation of Component 3 of the Project Appraisal Document (PAD): Enhancing Agricultural Productivity and Support to Value Chains Development, TRIMING project seeks to competitively recruit a highly qualified Agronomist for an initial period of 2 years which could be renewed
subject to need and the performance ofthe successful candidate.


(a) Coordinate all activities directed at enhancing agriCUltural productivity in the implementation of Component 3;
(b) Initiate consultations with identified stakeholders to develop and agree on effective working relationships in supporting enhancement of agriCUltural productivity in the targeted irrigation schemes:
(c) In collaboration with other relevant PMU members, liaise closely with the agribusiness firm recruited to provide technical assistance (TA) in the establishment and capacity building of Farmer Service Centres (FSCs) in each targeted irrigation scheme:
(d) Provide agronomic advice to the FSCs as required and support training courses for farmers (e.g. on sound irrigated rice agronomy, Urea Deep Placement. etc.);
(e) Guide implementation partners and technical service providers on activities aimed at enhancement of agricultural productivity, emphasizing the promotion of entrepreneurial farming;
(f) Under the Subcomponent ‘Support to innovation and Research and Development” guide the finanCing of key studies on irrigated agriculture with competitive grants to be carried out by research centers, universities and the private sector.
(g) Coordinate the formulation. implementation and analysis of these applied on-farm research activities, focussing on enhancement of agricultural productivity in an environmentally and financially sustainable way for scheme farmers in the targeted project areas;
(h) Ensure adequate synergies between agronomy related activities in Component 3 and the other operational Components of the programme (1 and 2). in collaboration with the respective Component heads:
(i) Monitor the development of innovative agricultural practices and. in collaboration with the Data Management and Communication Officer and the Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, ensure related knowledge management, including the identification of appropriate agricultural practices and partiCipate in developing the Project Learning System:
Guide the preparation and implementation of agronomy related studies:
(k) Contribute to the preparation of the Annual Workplan and Budget (AWPB) and progress reports; and
(I) Undertake any other duties assigned by the Project Coordinator (PC).


(a) Master’s degree in Agricultural Science, Agronomy, Crop Science or a related discipline from a recognized university:
(b) At least 8 years working experience in a similar field, 3 of which should be at field on-site level and 3 in senior position, preferably with rice and/or tomato agronomy;
(c) Demonstrated practical experience in planning, implementation and analysis of on-farm research and proof of affinity with field work;
(d) Demonstrated practical experience in faCilitating training and capacity building of farmers:
(e) Knowledge of technologies and best practices in irrigated agronomy particularly for rice and tomato and development of rural livelihoods;
(f) Strong computer and communications skills (oral. written, presentation): and
(g) Strong coordination, leadership and interpersonal skills;
(h) Knowledge of the locally spoken language within the Project areas will be an added advantage.

Value Chains Development Specialist


This invitation for expression of interest follows the general procurement notice that appeared in UN Development Business online of February 5, 2015. The Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) has received a credit from the International Development Association (IDA) towards the cost of the Transforming Irrigation Management in Nigeria (TRIMING) Project and it intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services

The TRIMING Project Development Objective is to improve access to irrigation and drainage services and to strengthen institutional arrangements for integrated water resources management and agriculture service delivery in selected large-scale public irrigation schemes in Northern Nigeria.

To strengthen the PMU team in implementation of Component 3 of the ProjectAppraisal Document (PAD): Enhancing Agricultural Productivity and Support to Value Chains Development, TRIMING project seeks to competitively recruit a highly qualified Value Chains Development Specialist (VCDS) for an initial period of 2 years which could be renewed subject to need and the performance of the successful candidate.


(a) Coordinate the mapping of all key value chain stakeholders critical to the successful implementation of Component 3:
(b) Initiate consultations with identified value chain stake holders to develop and agree on working relationship in supporting development of key value chains in the targeted irrigation schemes;
(c) In close collaboration with the Agribusiness Specialist, coordinate the work ofthe agribusiness firm recruited to provide technical assistance (TA) in establishment and capacity building of farmer service centres in each targeted irrigation scheme;
(d) Guide implementation partners and technical service providers on the identification, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of value chain support activities, including the promotion of entrepreneurial skills in farmers’ organisations;
(e) Facilitate linkages and contacts between business model stakeholders including input suppliers, mechanization service providers. processors and other bulk produce buyers (off-takers), and farmers;
(f) Coordinate the formulation and development of value chain financing mechanisms for improving the accessibility of financial services to farmers and other value chain stakeholders in the targeted project areas;
(g) Ensure adequate synergies between Component 3 and the other operational components of the programme (1 and 2), in collaboration with the respective Component heads;
(h) Monitor the development of innovative business models and. in collaboration with the Data Management and Communication Officer and the Monitoring and Evaluation Officer ensure related knowledge management, including the identiftcation of policy lessons. and participate in developing the Project Leaming System;
(i) Guide the preparation and implementation of the various value chain related studies; Contribute to the preparation of project Annual Work Plans and Budgets (AWPBs) and progress reports; and
(k) Undertake any other duties assigned by the Project Coordinator(PC).


(a) Master’s degree in Agricultural Economics. Agribusiness. Agriculture. Economics. Rural Development or a related discipline from a recognized university;
(b) At least 8 years working experience in a similar field. 3 of which should be in senior management position;
(c) Experience in the private sector will be considered a plus.
(d) Demonstrated practical experience in facilitating value chain development at field level value chain analysis and in building capacity of value chain actors. Practical experience in value chain development of rice and tomato value chains will be an added advantage:
(e) Knowledge of technologies and best practices in value chain development, business development, and rural livelihoods;
(f) Strong computer and communications skills (oral. written. presentation); and
(g) Strong coordination. leadership and interpersonal skills.
(h) Agood knowledge ofthe local language could be an added advantage.

Method of Application

A competitive remuneration and benefits package commensurate with qualifications and experience, and in line with standards for Govemment of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and World Bank supported projects, will be offered to the successful candidate.
Consultants will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and employment of Consultants (under IBRD loans and lOA Credit and Grants) by World Bank borrowers, January 20 11 edition.

The successful candidate will be based at the TRIMING project sites to effectively discharge his/her responsibilities of closely interacting with the farmers and other relevant TRIMING Project stakeholders.

Interested Candidates need to provide hard documentation, such as research reports, project documents, publications. letters of recommendation, CV and any other document that confirm they have actual field experience, alongside electronic copies.

The Expression of Interest should reach the address below not later than 27 October, 2015.

Email: pymanjuk@triming.org

Jobs at Transforming Irrigation Management in Nigeria (TRIMING)

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