Thursday, October 15, 2015

Writing a Professional Curriculum Vitae (CV): How Professional Do You Think You Are?

Professionals who want a career change need a professional curriculum vitae (CV). As we all know, a CV s an overview of the educational attainment and qualifications of a person. It is usually the first place an employer will form and opinion of an applicant and aids in deciding whether to call the aspirant for an interview or hire them. However, an entry-level CV that is used when applying for a first job is far different from a professional CV.

A professional CV is used by professionals who aim for a better career, often for a higher position in a different company. Nonetheless, this career change is not easy. Competition will be with other professionals as well. One must remember that competition in the professional level is even harder compared to the entry-level jobs. In this level, achievements and experiences are the key. One should not neglect the fact that having a good professional CV is still a big plus. This is especially true when applying for a professional position in a reputable company.

In order to make your CV stand out, you need to include all your achievements from your past job(s). These achievements will reflect how well you performed. Remember that achievements are not only measured through quantity but through quality as well. Even if one has a lot of achievements but they are all basic, it will not stand up to the person with a few that are in the intermediate or expert level of experiences.

Skills are also essential in a professional CV. However, these skills may not be directly mentioned. It should be showcased through the experiences that you have gained. The intensity of the experiences that you will mention will reflect the skills that are claimed. Work related experiences are important for employers. This will be their basis for knowing your capacity in terms of handling different workload and work assignments. Remember to include different kinds of experiences in your professional CV.

More than anything else, a professional CV should be written with utmost honesty and sincerity. There is nothing more embarrassing than to be caught lying about claimed achievements and experiences that are not yours and finding out about it when you are already employed. Remember, your professional CV should contain the names of the companies that you have worked for, your skills, achievements and contributions, experiences and most especially your contact details.

Writing a Professional Curriculum Vitae (CV): How Professional Do You Think You Are?

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