Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Success Training Stories - Hablo Espanol?

One of my least natural giftings is understanding or learning foreign languages, which is really too bad considering I am a missionary.  That could be a lesson in itself if you think about it, but not the topic of this article.  Knowing my lack of ability in this area, I was even able to avoid taking a foreign language in high school.  I had almost flunked the classes in junior high, and simply didn’t want to deal with it.

After high school I received a congressional appointment to the United States Air Force Academy.  After basic training we took some aptitude tests, and I obviously was placed in the beginning language class of my choice – Spanish.  What I didn’t know is that many of my classmates had taken two years of Spanish in high school, but purposely did poorly on the aptitude test so that would end up in the beginners Spanish class and have an easy time.

The first day of Spanish class was interesting.  In walked a military officer in a uniform I had never seen before.  The first thing he said, and would say over and over again was:

“No Hablo English en esta classe.”

I leaned over to a friend to ask him what he said and the friend said that we would not be speaking ANY English in this class.  Hmmm.  OK.  How was I to learn?  I trusted there must be a plan and it would work out.

Three weeks later I am flunking the class.  Junior high all over again.  So I raised my hand – again – as I had done a few times the last 3 weeks.  My instructors only response was:

“No Hablo English en esta classe.”

I honestly thought the instructor was just being stubborn and didn’t care that I was flunking.

The rest of my classmates were doing fine because they had taken high school Spanish for at least 2 years.  I couldn’t even understand the homework assignment.  Finally I went up to the officer to ask for help.  He held up his hand in a gesture that let me know he wanted me to wait for right where I was for him while, and he would be back.  He came back with an American Officer – who interpreted. 

Come to find out, this officer was at the USAFA from the Mexican Air Force to learn English!  I didn’t even know Mexico had an Air Force, but that was besides the point.

With some instruction and lots of outside tutoring I was able to pass the class.

Insight to life and business: It might be computer technology, lead management, the sales process, or something else that sounds like a foreign language to you.  You may have reached out for help and even taken a class and it still isn’t clicking.  Don’t give up.  Seek out more help.  You CAN learn what you need to know.

One possible application: Computer skills are like a second language, but it is a language that will serve you well in your home based business.  Keep learning and growing in them, no matter what level you are at.

Success Training Stories - Hablo Espanol?

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