Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Deloitte (Information Units Coordinator)

Company Description
Deloitte – The Abidjan-Lagos Corridor Organization ALCO is sub regional intergovernmental organization which was established in 2002 with the mission of reducing HIV impact on interregional trade in West Africa. Within the framework of the New Funding Mechanism, the Global Fund GF grant allocated to ALCO took new directions. This grant focuses on a gradual transition of HIV prevention services to national programs and a reposition of interventions toward strengthening community system as well as the defense of human rights. The grant covers the period from 2016 to 2018.

Job Title:  Information Units Coordinator, Benin – Nigeria Borders

Job Description
Develop in collaboration with SB and SSB a micro plan for the implementation of activities
Coordinate and supervise the implementation of all activities planned for the project in his area of operations.
Provide technical support to SB and SSB Sub Recipients NGOS, health center, BAC etc in order to facilitate the synergy and complementarity between ALCO ME activities and activities of the national body.
Train site officers and data collection officers in the use of collection tools in view of ensuring collection of quality data.
Train site officers in the proper use of computer tools Excel.
Ensure data collection at the level of SB according to scheduled frequency monthly, quarterly.
Ensure data collection tools are available on sites.
Maintain good records and proper archiving of both reports and data collection tools.
Conduct together with SB and SBB a monthly report on the implementation of activities in their micro planning.
Ensure the reliability and quality of data collected and transmitted by SB and SSB.
Establish a database for Global Fund project at concerned countries level, in view of regularly providing the system with general data base of various countries.
Ensure liaison with Focal Points at the level of National Aids Control Committee NACC on behalf of the project, as well as the collaboration with all relevant partners at countries level especially UNAIDS.
Organize quarterly missions in view of monitoring and verifying data at the level of both Sub Recipients and Sub Sub-recipients.
Participate in joint supervision missions with (National Aids Program) NAPand partners on the project sites.
Participate on behalf of ALCO in meetings organized by main partners, NAP/NACC., NACC, CCM, UNAIDS thematic group and report the project main achievements at the national level in his area of operations
Ensure non-duplication of data, targets and activities carried out in the framework of the project at the national level as well as the smooth implementation of the continuum of care.
Coordinate quarterly meetings nationally in collaboration with the Focal Point for the validation and dissemination of data validated by LFA and Global Fund in favor of the national body as well as partners.
Prepare periodic activities reports, and transmit information within time limits to ALCO Monitoring, Evaluation unit.
Provide technical support toNACC in the implementation of activities geared towards the fight against Aids.
Ensure that ALCO’s data are taken into account in HIV national reports.
Submit to the Executive Secretary, NAP/NACC., ALCO’s Focal Point at countries level, PGB, CCM and UNAIDS, quarterly and annual activities reports on the project achievements at countries level in his area of operations.
Upon request from Management provide to PGB, CRC and UNAIDS thematic group, quarterly and annual activities reports on the project achievements at countries level in his area of operations.

Qualification Required

Job Category
Medical, Health, Safety, NGO, Non-Profit

Job Location

Years of Experience
10 years

Method of Application:
Interested and qualified candidates should send a Curriculum Vitae, a letter of motivation, a copy of their degrees, three professional references and their expected salary range to: ci.recruitment@deloitte.com

Application Closing Date
22 December 2015

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Deloitte (Information Units Coordinator)

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