Sunday, December 13, 2015

How to Empower Our Children - 3 Tips

As we look towards the future it is important to think about how we are raising our children. Are we empowering them to face challenges in life, to realize that potentially negative situations can be turned into positive outcomes, to make sound decisions based on knowledge, reflection and courage and to be able to go out into the world as adults feeling optimistic and empowered? It takes our initiative as parents to guide them in the proper direction, to help them realize their worth as human beings and to share our values with them, giving them a foundation to feel powerful over their lives. Here are some tips that can start the process.


1. Show your children that there is nothing to gain from feeling fear from unknown situations. Take for example, a teenager facing the SAT test in his junior or senior year. Many kids don’t like taking tests and feel apprehensive to the point of not wanting to take the aptitude test. After all, this test can have many affects on the student from where he might end up in college, to leaving his friends, to feeling as if he failed if he does not do well on the test, or any other implications for each particular person. This is one of the biggest tests a student may have taken. So, how do we as parents help him with the dreaded feeling pf apprehension and fear?


Help them to look at past successes in their life. Acknowledge that the test may be difficult but that they have made accomplishments in the past and you have every belief that they will make the best effort and it will be a positive outcome. You can make sure that they have proper sleep, nutrition and exercise and possibly a tutor to help them prior to taking the test. But the most important part is giving them your support, acknowledging the intensity of the test and again, reflecting on past successes.


2. Teach your child that even a bad situation can turn out good. Talk about situations you or your family has faced that seemed as if they were a negative and actually turned out to be positive. Teach them that if they put their best foot forward and try to do the best they can, then the outcome of the test will be good no matter what.  


3. When our kids are young and able to start learning about themselves, guide them to start making some of their own decisions. Even if it is a very small decision guide them to try to look at the challenge or situation and make a decision based on their knowledge or what they feel is the best. Don’t always rush to solve something for them or make choices for them as they need to start learning on their own. This is the path towards empowerment. As they get older they will not fear the bigger decisions as much.


In order for our kids to grow up empowered, it is never too soon to start showing them that challenges and adversity can be something that is good and leads to growth and empowerment for the future.    

How to Empower Our Children - 3 Tips

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