Saturday, December 19, 2015

Think You Can"t Afford Film College? Think Again

If you want to attend Film College but are afraid you can’t afford it, don’t talk yourself out of it just yet. Let’s face it; millions of people want to attend Film College every year. However, most never make it there because they let the cost of the film education scare them away. Don’t let that happen to you. This article will give you some tips on how you’ll be able to afford Film College.

Are You Sure You Want To Do This?

First of all, you have to ask yourself if you’ve got what it takes to be a successful filmmaker. Is it even for you? The cost of Film College is around $15,000 a year for in state tuition. Before you jump into it, take a career aptitude test online. You can find them easily and they are free. This aptitude test will help you determine if your abilities and desires are a match for one another.

Pick an Accredited School

If you go to 20 Film College website, all 20 will say they are the best. Don’t let that fool you. That’s like asking two brothers which one is better looking. They both have the same answer. A Film University is no different. So don’t look at the biggest school with the highest priced tuition. A lot of community colleges offer a good film education program. You can learn the exact same thing there that you’ll learn in an expensive college.

Let’s face it; movie training 101 is movie training 101. Just make sure the film schools you are looking at offer some kind of financial assistance. The biggest thing to look for in the film college is are they accredited. That way you’ll be able to get financial aid.

Get Financial Aid

After you have picked out the accredited school that will be best for you, your first stop will be the financial aid office. It’s easy, just time consuming. You’ll need to fill out the FAFSA form. A good rule of thumb is if you earn less than $40,000 a year, odds are you can get financial aid. So go ahead and apply. Even if you make more than $40,000 a year you can still receive some help. The best part is this is money that you don’t have to pay back. It’s not a loan, it’s a grant. So look into it.

Private Financing

Film College is usually a little more expensive than your average college degree. Even if you get a grant, you may still need to use some out of pocket money to finance your film education. But don’t worry yet. Because there are places that give out awards and grants to young filmmakers like you.

The Hollywood Foreign Press Association gives out grants and scholarships to students like you every year. The smallest grant awarded is $5,000 per student each year and the largest grant awarded is $25,000 per student each year. Just do a Google search on The Hollywood Foreign Press Association and you’ll find the information you need.

Keep in mind that whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve. If being a director or producer is your passion then go for it and don’t let the cost of film school stop you.

Think You Can"t Afford Film College? Think Again

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