Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Vacancies at USAID/Health Communication Capactiy Collaborative (HC3), Wednesday 2, December 2015

programmes and services; and to also implement high quality, evidence based SBCC interventions in select states towards the achievement of Nigeria’s strategic targets in Malaria.

Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) in Collaboration with USAID, is recruiting to fill the position below:



To be support HC3 Nigeria and partners develop multimedia strategies to document and report on HC3’s innovative SBCC strategies to reduce the impact of malaria.


Develop a comprehensive and innovative project documentation strategy

Develop a variety of multimedia communications products to document project success

Write and edit programmatic and technical reports

Write and edit content for the media including a variety of technical stories, ljumaninterea1 stories, press releases, etc.

Create, publish and manage content on web and social media platforms.

Respond to information queries from media and the general public. Work with the media to heightenthe profile of malaria in Nigeria

Stay current with the Nigerian and international malaria community

Other duties as assigned by the Chief of Party,


Bachelors degree in Arts/ Media Relations or Communications preferred;

5 years developing public relations, media strategies and/or developing content for web and socialmedia platforms

Exceptional ability to write and edit program reports and promotional materials with accuracy, clarity and a style that is compelling to differing audiences and appropriate for all forms of media.

Excellent creative and storytelling instincts, in a way that sparks interests and promotes involvement.

Experience working in development, particularly health highly beneficial

Good skills in multimedia platforms, such as audio, video recording, design/layout equipment (e.g., Adobe lnDesign, Premier Pro and Photoshop software).

Good interpersonal and time management skills.

Ability to work under pressure with little or no supervision and must be a self starter

Top Skills:

Writing and structuring information (technical communication writing), especially about malaria/ health programs;

Exceptional command of English language and the ability to communicate with a variety of mediums effectively.


Extensive first hand experience and in depth understanding of the culture and working of media and public relations in Nigeria.


The following competencies (‘behaviours and characteristics) have been identified as key to success in the job.

Successful candidates are expected to demonstrate these competencies:

Creative Thinking – able to transform creative ideas into practical reality. Can look at existing situations and problems in novel ways and come tip with creative solutions.

Planning and organisation – able to think ahead in order to establish an efficient and appropriate course of action for self and others. Prioritizes and plans activities taking into account all the relevant issues and factors such as deadlines and resources.

Communication- able to get one’s message understood clearly by adopting a range of styles, tools arid techniques appropriate to the audience and the nature of the information.

Influencing and persuading- able to present sound and well reasoned arguments to convince others. Can draw from a range of strategies to persuade people in a way that results in agreement or behaviour change.

Managing relationships and team working- able to build and maintain effective working relationships with a range of people. Works co-cooperatively with others to be part of a team, as opposed to working separately or competitively.

Resilience – manages personal effectiveness by managing emotions in the bee of pressure, set backs or when dealing with provocative situations. Demonstrates an approach to work that is characterised by commitment, motivation and energy.

Flexibility – adapts and works effectively with a variety of situations, individuals or groups Able to understand and appreciate different and opposing perspectives on an issue, to adapt an approach as the requirements of a situation change, and to change or easily accept changes in one’s own organisation or job requirements.



The position will be responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of HC3’s Health Care Provider strategies and activities designed to improve client-provider communication and increase facility related malaria prevention and treatment services.


Preside technical guidance and work with the HC3 team to he able to provide key malaria information, promote malaria diagnosis and treatment and improve uptake of focused antenatal care (FANC), IPTp and long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLIN) use amongst clients

Initiate innovative approaches to increase intermittent preventative treatment (lPTp rates tc health care professionals

Ensure that HC3’s health care provider initiatives serve to promote adherence to the national malaria treatment guidelines at community and facility levels

Work with HC3 implementing partners to identify ongoing communication initiatives and opportunities for health care providers at all levels and leverage on these opportunities

Facilitate processes for engaging with identified relevant service providers;and their professional associations (including continuity agencies) towards improving adherence to national malaria policy, guidelines and priorities.

Contribute to the development and implementation of HC3’s innovative and robust social and behaviour change continuation(SBCC) approaches

Other duties as assigned by the Chief of Parts


Advanced degree in clinical medicine required

Advanced university degree in public health and experience in malaria programme management highly desirable,

Minimum of five years of work experience in Public Health Programme development and implementation, particularly in developing country.

Experience with SBCC, especially programs with providers as target audiences highly desirable

Experience in healthcare quality improvement activities

Knowledge and understanding of trends in Nigerian health care reforms

Fluency in written and spoken English required.

Proficiency in at least one local Nigerian language highly desired

Ability to work ins rapidly evolving environment

Demonstrated ability to prioritize and meet deadlines in a high demand work environment

Analytical skills: Demonstrated ability to analyse complex situations, grasp the critical aspects and make timely and firm decisions based on sound judgment.

Interpersonal skills: Ability to work in a multinational and multi disciplinary environment

Communication skills: Strong ability to draft and edit high level technical reports and to make effective oral presentations in English.

Results oriented: Ability to consistently apply organizational policies and procedures. Ability to focus on results in programme project design, monitoring and implementation, as well at, integrate new approaches and innovations and use hinds ins cost-effective manner.

Integrity: high degree of integrity and amiable disposition in building appropriate internal and external relationships.

Relationship building: Ability to build relevant strategic partnerships and alliances with key stakeholders and partners, to identify areas of common interest and recommend opportunities for collaboration and joint initiatives.


Interested and qualified candidates should send their CV and Cover Letter Only


The document should have the cover letter first, with bullet points in hold on how the candidate meets the minimum qualifications. Following the cover letter in the same document, should be the candidates CV.

The CV should include references, as well as a list of languages in which the candidate is proficient. Candidate should indicate their level of proficiency for each language (noting 2 if limited working proficiency, 3 if general professional proficiency, 4 if advanced professional proficiency and 5 for functional native proficiency).

Attach 3 examples of past work:

Written success story

Evidence of participation in a Social Media Activity

Written program or technical report

Do NOT send links to online resumes or CV’s. Any applications submitted with a ink to art online resume or CV will be immediately discarded. Any applications with more than four total attachments will be immediately discarded

Candidates should title the email: “Application for HC3 Documentation Spe…t” – any emails without this exact subject line format will be immediately discarded.

Only final candidates will be contacted for further engagement

DUE DATE: 7 December, 2015

Vacancies at USAID/Health Communication Capactiy Collaborative (HC3), Wednesday 2, December 2015

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