Sunday, January 31, 2016

Career Aptitude Test - A Guide on Standardized Test-Taking Strategies

Taking tests such as IQ tests and Emotional Intelligence Tests does not end with school but frequently occurs in many situations in later life as well. Sometimes the test may be as insignificant as a test for a driver’s license, which can always be taken over at a later time. And sometimes it may be as crucial as a test to get into college or an employment test for a job that you need. Such tests are generally standardized and consist of multiple-choice questions.

For this matter, the author of this article wishes to facilitate  test-takers  in taking a career  aptitude  tests  by providing comprehensible standardized test-taking strategies designed to help you answer questions in the most efficient way.

At the outset, it is necessary to gain an understanding as to the meaning of career  aptitude  test . Basically, it has something to do with sets of questions that are deliberately and systematically designed to produce results manifesting the essential information of the abilities and inclinations of the test-takers or examinees. In other words, it is really the best means of showing the specific lines of job that matches well with the skills, aims, and lifestyle of the test-takers.

You always have to remember that you cannot prepare for standardized assessment by studying specific content. Instead, you must learn and constantly practice fundamental skills, techniques, and approaches to understanding and answering the types of questions.

The secret to this is for you to prepare for standardized examinations by studying consistently and reading widely. Of course, this is generally true for almost all human aspects.

In both educational and employment situations, the standardized exams you are most likely to encounter from now on will be one of three types. Achievement tests are designed to determine the level of proficiency the test-taker has achieved in a given subject area.  Aptitude  tests  are intended to compare one test-taker’s skill in reading, writing, vocabulary, and mathematics with the skills of others across the country. Employment  tests  or career  aptitude  tests  are designed to determine the suitability of the test-taker for a particular job.

Since all types of standardized tests follow basically the same format, learning how to take one type should help you to take them all. The following suggested strategies will help you use your time most efficiently to preview the test and to answer the test questions.

Standardized Test-Taking Strategies

Preview the test

1. Write your name on each sheet of paper you will hand in.

2. Before beginning each section of the test, skim through the section and figure out how much time can you give to each set of questions. Questions that are worth more points or are more difficult require more time.

Answer the Questions

1. If you are allowed to use scratch paper, jot down any information you want to remember.

2. Unless you are penalized for guessing, answer all questions on the test. Always check test directions to see if a particular section is a “right-minus–wrong” type.

3. Answer the easy questions first. Lightly mark any questions you have difficulty with and come back to them later.

4. Unless specifically directed, give only one answer to each question. Choose the best answer of those given.

5. Go with your first response to a question unless you have a good reason to change it


1. If you finish before time is called, check to see if you have followed directions completely.

2. Reread questions and answers. Make sure that you have answered all the questions.

The discussed strategies above are proven to be most effective and efficient by  test-takers  who had undergone career  aptitude  test . One thing you also need to hook in mind is this very important philosophy while taking tests: “wherever you are, you must be there”, which means that you must show full concentration upon taking the tests; otherwise, you will flunk it, which you do not want to happen of course.

Career Aptitude Test - A Guide on Standardized Test-Taking Strategies

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