Friday, February 26, 2016

How to Prepare a Cover Letter

A cover letter or the motivation letter is a letter of motivation which is attached to the other documents like resume or curriculum vitae. Job seeker often writes this letter to introduce themselves to the employee or the recruiter. Hence it is quite important to make sure that you write a very good cover letter. Otherwise your chances of being selected will be very less.

Some of the tips which will be very helpful for you while preparing a nice and effective letter are as follows:

1. The first thing which you will have to make sure is that you are going to type the letter on computer. However you will have to select some editor. Easy yet equally strong editors are available. You can select Microsoft word. It is one of the best editors available at present and even the laymen will not find any difficult in using this software.

2. The second thing which you will have to decide is the format. Generally this kind of letter is divided in four sub parts. The first one is the heading. After that you will have to write the introduction and the body and the conclusion will be at last of the letter.

3. You should use standard business letter practices to prepare your resume. There are many books which are available and you can go through various cover letters. You will definitely get some good ideas if you will read these books.

4. Prepare five to ten strongest points of your career. Mention them on your cover letter. Make sure that you use the bullets while describing yourself. This will definitely catch the recruiter’s eyes.

5. You should keep your this letter simple. Do not use other colors and right in black. As far as font is concerned you can use Calibri or times new roman. However make sure that your cover letter is clean and all the readers can read it easily. Keep the font size to be set at 16 or 14.

6. You can use your this letter as an email and attach the resume as an attachment. This is certainly practiced by most of the job seekers.

7. Review the letter before you finally send to the destination. This will make sure that you do not go wrong.

8. One more tip which I would like to mention is about the content. Make sure that your content matches the job requirement. If this will be not the case then you will definitely be a looser.

These are some of the tips related to the cover letters. Make sure that you follow them and make your cover letter as appealing as possible.

How to Prepare a Cover Letter

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