Friday, March 4, 2016

Cathay Pacific Cadet Pilot Program

There are basically 4 stages for the Cadet Pilot recruitment process.  Stage 1 will be held at your country or nearest port and if you pass, you will be invited to Hong Kong (all paid by them) for stage 2 and stage 3. Finally if you pass, you will be send over to FTA ( Flight Training Adelaide ) in Adelaide, Australia for flight grading.  The stages are: –

Stage 1 – They will send you a booklet called JKI (job knowledge test). For this stage you will be tested on Reasoning Test, English Test and questions base on JKI.  You will also have an interview with a Captain and the HR.

Stage 2 – This will be a full day event in Hong Kong.  You will have a Psychology test which consist of more than 180 questions and Math test which consist of 33 math question.  Apart from that, you will have an aptitude test such as quick subtraction, approach and landing, parallel line chase and etc.  You will also have a flight planning exercise to see how well you work and communicate as a team.  There will also be an interview at this stage but this time with two pilots.

Stage 3 – At this stage you will have a medical test as well as ICAO English test and finally the Management Interview.

If you pass all the above, you then proceed to Adelaide for 2 weeks (all expenses paid) to do your flight grading.  If you have zero hours, you will do basic flight grading for 10 hours.  You will learn how to do a take-off, straight and level, rate 1 turn, steep turn, climb, descent, wing-over, unusual attitude recovery, circuits and landing.  The last flight will be a flight test.

If you have hours, you will be on the advance flight grading.  You will do exactly the same as basic flight grading but only within 4 flights.  Besides that, you will also have simulator sessions on IF (instrument flying) and ILS (Instrument Landing System). They do not expect you to have perfect flying but to see whether you are a fast learner and how well will you retain what you have been taught.  Finally if you pass, they will offer you the job.

Cathay Pacific Cadet Pilot Program

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