Wednesday, March 2, 2016

CUSO International Vacancies, Thursday 3, March 2016

Cuso International has supported Nigerias development priorities since 1961, working in the education, health and HIV/AIDS, and secure livelihoods sectors, supporting youth employability and entrepreneurship, and is the executing agency for the YOULEAD project, supported by the Government of Canada. Cuso International is currently exploring opportunities to implement a health program in Cross River State, with the potential to scale-up this work to Lagos State over the next 5 years. The main goal of the health program is to increase the quality and gender responsiveness of health services for women, children and youth by Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and civil society organization (CSO) partners.



All placements will help contribute to the Access to Quality Health Services (AQHS) project of Cuso International’s Volunteers for International Cooperation and Empowerment (VOICE) program, funded by the Canadian government through the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD), and Cuso International. The AQHS project in Nigeria focuses on improving access to quality of care provided by frontline health workers and will target: Respectful care, Women’s participation in decision making and Access to health information and services for young people.

The AQHS planned activities shall support amongst others, capacity building for staffs (nurses/midwives at practicum sites) for better supervision of potential CHEWs; Capacity building for staffs of relevant agencies to supervise health workers; Support capacity building of health workers on respectful care, SRH, community participation in service delivery. On the demand side, the AQHS project shall support NGO partners to build capacity of community groups on Gender, Policy Advocacy, Health Budget tracking, Maternal Health research, monitoring of service delivery. The weight on demand of the VOICE project is: Coordination, Advocacy and Collaboration.

The Nigeria program will require with a broad range of skills, including organizational development, health research, monitoring & evaluation, program development, gender mainstreaming experts, communications, strategic planning, Information Communication Technology, public health, and mentors.

Placements will be of varying length, but generally placements will be between three months and one year. There will also be possibilities for volunteers to contribute to the program remotely as e-volunteers. E-volunteers can be those who volunteer their time before or after a placement in-country, but also for those who are unable to travel overseas but would like to contribute.

The volunteers will conduct the following activities:

– Support the review of Primary Health Care Operational Plan and State Health Strategic Development Plan

– Research and needs assessment

– Provide technical input to NGOs and other partners delivering training or developing advocacy strategies for target beneficiaries and communities

– Organizational capacity development of partner organizations and/or their networks.


Various health-related qualifications

Essential Professional Background/Competencies

Knowledge of development of operational plans, policy briefs, and health strategies, health research, monitoring and evaluation.

Desirable Academic Qualifications

– Relevant Degree and/or professional training is desirable

– Experience in development, global health issues, policy analysis is desirable

– Should be familiar with public health systems in developing countries


– Research skills

– Skill and experience in policy analysis would be an asset

– Previous professional experience at the international level desirable

– Proficiency skills with documenting M&E plans desirable

Important information for candidates

Cuso International covers the following costs:

– Travel and accommodation for the five-day pre-departure training course and in-country training orientation

– Return airfare and visa/permit costs

– The cost of required vaccinations, antimalarial medication and health insurance

– Access to Employee Assistance Program while overseas and upon return

– Accommodation while overseas

– Modest living allowance while overseas

– Modest support for accompanying partners and dependents going on placement with you for 12 months or longer

– Travel and accommodation for reintegration debriefing weekend

Fundraising: We ask each volunteer, regardless of placement length, to raise $2,000. All volunteers receive support from Cuso International to help achieve the goal through fundraising. If the volunteer chooses not to fundraise or is unable to achieve the fundraising goal, he/she can make a one-time donation or become a monthly donor to support our work.

– E-volunteering: Depending on the nature of the placement, the volunteer might be required to provide e-volunteering support to the local partner or Cuso International before or after the field placement.



The Cross River State Planning Commission was established by the Cross River State Law No. 3 of 2004 and amended in 2007 with the following mandate:

– Prepare and co-ordinate Development Plans for Socio-Economic Development and growth of the State.

– Advise the two tiers of Government (State and Local) on the implementation of such Plans and policies with a view to harmonizing them with the development objective of the Federal Government.

– Advise the Governor on Economic Policy and Programme, and act as his representative as may be assigned.

The Commission has five main Departments:

– Economic Planning

– Research and Statistics

– Projects Inspectorate

– Development Assistance Co-ordination

– Administration and Finance

VISION: To have the best articulated and impactful Socio-Economic Development Plans that achieves the State Vision.

MISSION: To advise, harness, synergize and co-ordinate Development Planning, Economic Policy, Monitoring and Evaluation, Research and Data Management for sustainable development of Cross River State (CRS).


The overall purpose of the placement is to provide guidance and support to the State Planning Commission (SPC) for the institutionalization and coordination of the Natural Resource Management programs and policies in the Cross River State.

The volunteer will:

– Assist SPC and Cso International Nigeria to organize the quarterly coordination meeting of SPC and relevant ministries, departments and agencies.

– Assist SPC to prepare a work-plan to build the capacity to institutionalise the GE/GJ framework in CRS.

– Support the development of the capacity building plan in collaboration with Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC), Cuso, SPC and Local Governments.

– Participate in the implementation of the capacity building plan.

– Institutionalize the Natural Resource Management (NRM) green economy framework and act as a coordinating consultant to SPC and identify policy gaps, advise, synergize and co-ordinate Natural Resource Management (NRM) Policies and Planning.


A Bachelor or equivalent in Environment, Development, Social science or a related field relevant to the position.


-Preferably a minimum of 5 years of general professional experience

-Ability to work with a diverse array of stakeholders

Master’s Degree in Environment, Development, Social science or a related field relevant to the position.


– At least 5-10 years of experience in areas relevant to the assignment

– Experience in providing advice on the national and/or regional level in the environmental management/governance, or sustainable development policy, or climate change, or green economy

– Experience in training delivery will be an advantage

– Experience in the field related to the adoption of the international environmental conventions

– Experience on senior management positions in public administration, private company or non-profit organisation will be an advantage


Cuso International covers the following costs:

– Travel and accommodation for the five-day pre-departure training course and in-country training orientation

– Return airfare and visa/permit costs

– The cost of required vaccinations, antimalarial medication and health insurance

– Access to Employee Assistance Program while overseas and upon return

– Accommodation while overseas

– Modest living allowance while overseas

– Modest support for accompanying partners and dependents going on placement with you for 12 months or longer

– Travel and accommodation for reintegration debriefing weekend

Fundraising: We ask each volunteer, regardless of placement length, to raise $2,000. All volunteers receive support from Cuso International to help achieve the goal through fundraising. If the volunteer chooses not to fundraise or is unable to achieve the fundraising goal, he/she can make a one-time donation or become a monthly donor to support our work.

– E-volunteering: Depending on the nature of the placement, the volunteer might be required to provide e-volunteering support to the local partner or Cuso International before or after the field placement.



The Department of Tourism Development was created in 2008 to promote tourism as priority economic sector for Cross Rivier State.


The volunteer placement will assist to formulate/develop appropriate tourism legislation that ensures the smooth implementation of the tourism policy on green jobs in a green economy. The Cross River State Tourism Legislation is anticipated to provide a broader framework that gives legal backing to the state tourism policy to support the development of the states tourism industry.

The volunteer will:

– Develop Cross River State Tourism Legislation.

– Organize consultative workshop(s) with tourism related public and private sector stakeholders to develop the new Tourism Legislation

– Recommend institutional mechanisms to increase synergy and collaboration for the shared responsibilities of state and local governments and the private sector to implement the tourism policy document within the policy framework

– Organize training workshops for key officials on tourism legislation


University Degree or equivalent level qualification in Law, Tourism, and/or other Social Science related fields.


At least three (3) years of practical work experience with legislative responsibility with a reputable registered firm or tourism organization preferably in a developing country with a thriving tourism industry


Desirable Professional Background/Competencies

– Work experience in any major tourism/ecotourism project or related work is desirable.

– Strong organizational, planning and facilitation skills and the ability to work with public and private sector representatives.

– Practical experience in strategic and action planning, project management and/or institutional reform (highly desirable)

– Previous experience working with private sector tourism operators in a developing country.

Important information for candidates

Cuso International covers the following costs:

– Travel and accommodation for the five-day pre-departure training course and in-country training orientation

– Return airfare and visa/permit costs

– The cost of required vaccinations, antimalarial medication and health insurance

– Access to Employee Assistance Program while overseas and upon return

– Accommodation while overseas

– Modest living allowance while overseas

– Modest support for accompanying partners and dependents going on placement with you for 12 months or longer

– Travel and accommodation for reintegration debriefing weekend

Fundraising: We ask each volunteer, regardless of placement length, to raise $2,000. All volunteers receive support from Cuso International to help achieve the goal through fundraising. If the volunteer chooses not to fundraise or is unable to achieve the fundraising goal, he/she can make a one-time donation or become a monthly donor to support our work.

– E-volunteering: Depending on the nature of the placement, the volunteer might be required to provide e-volunteering support to the local partner or Cuso International before or after the field placement.



Like Cuso International, GPI knows that every girl has great inner strength and the capability to take control of their own futures, if only they are given the skills necessary to do so. For over 20 years, this Nigerian not-for-profit has been giving young girls and women the knowledge they require to act and the conviction to overcome prejudices.

Their successes come from three streams of work: internships which empower women to become leaders in sexual education in their own communities, the Gender Development Institute (GDI) which increases public awareness around the importance of gender equality, and their outreach program which brings the GPIs knowledge and skills development to Nigerias most vulnerable girls through school curriculums and intensive holiday programming.


The aim of this placement is to support in-country volunteer in Nigeria by doing internet research on fundraising and network opportunities for Girls Power Initiative (done more efficiently by an e-volunteer in a region with constant and high speed internet). Cuso International’s VOICE program in Nigeria is focused on health, with one area on improving the capacity of organizations that provide adolescent/youth health information and services. Cuso International’s Youlead project in Nigeria is focused on developing entrepreneurship skills and employment for young people between the ages of 18-35 across the 18 LGAs of Cross River State. GPI is a Cuso International partner which has the potentials of benefitting from both projects (Youlead and VOICE) owing to the work they do.

The volunteer will:

Search for funding and networking possibilities

Seek out list of servers or websites with information on funding opportunities for projects in GPI program area


Currently enrolled in a degree in Social Sciences or related field

Essential Professional Background/Competencies

Background in gender, international development or social work


Degree in International Development desirable

Experience in development, global health issues, policy analysis

Knowledge of gender dynamics in developing countries’ context


Research skills

Experience with fundraising

Ability to organise and document results in easily useable format

Important information for candidates

E-Volunteers will participate in a one-hour online orientation session prior to starting their placement. Additional information, as well as tips for working in an online environment are also available in our E-volunteering Toolkit found on our website,

Based on approval, we will provide reimbursement for communications expenses related to your placement, such as Skype minutes, photocopying, and mail. We will reimburse to a maximum amount of $20 per month, with receipts. Long-distance telephone call expenses will not be covered.

Technical requirements and considerations: E-Volunteers are expected to supply their own basic home office equipment and have a moderate knowledge of computer technology. Some of our partners are located in remote areas with unreliable internet connection. Consequently, it is reasonable to assume that when working with the partners, emails will not be responded to immediately. For most of our partners, this is their first experience working with e-volunteers and flexibility and patience will be required for this placement.



The aim of this placement is to develop quality communications materials (written reports, policy briefs and case studies) in order to share learning and best practice generated by partners and volunteers within Cuso International Nigeria programs. The outcome will be that Cuso International Nigeria will be better able to demonstrate the impact of international volunteering and working in partnership to tackle poverty.

The volunteer will:

– Support development, management of information and communication materials

– Develop guidance materials to strengthen documentation practices

– Develop documentation materials to raise the profile of the VOICE program in Nigeria

– Research and write stories which capture the impact of international volunteering and of working in partnership to tackle poverty. Subjects will include north-south volunteers, south-south volunteers, national volunteers, diaspora volunteers, corporate volunteers, partners and beneficiaries


University Degree on Communication, Marketing or other relevant field.

Essential Professional Background/Competencies

Experience with development of information, education and communications (IEC) materials


Experience in advocacy, communications or similar field


– Research and interviewing skills,

– Skill and experience in photography would be an asset

– Previous professional experience desirable

– Proficiency skills with creating content within short time scales

Important information for candidates

Cuso International covers the following costs:

– Travel and accommodation for the five-day pre-departure training course and in-country training orientation

– Return airfare and visa/permit costs

– The cost of required vaccinations, antimalarial medication and health insurance

– Access to Employee Assistance Program while overseas and upon return

– Accommodation while overseas

– Modest living allowance while overseas

– Modest support for accompanying partners and dependents going on placement with you for 12 months or longer

– Travel and accommodation for reintegration debriefing weekend

Fundraising: We ask each volunteer, regardless of placement length, to raise $2,000. All volunteers receive support from Cuso International to help achieve the goal through fundraising. If the volunteer chooses not to fundraise or is unable to achieve the fundraising goal, he/she can make a one-time donation or become a monthly donor to support our work.

– E-volunteering: Depending on the nature of the placement, the volunteer might be required to provide e-volunteering support to the local partner or Cuso International before or after the field placement.


CUSO International Vacancies, Thursday 3, March 2016

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