Sunday, March 27, 2016

How to Avoid Being Just Another Forgotten CV

You need to do what all the CV advice articles tell you not to do. You need to make a big CV. It should be more like a fantastic booklet that gives a blow by blow account of why you are perfect for the job. But do not stop there; you need to make this something that the employer is going to feel guilty throwing away. It needs to be a full colour booklet that is chock full of information as to why you should be employed. Pretend you are creating a fantastic booklet to advertise a holiday package or a timeshare home. If you cannot fill the pages full of frank and truthful information about why you are perfect for the role, then you need to apply for a lower position.

Create a customised CV for your future employer

Now that you are dedicated to making your booklet CV, you need to go the extra step and make it personalised for the employer. The first thing a sceptical employer will think is that you have printed off fifty booklets and posted them to every marketing job in the country. So on the first page it needs to say, “Why I am perfect for the role of xxxxx at xxxx.” Mention the company by name and the job by name. Do not write, “Why I am perfect for your job” because that reeks of duplicated copies. It needs to make it clear from the outset that you made this booklet for that company and that job only.

You also need to directly reference the company and its departments. You can even insert a map showing how close you live to the company, and explain how easy it will be for them to call you into the office at a moment’s notice.

The employer looks through hundreds of applications in his or her business life. Lots of people who give advice for CVs want you to make reading your CV convenient, so they tell you to keep it short and concise. And, in many situations that would be perfect. In-fact for lower paid jobs it is ideal. But, for this job, for a marketing job in particular, you need to stand out from the crowd. Your CV also needs to be memorable. If you can get one of the office staff to look at your CV and show it to someone else for the sheer novelty value of it alone, then you have proven yourself to be the most effective marketing professional out of all those applicants.

How to create a good layout

Above all the layout must be very targeted, and the way you may achieve this is to set it out to give a blow by blow account of why you are perfect for the role. A good marketing strategy has always been to introduce a product and then give benefit after benefit to the consumer until he or she cries out for the product. You must do the same with your layout. You must create easy to read parcels of information that simply pile benefit atop benefit of why they should employ you.

Your CV must be an achievement driven booklet, and the thing you wish to achieve is gaining employment. You must create very concise and very targeted parcels of information with absolutely no fluff or unnecessary wordage. Get help with creative writing or look at sample CVs online for good ways to express yourself.

Your mindset when you are writing

This is very important because you need to consciously set the correct tone for your CV. At the beginning of every paragraph, or every parcel of information, you need to say the words, “you should employ me because” in your head. Your CV needs to be goal oriented in the same way that your marketing would be goal orientated. Don’t forget your ABCs – “Always Be Closing.” Every paragraph needs to have this feel to it. You always need to work towards the “yes”.

Use your marketing talents in order to show your expertise

Frankly, the marketing company will be looking for proof of your skills and marketing knowledge within the CV itself. Missing out on this opportunity to show off your talents would be like walking to a job interview as for a taxi job, or a web designer using a lacklustre web design on which he sells his design services. Your competing job applicants will have showcased their talents on their CV so you need to do the same.

How to insert a “head-slapper” at the end

You need to create a final page that has a lasting impact. Therefore you should come up with something that is clever to the point of almost being witty. The reader should smile as he or she reads it and be in almost awe of your audacious cleverness. An example may be something such as claiming that you are the best marketing professional on the job market, so much so that even “you” have read this booklet all the way to the end. With the “you” referring to the employer reading the booklet.

How to Avoid Being Just Another Forgotten CV

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