Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Build Up Your CV To Get Your Dream Job

As most people who’ve struggled and searched for a new job in recent years will know, the increased competition means that it’s becoming harder to stand out and, frequently, it’s the smaller things that make the difference. While you may not be able to add a new position to your CV, you can certainly boost your employability.

Do some work experience

Yep, it’s an old classic, but work experience is always a good addition to the CV. If you can, try to gain experience in the same or similar profession to the one that you wish to be employed in, but don’t just ignore opportunities in other sectors. After all, everyone loves a good “transferable skill”.

Take advantage of your part-time work

If you’re working part-time in a job unrelated to the one that you want, then why not make the most of it by asking to take on a few more responsibilities? Any organisational or financial tasks will look great on the CV, so get asking.

It may seem like you’ll be doing more work for no more money (chances are, you will be), but it could well be worthwhile in the long run. If you have to work in a part-time job that you don’t enjoy, then why not learn as much as you can while you’re there?

Become a volunteer

Volunteering is a massive plus on any CV. It shows that candidates are active, willing to work and eager to help good causes – all great traits that employers love to see. And the opportunities are vast.

Typically, we may think of people volunteering on relief efforts in Africa or helping to build schools in Asia, but there are numerous chances to lend a hand closer to home. The Conservation Volunteers even offer 90-minute slots, so there’s really no excuse not to add this to your CV.

Take a gap year

If you really want to fully experience being a volunteer, then get yourself abroad and take part in one of the previously mentioned activities. Employers love that kind of stuff. But if that doesn’t sound like a fit for you, then there’s loads of other ways to make a year abroad look good on your CV.

Spending months on the beach in Thailand probably won’t excite too many employers, but travelling to new places and demonstrating that you’ve grown from seeing new cultures could lend a boost to your employment prospects.

Travelling can demonstrate that you’re open to new ideas and experiences and that, after a year of moving around, you’re ready to focus on your career. And obviously take advantage of any opportunities to gain experience of new working practices or environments when you’re away.

Start a blog

Following on from the last idea, why not write your own blog while you’re away? Not only is it a perfect way to keep a record of all the little details that you’ll want to look back on in a few years’ time, it will also be a great addition to your CV.

And it’s also worth starting a blog even if you’re not venturing much further than the kitchen. Detailed or brief, as long as you show some kind of writing/ designing/ time-keeping ability, then it’s worthwhile.

At the very least, compiling a regularly updated blog will give you far more satisfaction than wasting the afternoon on daytime TV.

Pass your driving test

Finally, why not spend your spare time passing your driving test? It may not be the most obvious route to a new job, but you might be surprised at how many positions require candidates to have a clean driving license (so don’t pass your test and promptly crash into a hedge).

Passing your driving test might not be the cheapest way of finding a new job, but it could be one of the most useful.

Build Up Your CV To Get Your Dream Job

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