Friday, July 8, 2016

Solidarites International Recruitment [6 Positions]

Solidarites International (SI) has not been active in Nigeria in the past and therefore has a limited experience in the country. SI sent a first exploratory team in Nigeria (North-Eastern States) for three weeks in April. A continued presence of senior managers has been maintained since mid-May in Borno state and Abuja. Additionally, SI registration in Nigeria is ongoing with the help of a local lawyer.

We are recruiting to fill the position below:

Job Title: Head of Mission
Abuja, Maiduguri (if possible, accessible areas of the north-western states (Yobe, Borno, Adamawa, Gombe)
Duration: 6 months
Starting Date: 15th July, 2016.

About the Mission

  • Solidarités International (SI) has not been active in Nigeria in the past and therefore has a limited experience in the country. SI sent a first exploratory team in Nigeria (North-Eastern States) for three weeks in April. A continued presence of senior managers has been maintained since mid-May in Borno state and Abuja. Additionally, SI registration in Nigeria is ongoing with the help of a local lawyer.

Organization of the Mission

  • The mission has one coordination based in Abuja, composed of one Head of Mission, one administrative coordinator and one program coordinator.

  • The project will be based in Maiduguri and implemented by an expatriate project manager, with a field coordinator, as well as a one month support from a MEAL coordinator.

  • The support team will be composed in Maiduguri of one administrator and one logistic coordinator.

About the Job

  • The Head of Mission is the Solidarités International official representative in a country, or in an part of a country according to the cut-out decided.

  • S/He is in charge of the smooth running of the mission.

  • S/He proposes mission strategy, according to the geopolitical and humanitarian context, and ensures its implementation once it has been validated.

  • S/He monitors projects, ensuring that they are progressing in accordance with the Solidarités International charter and complying with internal and contractual procedures.

  • S/He mobilizes the material and financial resources necessary for the programs to run effectively and supervises the administration of these resources.

  • S/He coordinates the teams in place and ensures their security on the mission.

  • S/He is the direct liaison for Solidarités International HQ.

Specific Context of the Post

  • SI three folded operational strategy is divided has been thought to adapt to changing context and access. It will balance a direct intervention in accessible areas (Maiduguri city) and remote operations through a network of collaborators in non-covered outer LGAs, with potential ad hoc movements from the expatriates on site, would security conditions allow it.

  • This strategy takes into consideration access constraints, security restrictions, logistics issues and sensitivity of the different stakeholders.

  • In this opening and operationalization phase, the Head of Mission will anchor SI presence in Nigeria along 3 priorities:

  • Supervise and frame the implementation of the first round of operations in Borno state, according to SI humanitarian standards. The head of mission will specifically guarantee the inclusiveness and community participatory approach of the intervention.

  • Develop the access and outreach of SI teams in non-covered areas of Borno State, including through relations and negotiations with all stakeholders.

  • Development of SI visibility and representation within coordination platforms, clusters and the donor community.

  • The head of mission will have to readjust the operational strategy according to contextual evolutions, and maintain a strong internal coordination with SI mission in Cameroun (Yaounde and Northern Cameroun) and representation in Chad (Ndjamena), with the aim to jointly develop a regional humanitarian strategy.

Your Profile
Education and experience:

  • Post graduate level in Humanitarian Project Management and/or Political Science

  • Minimum 2 years of experience as Head of Mission

  • Previous experience as Field Coordinator desirable

  • Experience in mission opening and emergency context highly desirable

Knowledge and Technical Skills:

  • Expertise on humanitarian access management is a prerequisite

  • Good knowledge on project management cycle, from the design to the monitoring

  • Good and proven writing and spoke English are required

Transferable Skills:

  • Transferable skills in program appreciated

  • Good knowledge and experience of the Chad Lake basin area appreciated


  • Representation, communication and interpersonal skills

  • Anticipation, decision taking and initiative capacities

  • Great work capacity and stress management

  • Capacity to work in complex and volatile environments

Abuja Living Conditions

  • Abuja is the federal capital of Nigeria. It is located in the center of Nigeria in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). Climate is classified as tropical wet and dry with a warm rainy season from April to October and a hot dry season between November and March.

  • Accommodation in Abuja is in hotel with internet access, restaurant, AC, hot water and laundry service. There is no office for the moment, but work can be done from the hotel or in one of the several quiet bars with internet access present in town.

  • The level of security threat is very limited in Abuja and the city does not experience the same issues than other Nigerian urban areas. Main risks are road accident, due to driving fast and not very disciplined, and malaria. Criminality is very low and expatriate community is not identified as a specific target.

  • Humanitarian sector being small in Abuja, humanitarian expatriate life is limited, but on the other hand, external social life can be very pleasant thanks to the low security threat and the presence of several restaurants, bars, parks, clubs, gym and pools.

We Offer
SI will offer you:

  • A salaried post: according to experience from 2300 euros gross per month, plus 10% annual leave allowance paid monthly, and a monthly Per Diem of 750 USD.

  • Social and medical cover: Expatriates benefit from an insurance package which reimburses all healthcare expenses (including medical and surgical expenses, dental care and ophthalmological expenses, repatriation) and a welfare system including war risks. Essential vaccination and antimalarial treatment costs are refunded.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should APPLY HERE


Job Title: Nigeria – Program Coordinator
Desired start date: 15/07/2016 (subject to funding)
Duration of the mission: 7 months

Organization of the Mission

  • The mission has one coordination based in Abuja, composed of one Head of Mission, one administrative coordinator and one program coordinator.

  • The project will be based in Maiduguri and implemented by an expatriate project manager, with a field coordinator, as well as a one month support from a MEAL coordinator.

  • The support team will be composed in Maiduguri of one administrator and one logistic coordinator.

About the Job

  • The program coordinator contributes to the development of SI strategy by proposing sector-based strategies for the whole activities.

  • He/she specifically the guarantor of the quality and suitability of proposed technical approaches and ensures the appropriateness between SI’s activities and general objectives and needs of the population.

  • He/she coordinates the project cycle and more particularly the operational monitoring of programs implemented in the intervention country.

  • He/she contributes to the capitalization process and the improvement of Solidarités International methods and techniques.

Specific Context of the Position

  • General objective of the project: To protect livelihood and prevent deterioration of food and nutrition security for the most vulnerable households of Maiduguri

  • Specific objective of the project: To improve access to basic needs (food, NFI and shelter) and access to basic WASH services for the most vulnerable households in Maiduguri’s host communities affected by the conflict in North East Nigeria.

  • The organization of the program: the program will be divided into three sectors of intervention: A WASH component including the upgrade of existing water points, the construction of latrines through PHAST methodology and Hygiene promotion activities. The second part of the intervention consists in multipurpose cash based assistance for vulnerable households (including identification of SAM cases and referrals). Finally the program include a cholera contingency component.

  • Teams and tasks: the program coordinator is not managing any international staff but will be the functional link of the project manager based in Maiduguri and managed by the field coordinator. The program coordinator will support the project manager during the opening of the project “Improvement of Access to Basic Needs for the most vulnerable households in Maiduguri’s Crisis Affected Communities”. Moreover if funding is available to cover interventions outside of Maiduguri the program coordinator will also be in charge of supervising the projects. No National staff either. In the meantime, the program coordinator will conduct assessments in areas where SI is not currently working in order to develop the mission and submit proposals to institutional donors.

Your Profile

  • Education: Project Management and/or WaSH or Foods Security background.

  • Experience: Work in Remote set up, Developing country strategy and programing & mission opening

  • Technical skills and knowledge: Experience in Livelihoods, Cash based assistance, Experience in WASH programs

  • Transferable skills: Proposal writing, Assessment

  • Languages: English mandatory

  • Other desirable qualities: unstable security conditions in Maiduguri, ability to adapt and work under pressure

We Offer
SI will offer you:

  • A salaried post: according to experience from 2000 euros gross per month, plus 10% annual leave allowance paid monthly, and a monthly Per Diem of 750 USD.

  • Social and medical cover: Expatriates benefit from an insurance package which reimburses all healthcare expenses (including medical and surgical expenses, dental care and ophthalmological expenses, repatriation) and a welfare system including war risks. Essential vaccination and antimalarial treatment costs are refunded.

  • Vacation: During the assignment, a system of alternation between work and time off is implemented at the rate of one break every three months. For a one-year assignment, the expatriate will have a 7-day break during the 3rd and the 9th month (with 500 euros allocated by Solidarités).

  • He or she will also be entitled to go back to his or her home country for a 14-day period after six months spent on the mission (Solidarités will cover travel costs).

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should APPLY HERE


Job Title: Nigeria – Program Manager
Desired Start Date: 15/07/2016
Duration of the Mission: 7 months (subject to funding)

Organization of the Mission

  • The mission has one coordination based in Abuja, composed of one Head of Mission, one administrative coordinator and one program coordinator.

  • The project will be based in Maiduguri and implemented by an expatriate project manager, with a field coordinator, as well as a one month support from a MEAL coordinator.

  • The support team will be composed in Maiduguri of one administrator and one logistic coordinator.

About the Job
The program manager is responsible for implementing and achieving the objectives defined in the operation proposals.

  • (S)he is responsible for overseeing operational teams assigned to the program.

  • (S)he guarantees the good performance and the quality of the program(s) implemented, and, where appropriate, proposes adjustments or developments to ensure relevance.

Specific Context of the Position:

  • General objective of the project: To protect livelihood and prevent deterioration of food and nutrition security for the most vulnerable households of Maiduguri

  • Specific objective of the project: To improve access to basic needs (food, NFI and shelter) and access to basic WASH services for the most vulnerable households in Maiduguri’s host communities affected by the conflict in North East Nigeria.

  • The organization of the program: the program will be divided into three sectors of intervention: A WASH component including the upgrade of existing water points, the construction of latrines through PHAST methodology and Hygiene promotion activities.

  • The second part of the intervention consists in multipurpose cash based assistance for vulnerable households (including identification of SAM cases and referrals). Finally the program includes a cholera contingency component.

  • Teams and tasks: the project manager will managed a team composed of one national project manager assistant, one WASH team leader, who will manage 1 watsan officer and 6 hygiene and sanitation officers, and 1 cash and nutrition team leader who will manage 5 community mobilizers and 1 database agent.

  • The project manager will be in charge of implementing the “Improvement of Access to Basic Needs for the most vulnerable households in Maiduguri’s Crisis Affected Communities” project

Your Profile

  • Education: project Management and/or WaSH or Foods Security background.

  • Experience: Experience in Wash and/or cash based assistance projects

  • Technical skills and knowledge: Livelihoods, Cash based assistance (better if knowledge on smart cards),WASH

  • Transferable skills: project management, reporting

  • Languages: English mandatory

Other Desirable Qualities:

  • Unstable security conditions in Maiduguri, ability to adapt and work under pressure

We Offer
SI will offer you:

  • A salaried post: according to experience from 1600 euros gross per month, plus 10% annual leave allowance paid monthly, and a monthly Per Diem of 750 USD.

  • Social and medical cover: Expatriates benefit from an insurance package which reimburses all healthcare expenses (including medical and surgical expenses, dental care and ophthalmological expenses, repatriation) and a welfare system including war risks. Essential vaccination and antimalarial treatment costs are refunded.

  • Vacation: During the assignment, a system of alternation between work and time off is implemented at the rate of one break every three months. For a one-year assignment, the expatriate will have a 7-day break during the 3rd and the 9th month (with 500 euros allocated by Solidarités).

  • He or she will also be entitled to go back to his or her home country for a 14-day period after six months spent on the mission (Solidarites will cover travel costs).

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should APPLY HERE


Job Title: Nigeria – Logistics Coordinator
Maiduguri, with frequent commuting to Abuja
Starting Date: 01/08/2016 (subject to funding)
Duration: 7 Months
Contact: Pauline CARTERY, Recruitment & Follow Up Officer

Organization of the Mission

  • The mission has one coordination based in Abuja, composed of one Head of Mission, one administrative coordinator and one program coordinator.

  • The project will be based in Maiduguri and implemented by an expatriate project manager, with a field coordinator, as well as a one month support from a MEAL coordinator.

  • The support team will be composed in Maiduguri of one administrator and one logistic coordinator.

About the Job

  • The logistics coordinator pilot logistics activities of the mission to ensure the smooth running of SI programs in the country.

  • He ensures the implementation of SI procedures and logistics tools on the mission and ensure their compliance and their proper use.

  • He helps define the mission strategy, drafting and design projects necessary means and activities SI.

  • He supports the head of mission in the operational safety.

  • He is the referent on the mission and the link between headquarters and the mission for any issue related to logistics.

Specific context of the post:

  • SI three folded operational strategy is divided has been thought to adapt to changing context and access. It will balance a direct intervention in accessible areas (Maiduguri city) and remote operations through a network of collaborators in non-covered outer LGAs, with potential ad hoc movements from the expatriates on site, would security conditions allow it.

  • This strategy takes into consideration access constraints, security restrictions, logistics issues and sensitivity of the different stakeholders.

  • In this opening and operationalization phase, the Logistic coordinator will be based in Maiduguri with frequent movements to Abuja, and will aim at managing both the support to the ongoing in Maiduguri, and the set up of a coordination base in Abuja. This challenging mission will focus on three priorities:
    • In strong relation with PMs and with the field coordinator, manage and implement the purchase plan for Borno’s intervention

    • In strong relation with the Head of mission, design and implement the logistic and security setup of the mission, with a focus on the identification of national collaborators profiles.

    • Anticipate and prepare the logistic scale up of the mission for a second phase, with a prioritization put on the recruitment of national senior managers.

  • The Logistic coordinator will have the direct support of the head of mission, field coordinator and administrative coordinator, in the conduction of the above-mentioned priorities in a limited timeframe. Additional ad hoc support may be considered.

Your Profile
Education and Experience:

  • Technical education or significant experience in the logistic sector

  • Previous experience as a Log coordinator (1 year) a prerequisite

  • Previous experience as a base log manager (1 year) a prerequisite

  • Experience in mission opening, preferably within SI, appreciated

Knowledge and Technical Skills:

  • Expertise on local procurement

  • Good and proven writing and spoke English are required

Transferable Skills:

  • Transferable skills in program appreciated

  • Knowledge and experience of the Chad Lake basin area appreciated


  • Multi-project support experience

  • Strong interpersonal skills

  • Skill transfer ability highly appreciated

  • Anticipation and self-organization capacities

  • Great work capacity and stress management

  • Capacity to work in complex and volatile environments

We Offer
SI will offer you:

  • A salaried post: according to experience from 2000 euros gross per month, plus 10% annual leave allowance paid monthly, and a monthly Per Diem of 750 USD.

  • Social and medical cover: Expatriates benefit from an insurance package which reimburses all healthcare expenses (including medical and surgical expenses, dental care and ophthalmological expenses, repatriation) and a welfare system including war risks.

  • Essential vaccination and antimalarial treatment costs are refunded.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should APPLY HERE


Job Title: Field Coordinator – Maiduguri
Maiduguri, with frequent commuting to Abuja
Starting Date: 1st August, 2016. (subject to funding)
Duration: 7 months

Organization of the Mission

  • The mission has one coordination based in Abuja, composed of one Head of Mission, one administrative coordinator and one program coordinator.

  • The project will be based in Maiduguri and implemented by an expatriate project manager, with a field coordinator, as well as a one month support from a MEAL coordinator.

  • The support team will be composed in Maiduguri of one administrator and one logistic coordinator.

About to Job

  • The Field Coordinator has the role of delegated Head of Mission for a region of a country in which Solidarités International intervenes.

  • He/she proposes a regional strategy according to the geopolitical and humanitarian context, and ensures its implementation once validated.

  • He/she checks and ensures that projects are carried out in accordance with the Solidarités International charter, respecting all internal and contractual procedures

  • He/she mobilizes the material and financial resources necessary for programs to run smoothly, and supervises resource management.

  • He/she coordinates the teams in place and is responsible for their security in his/her assigned zone.

  • He/she is the Head of Mission’s direct contact and representative.

Specific Context of the Post

  • SI three folded operational strategy is divided has been thought to adapt to changing context and access. It will balance a direct intervention in accessible areas (Maiduguri city) and remote operations through a network of collaborators in non-covered outer LGAs, with potential ad hoc movements from the expatriates on site, would security conditions allow it.

  • This strategy takes into consideration access constraints, security restrictions, logistics issues and sensitivity of the different stakeholders.

  • In this opening and operationalization phase, the Field coordinator will anchor SI presence in Nigeria along 3 priorities:

  • Supervise the overall implementation of SI activities in Borno state : Maiduguri and remote LGAs. At this stage, a direct and day to day facilitation support towards program teams is expected .

  • Develop an extensive access and security apparel allowing a tight management of teams movements and frame of operations.

  • Develop SI visibility and acceptance within served local communities and within coordination platforms.

  • The Field Coordinator will have – in strong cooperation with the Head of Mission – to readjust the operational strategy according to contextual evolutions, and be able to shift the intervention frame quickly.

Your Profile
Education and experience:

  • Post graduate level in Humanitarian Project Management and/or Political Science

  • Previous experience as Field Coordinator (1 year) a prerequisite

  • Experience in mission opening and emergency context highly desirable

Knowledge and technical skills

  • Expertise on humanitarian access management is a desirable

  • Good knowledge on project management cycle, from the design to the monitoring

  • Good and proven writing and spoke English are required

Transferable skills

  • Transferable skills in program appreciated

  • Good knowledge and experience of the Chad Lake basin area appreciated


  • Multi-project supervision skills

  • Representation, communication and interpersonal skills

  • Anticipation, decision taking and initiative capacities

  • Great work capacity and stress management

  • Capacity to work in complex and volatile environments

We Offer
SI will offer you:

  • A salaried post: according to experience from 2000 euros gross per month, plus 10% annual leave allowance paid monthly, and a monthly Per Diem of 750 USD.

  • Social and medical cover: Expatriates benefit from an insurance package which reimburses all healthcare expenses (including medical and surgical expenses, dental care and ophthalmological expenses, repatriation) and a welfare system including war risks. Essential vaccination and antimalarial treatment costs are refunded.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should APPLY HERE


Job Title: Administrative Coordinator – Nigeria
Abuja, with frequent movements to Maiduguri
Starting Date: 01/08/2016 (subject to funding)
Duration: 3 months, renewable

Organization of the mission

  • The mission has one coordination based in Abuja, composed of one Head of Mission, one administrative coordinator and one program coordinator.

  • The project will be based in Maiduguri and implemented by an expatriate project manager, with a field coordinator, as well as a one month support from a MEAL coordinator.

  • The support team will be composed in Maiduguri of one administrator and one logistic coordinator.

Job Description

  • The administrative coordinator will direct and coordinate all administrative, accounting and financial services associated with the mission.

  • He/she will take part in defining Solidarités International’s human resources policy, and ensure that it is followed.

  • As coordinator, he is responsible for the mission’s financial balance.

  • He/she will monitor adherence to Solidarités administrative procedures and donor procedures as well as to the laws of the country in which intervention is taking place.

  • He/she is the point of reference for the mission, and the link between headquarters and the mission for all administrative matters.

Specific context of the post:

  • SI three folded operational strategy is divided has been thought to adapt to changing context and access. It will balance a direct intervention in accessible areas (Maiduguri city) and remote operations through a network of collaborators in non-covered outer LGAs, with potential ad hoc movements from the expatriates on site, would security conditions allow it.

  • This strategy takes into consideration access constraints, security restrictions, logistics issues and sensitivity of the different stakeholders.

  • In this opening and operationalization phase, the Administrative coordinator will be based in Abuja with frequent movements to Maiduguri. He/She will aim at setting up the overall administrative frame of the mission, with a focus on three initial priorities:

  • Implement all necessaries financial arrangements : bank account opening, cash management procedures, alternative money transfer modalities.

  • Setup and implement the HR frame of the mission, and tightly support the recruitment phase for both program and support departments.

  • Directly support both Maiduguri’s administrative manager and the logistics coordinator in the reaching of their respective objectives.

Your Profile
Education and Experience:

  • Technical education or significant experience in the administrative and financial sector

  • Previous experience as an admin coordinator (1 year) a prerequisite

  • Previous experience as a base admin manager (1 year) a prerequisite

  • Experience in mission opening, preferably within SI, appreciated

Knowledge and Technical Skills:

  • Expertise on bank opening and cash management highly appreciated

  • Good and proven writing and spoke English are required

Transferable Skills:

  • Transferable skills in logistics appreciated

  • Knowledge and experience of the Chad Lake basin area appreciated


  • Multi-project support experience

  • Strong interpersonal skills

  • Skill transfer ability highly appreciated

  • Anticipation and self-organization capacities

  • Great work capacity and stress management

  • Capacity to work in complex and volatile environments

Abuja Living Conditions:

  • Abuja is the federal capital of Nigeria. It is located in the center of Nigeria in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). Climate is classified as tropical wet and dry with a warm rainy season from April to October and a hot dry season between November and March.

  • Accommodation in Abuja is in hotel with internet access, restaurant, AC, hot water and laundry service. There is no office for the moment, but work can be done from the hotel or in one of the several quiet bars with internet access present in town.

  • The level of security threat is very limited in Abuja and the city does not experience the same issues than other Nigerian urban areas. Main risks are road accident, due to driving fast and not very disciplined, and malaria. Criminality is very low and expatriate community is not identified as a specific target.

  • Humanitarian sector being small in Abuja, humanitarian expatriate life is limited, but on the other hand, external social life can be very pleasant thanks to the low security threat and the presence of several restaurants, bars, parks, clubs, gym and pools.

We Offer
SI will offer you:

  • A salaried post: according to experience from 2000 euros gross per month, plus 10% annual leave allowance paid monthly, and a monthly Per Diem of 750 USD.

  • Social and medical cover: Expatriates benefit from an insurance package which reimburses all healthcare expenses (including medical and surgical expenses, dental care and ophthalmological expenses, repatriation) and a welfare system including war risks. Essential vaccination and antimalarial treatment costs are refunded.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should APPLY HERE

Application Deadline: 31st July, 2016.

Solidarites International Recruitment [6 Positions]

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