Friday, August 19, 2016

How to Write a CV - Your Passport to the Perfect Job

A good job search involves many tools but perhaps none is more important than your   curriculum   vitae , or CV. Not be confused with a resume, a CV provides employers with a complete snapshot of your education, work history, awards, skills and other relevant information. This synopsis is your first impression with the employer and can make or break your employment chances. It goes without saying that learning how to write a CV is essential for every job seeker.

While most word processing programs offer a template CV, it is almost always better to write a customized one specific to your needs. To determine how to write a CV, follow these simple tips…

1.) Study Samples: A quick internet search will bring up all sorts of sample CVs online. Search for those specific to your industry and review several. While you don’t want to copy an online sample, you can use it for inspiration.

2.) Gather Your Information: Before you decide how to write a CV, you need to have the information to include. Sit down and list all the material that should be included. This consists of personal information, job history, hobbies, awards and honors. Limit what you include to that material that is relevant to the position for which you are applying.

3.) Polish Your Profile: After your personal information, you should include a profile that sums up your experience and expertise. It is your opportunity to sell yourself to the hiring manager. As you begin to learn how to write a CV, think of the profile as your moment to shine. If you don’t grab the employer’s attention, they may not bother to read on.

4.) Use Action Words: When discussing your skills base and previous employment, use words that demonstrate action. You want to show employers that you can get results. Instead of saying that you were a department manager, accentuate your results by focusing on action verbs such as increased productivity, reduced costs or modernized office procedures.

5.) Include Bullet Lists: When discussing your previous employment and responsibilities, use bulleted lists to highlight the strongest points. Research shows that individuals pay closer attention to bullets than to long chunks of text.

6.) Proofread: Nothing will destroy your chances of a new job faster than a sloppy CV. Knowing how to write a CV is only half the battle. Once you have it written, you need make sure it is professionally presented as well. Don’t rely on your computer’s spell checker program either. Read it aloud to yourself and then ask several friends to look it over as well.

A great CV is your passport to a fabulous new job. As a job seeker, it is your greatest marketing tool. Once you have learned how to write a CV, you will be surprised by the doors it will open for you.

How to Write a CV - Your Passport to the Perfect Job

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