Saturday, August 13, 2016

Sample CV

There are numerous websites on the internet which provides Sample CVs. Every one requires a Sample CV while preparing a CV for a dream job. CV is the first contact with your employer and it should focus all your skills in the field of practice. There are number of people who have applied for one job, hence the competition is definitely high. So it becomes equally important that your CV should reflect what the employer is looking for.

Here I am outlining few points which every sample CV should include. These points will help any one whether you are a doctor, lawyer, engineer, banker, accountant or a nurse. Following are some of the points to be taken care of while writing a sample CV:

* Provide phone number and e-mail address towards left side only. Right side is for unimportant details.

* Then write your career objective. Keep it short and simple.

* Next is profile which will list the candidates strengths well in the beginning itself. It should be easy to read and user friendly. The CV neither has the information dumped on it nor wastes the space to make it lengthy.

* Next will be professional experience which is the right place for an experienced candidate to mention his work experience. This space should be used very judiciously without cluttering the CV with unnecessary information.

* Last step will be achievements which is the right place to highlight all your achievements. This is what the recruiter is willing to buy.

Keeping these points in mind while writing a sample CV, you will get an idea of what is expected of you.

Sample CV

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