Thursday, September 22, 2016

Persuasive Words

Good language usage is one of the top 5 persuasive speech presentation elements. Adjectives can add colors while giving a sales speech or presentation. By using a simple memory trick the list of most commonly used adjectives can be recalled while speaking to the leads/customers or drafting a persuasive sales letter.

BEST acronym summarizes persuasive adjectives list:

  • Best

  • Easy

  • Simple

  • Top

Use the Word “Best” to Write a Good Letter of Recommendation

Whether it is for higher studies or applying for a new job, the word “best” is one of the most commonly used words in English to show excellence.

Examples: “That was the best business event ever.”

“He is the best manager I have ever seen.”

List of adjectives that start with B–positive words:

  1. Beautiful

  2. Bright

  3. Big

  4. Better

  5. Beneficial

  6. Brave

  7. Brilliant

Give Speeches Easily by Using the Word “Easy”

Almost everyone agrees that the importance of public speaking is to persuade the lead. Most persuasive speeches will have this word “Easy” create interest and desire. Though there are many other words for word “Easy”, such as trouble-free, effortless, painless, laid-back and unproblematic, it still rules the world of public speaking as it is short and sweet.

Yet another list of descriptive adjectives that start with E

  1. Elegant

  2. Efficient

  3. Effective

  4. Eccentric (Unconventional)

  5. Eclectic (Diverse)

  6. Exquisite

How to Give a Good Sales Presentation? Use the Word “Simple”

Giving good presentations involve powerful words and good usage of language. The word “Simple” is one of the most powerful words in the English language which is synonym for effortlessness and straightforwardness.

Adjectives beginning with S:

  1. Sincere

  2. Sophisticated

  3. Smart

  4. Spontaneous

  5. Sweet

  6. Successful

Resume Power Words List include “Top”

The word “Top” can get them to the top during sales job interviews. It can be used as a verb, an adjective or a noun, in a CV (curriculum vitae).

Here is a CV–a retail resume sample–that contains the word “Top” in two grammar forms:

  • I topped in the retail sales for the last quarter and by saving $2000 by initiating customer referral schemes and rewards point concepts. (Verb)

  • I had 100 percent attendance last year and I was at the top compared all other team members. (Noun)

Describing words that start with T:

  1. Trustworthy

  2. Talented

  3. Tailored

  4. Tuneful

  5. Too

Both, while writing and speaking, using right words brings more clarity and preciseness in the conversation, which is one of the elements of interaction skills. To use right words, one must remember the vocabulary so that it is readily in the mind and can be used spontaneously. Mnemonic devices are one of the best ways to remember and keep the information in the long term memory. BEST is one such mnemonic devices examples that help salespersons to recall the most widely used adjectives in English language. This list of persuasive adjectives will come handy during business sales presentations and persuasive speeches. Above all, it takes only few seconds to remember these most common adjectives–BEST.

Persuasive Words

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