Monday, October 3, 2016

HSMP Covering Letter Sample

Question : Do I need to include a covering letter with my HSMP application ?

Answer : If you do, it will be to your advantage !, simply because you are giving a summery of your application within the covering letter. It’s just like sending a covering letter with your CV (  Curriculum   Vitae ).

At the end of this document, We have included a HSMP covering letter sample along with a selection of other types of letters and some more crucial tips for a quick and easy HSMP application, all free of charge!. When it comes to sample HSMP letters, you no longer have to write your own or go looking on the Internet. You are welcome to copy these letters and make any necessary changes to suit your circumstances.

Highly Skilled Migrant Program (HSMP) is a great way to get permission to work in the UK. This is the most flexible type of Visa currently available in the UK. Simply you can work for any employer you like, even be self employed. Application process is very simple and straightforward in most cases (specially if you score 75 points) you don’t need to pay a consultant and you can prepare your own documents. Just follow the advice given, copy the letters, modify to suit your needs and submit. Normally it takes about 3-7 days for applications to be approved.

When you submit your application to the Home Office, it will be assigned to a caseworker for verifying and processing. When applying for HSMP one of the most important things to keep in mind is that you should make things as easy as possible for the case worker.

Looking at the application processing steps from the case worker’s point of view, will make it easier for you to understand the requirements and provide all the necessary information and documents in an easy to understand and process format. This would make it easier for the caseworker to process your application. The letters you submit along with your HSMP application are very important in to give a clear picture of your circumstances. If you “try and make the decision making easier and quicker for the case worker”, hopefully you will get your application approved very quickly and with minimum hassle.

One of the most important documents to include with your HSMP application is a covering letter. The HSMP Covering Letter Sample, is a summery of all the documents you submit. Your letter must specify the categories under which you are claiming points, number of points scored for each category. At the end of the letter you should add up all the points for each category and show a total of at least 75 points. You may have to include any other information relevant to your specific circumstances which you wish to convey to the caseworker.

HSMP Covering Letter Sample

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