Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Why Networking is Important in a Job Search

It is very easy to drop in your CV at big companies and sit at home waiting for an interview call that may never come. What you must not forget during your job search ids that your CV however great it may be has all the opportunities of getting lost in a heap of other CVs. Companies do not have the time to go over the hundreds of CVs that they come across and so it is extremely important to do networking in a job search.

Job search networking will help you establish that special contact with your target employers and will open up many new job opportunities for you that you would otherwise have not known about! There are in fact a host of networking ideas that are sure to help you in your job search.

Networking is all about making full use of your contacts whether professional or personal to help you in getting better job opportunities or to make new contacts that will help your search by bringing you more interview calls. Networking ideas if used in an innovative and diligent manner can be a real help to all job seekers. It will make your CV stand out in a crowd and it is sure to be noticed. Networking can be done at anytime, anywhere and through a number of mediums!

At Social Gatherings

Make full use of your presence at various social gatherings. Speak to people and urge those whom you know to introduce you to new people. Be sure to mention that you are a job seeker and indulge in insightful and informative conversations with prospective hirers. Even if you have a large friend circle make use of it in your job hunt. Family members can also be of great help in this case.

Whether recommendations or introductions to important people they can come in handy. A special word before your interview can work wonders for you. Even at business parties make sure that you are making new contacts and exchanging cards and numbers with people so that you are continuously introduced to new people. Your school or college alumni can help you with recommendations and job openings. You never know when and where your dream job knocks at your door!

Through Telephone Calls

Networking begins at parties but strengthens through telephone chats! Once you have the business cards and contact numbers of the people you need for your job, be sure to drop in a call or two to strengthen the bond. Being outgoing and smart is very important! You can either be informal and friendly in your approach or be direct and professional. Whatever you choose to be, you must make sure that you get your point across well and are noticed and remembered!

Friendly Visits

Always keep in mind that meeting up the contacts that you made over a coffee or a drink will draw you closer and people are sure to remember you next time they have any openings. Also, once you have established your contacts with a corporate person you can always drop into their office and leave your CV with them after a short chat! It will ensure that you will be noticed and called during the next recruitment.

Through the Internet

If you want to use the internet for networking purposes that’s a great idea as well! E-mail your contacts and make sure to be very careful with your grammar and language. Keep a track of your e-mails so that you can make full use of the replies that you receive. Being persuasive is very important in this case! There are also a number of job networking sites that you must visit and keep an active eye on.

Be a part of discussions in various job forums and make interesting points in various conversations. You can get introduced to many big shots in your field and can impress them with your talent for better job opportunities at your door step!

Whether the perfect job offer or that much needed recommendation, these networking tips can help you in ways more than one in your job search! Do your networking well and you never know where you might come across your dream job opportunity!

Why Networking is Important in a Job Search

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