Sunday, November 26, 2017

The Paperless CV - Maximize Its Impact

A paperless CV has many advantages over its traditional counterpart. Created and stored on a PC, it can be quickly and easily added to or amended, and sent instantly to any email address anywhere in the world. This gives you the opportunity to alter the emphasis if you wish to match particular job requirements, and know that you are not going to miss an application deadline. All in all a great improvement in the world of applying for jobs.

It has also opened up a whole new area for the jobseeker. You are now able to post your CV on the internet on sites that employers and agencies search when they require staff. Even when you are not actively looking for a job, therefore, they can still find you. It helps to amend the CV on a regular basis, even if only in a small way, so that it lasts as a recent posting. Once it starts to age too much it can get lost among the many thousands of others and lose it"s chance of getting you considered for a job.

So now that your CV"s in position where employers will come across it, how do you make sure they choose it for further consideration? They"ve got to see something that makes them want to read on, and hopefully then offer you an interview. I used to scroll through reams of CVs, and after a while it can get mind numbing. If you can make a difference to the person reading, it will increase your chance of getting an interview.

Some people ruin their chances straight away by use of poor spelling, punctuation or grammar. My personal bugbear is the incorrect use of apostrophes, which is guaranteed to ensure I do not interview you. A CV stored in electronic format can be checked for spelling and grammar automatically, so there"s no excuse for getting it wrong.

The format of the CV makes a huge difference. It should not be too long, should have current or most recent position first, and be more than just a list of past jobs. Remember, it has to stand out from the crowd.

There are plenty of companies who will review your CV free of charge, and suggest improvements. They will then revamp it for you if you want, but prices vary very much so it pays to shop around. Having said that, an effective CV can be a useful tool for increasing your income so it"s worth the effort.

Jobs in Nigeria

The Paperless CV - Maximize Its Impact

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