Monday, December 18, 2017

Professional Cover Letter

The term "First Impressions Count" has never been more true – with hundreds of applications received for each job advertised, make sure that your CV (I"m from the UK, but CV"s are also known as Resume"s elsewhere) get the readers attention by creating an professional cover letter. Designed to generate interest in you, your cover letter should highlight your key selling points and give the recruiter a reason to read your application in full.

Why? A job cover letter will be the first thing a recruiter will see and should be accompanied by your CV. Your professional letter could encourage or discourage a recruiter or potential employer to read your CV. A good cover letter should contain basic points but not give too much away, you only want to make the recruiter interested in reading your CV and not provide them with an exact copy of the information. Your covering letter will introduce your CV and yourself. Here are some tips on how to write your CV cover letter:

• Find out the exact name and address of the person your CV needs to go to.
• If the position has a reference number, make sure you quote it along with the job title on your letter.
• Explain where you heard about the position (ie, The Evening News on Thursday 22nd March).
• Give a brief description of your current role drawing attention to any skills you feel are suitable for the role you are applying for.
• State that you would like to meet with them to discuss your application in more detail.
• Make sure you have included all of your contact details on your covering letter.

But is that it? With so much resting on this document is the above enough to start with?

Application letter do"s and don"ts:

Do make sure your letter is correctly addressed.
Do use the same paper for your letter and CV.
Do ensure there are no typing, spelling or grammatical errors.
Do sell yourself! Highlight your strengths and any previous achievements.
Do double-check your cover letter and CV before you send it – it needs to be perfect!

Do not copy your letter out of a book or ask someone else to write it for you, use your own words and make it personalized.
Do not copy your CV, a letter should only introduce your CV and encourage the reader to know more about you.
Do not include information that is not relevant, keep it to the point.
Do not include conflicts or disagreements with previous employers
Do not appear unenthusiastic – sell yourself.

Jobs in Nigeria

Professional Cover Letter

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