Saturday, December 23, 2017

Cover Letter - Being Assertive Just Works

Dare I Say It … Be Assertive And Sell Yourself: Do not beat around the bush in your cover letter, get your message out there. You only have one chance at being notified, get notified by talking and sounding confident. Not "if hired, I know I can improve sales for your company" .. better said this way, "it"s been my experience that when sales are a bit soft, we go back to our best clients and upsell them this has always helped us make our quarter. I look forward to sharing some of my working strategies with you in a personal interview. " You just took charge and made it personal, talked about your experience and asked for an interview. That"s a cover letter headed in the right direction!

That"s a huge difference in styles, besides the fact that you sounded more confident. Being assertive works and opens doors, being aggressive gets you now at all.

This much is true, recruiters are very professional these days, they can spot an assertive cover letter a mile away. If being assertive is actually your style in regular every day, then write that way too. Assertive people always sound confident and in control. That"s a genuine strength they"ll want on their team. Remember you only have one crack at this job opportunity, so you might as well just go for it! Thinking it is one thing, saying it in your cover letter is everything!

Remember the saying, "when the student is ready, the teacher will show up".

The truth here is that teachers are always around us, we as students are not always ready for the lesson. If you are ready to write a dynamic cover letter, I never hesitate to recommend Jim Sweeney. He has helped thousands of people just like you every year. I know you will be impressed at how good Jim"s cover letter material is. It"s good because it works!

Discover Jim Sweeney"s cover letter secrets (click the link below)

To Your Cover Letter Success,

Mike Perras, P.Mgr

Jobs in Nigeria

Cover Letter - Being Assertive Just Works

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