Thursday, February 1, 2018

Vacancy for Base Manager at Secours Islamique France, Tuesday 30, January 2018


Islamic Relief France (SIF) believes in a benevolent world where basic needs of vulnerable people are met.


Islamic Relief France dedicated to alleviating the suffering of the poor in France and worldwide. It intervenes where humanitarian and social needs required by the mobilization of emergency relief and the implementation of development programs. Thus, our preferred areas of concern Aid and Food Security , Water, hygiene and sanitation and childhood abroad, the fight against exclusion and poverty in France .



3 Months with possible renewal


Under supervision of the Head of Mission (HoM), the Base Manager is overall responsible for effectively managing and administrating SIF base in Ngala. S/he will be required to work closely with all SIF departments, including Administration (Finance and Human Resources) and Logistics, to ensure the proper implementation and development of SIF programs while maintaining full compliance with established policies and procedures.

The Base Manager will directly supervise base admin and base logistics officer. S/he will also manage administratively all base staff, including program and support teams.


Program Management:

Support the activity implementation of the programs:

Participate in the elaboration of the projects: situation analyses, needs assessments, beneficiary selection, proposal of actions.

Provide technical guidance to program teams to ensure the timely and quality implementation of the projects: planning of activities, follow-up of the implementation, collection of sources of verification.

Participate in the definition of partnership modalities for the implementation of the projects when relevant.

Support the monitoring of the programs:

Make frequent field visits to monitor program implementation and to identify opportunities/ constraints/ adjustments needed.

Participate in planning and progress review meetings with local authorities, community leaders, and operational partners.

Support the elaboration of an M&E plan and tools.

Ensure relevance of the activities, quality control of the projects, and respect of agreed standards.

Support the administrative management of the programs, with the base admin.

Support the logistics management of the programs, with the base logistician.


Inform immediately the HoM and Program Coordinator of any delay, conflict, problem encountered regarding the base and/or program management.

Prepare daily/ weekly/ monthly written reports according to the schedule defined by the HoM.

Participate to monthly reporting to HQ.

Participate in the elaboration of internal and external reports with program teams.

Participate in drafting monthly, quarterly, interim, and final donor reports according to the requested deadlines/ guidelines.

Ensure supporting documents are properly stored.

Administration (finance and human resources):

Validate the planning of expenditures, the budget forecast, and the cash flow plan/ requests for the base.

Monitor the level of expenses of the base based on the budget follow-up.

Define and update the human resources needs for his/her team.

Organization of the recruitment for his/her team: CVs, tests, interviews.

Manage his/her team: induction briefing, planning, follow-up, performance interviews, etc.

Define, update and regularly evaluate training plans for his/her team, with resources available internally.

Sensitize his/ team to SIF internal rules and regulations.

Ensure a good communication/ coordination/ information-sharing within his/ her team and among the various departments in the base through regular coordination meetings.

Ensure feedback towards his/her team and the base staff members about issues raised.

Ensure conflict resolution within his/her team and among the base staff members and to inform the HoM.


Ensure that basic standard logistic protocols are well implemented by base logistician.

Validate procurement plans for the base, according to the thresholds and procurement processes.

Support the management of local contracts for goods and suppliers for programs.

Evaluate regularly logistic needs for the projects and ensure they appropriately addressed.

Ensure a proper stock management system for all equipment in the base.

Validate the planning of movements and needs for vehicles in the base.

Ensure good working and living conditions for base staff.

Security Management:

Strictly follow internal security rules and regulations.

Monitor the security situation of the area, including threat assessment, collection of security related-information with relevant stakeholders.

Share security-related information with HoM, with proposition of protective measures and security plan updates when necessary.

Coordinate with security agencies through regular participation to meetings to ensure safe and secure working environment in the office and at field level.

Ensure that minimum security operating standards are put in place and respected by SIF team.

Operational strategy & coordination:

Support the preparation and capitalization of documentation on SIF programs’ overall impact.

Propose new actions to expand SIF Ngala base.

Contribute to the elaboration and update of the mission’s operational strategy.

Participate in the analysis and proposal of solutions for all decisions impacting the mission in general.


Represent SIF and its programs at different levels of coordination.

Develop strong coordination and working relationship with key stakeholders, specifically aligned with SIF programs.

Share program progress and challenges with local authorities, community leaders, other NGOs/ agencies, working groups, and donors.

The task list is neither exhaustive nor restrictive and is evolving according to the needs of the organization. SIF being an association with limited resources, versatility and flexibility are necessary in order to overcome any difficulty temporary and exceptional.


University degree, preferably related to management or social work.

Minimum 2 years of relevant INGO work experience, in emergency contexts; and in-depth understanding of vulnerability issues in Nigeria is a plus.


Proficiency and experience in planning, monitoring and reporting of project activities.

Excellent reading and writing skills in English; ability to speak Hausa and/or Kanuri.

Extensive knowledge of project cycle management, project reporting and budget holding.

Excellent team management, networking, and conflict-resolution skills.

Ability to make decisions under pressure and to adhere to tight deadlines.

Excellent computer skills including navigating email, internet and MS WORD and PowerPoint.


Based in: Nigeria, Borno State, Ngala LGA

Moves: within Ngala LGA (Gamboru/ Ngala) and to Maiduguri


Applicants should send CVs to

DUE DATE: 5 February, 2018

Jobs in Nigeria

Vacancy for Base Manager at Secours Islamique France, Tuesday 30, January 2018

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