Saturday, December 5, 2015

How to Apply for a Job As a Nanny

The employer will use written applications to assess which applicants best match their requirements for a nanny. From their assessments they will then prepare a shortlist of people to interview. The objective of your initial application (whether by letter or telephone) is to get an interview.

Making a written application for a job can involve:

– completing an application form

– writing a covering letter (emphasizing your suitability for this particular job)

– preparing a standard employment history ( or curriculum vitae)

Completing an application form

If you are registering with a nanny agency you will be asked to complete an application form.

An agency will often make judgements about prospective nannies based on the way they complete their application form. The agency will not be impressed by an application form which is incomplete, difficult to read. vague, unconvincing or appears to have been completed without careful thought and attention.

When completing a nanny agency application form, remember the following important points:

1 Read carefully all the information/questions on the form and make sure you understand what is required.

2 Put the right information in the right place.

3 Photocopy the blank application form so you can draft your answers in rough first. When you are satisfied with your answers you can then copy them onto the original.

4 Use every space on the form effectively; a neat layout creates a good impression.

5 Write clearly and legibly.

6 Check your spelling and grammar.

7 Answer any questions on what you do in your spare time by giving a brief description of your main hobbies and interests rather just making a long list

8 Be concise.

9 Make sure you give details of referees with their addresses and telephone numbers.

10 Enclose a short covering letter, highlighting any points that are especially relevant to your employment as a nanny

11 Include any copies of certificates of qualification, references or testimonials that you hold. Never send the original certificate or diploma to anyone; if lost they can be impossible to replace. Take originals of certificates and any written references with you to your interview with the agency (or family) so that copies may be made from them

12 Keep a copy of your application form so that you can refer to it if you are invited for an interview.

Writing a covering letter

When replying to advertisements you may be asked to apply in writing, enclosing your curriculum vitae. Or you may be asked to submit a letter of application, following an initial telephone enquiry.

The important points for completing application forms should also be remembered when applying for a job by letter. Your letter should be neatly handwritten rather than word-processed, as many employers prefer to get a sense of a prospective employee’s personality by looking at their handwriting.

A handwritten letter also shows a potential employer that you have taken the trouble to respond personally to their advertisement rather than simply printing out duplicate applications.

How to Apply for a Job As a Nanny

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