Saturday, December 5, 2015

Jobs United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Saturday 5, December 2015

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) helps developing countries attract and use aid effectively. In all our activities, we encourage the protection of human rights, capacity development and the empowerment of women.

We are recruiting to fill the position below:


Type of Contract: Individual Contract

Post Level: National Consultant

Duration of Initial Contract: 15 days


In response to the October 2002 International Court of Justice ruling on the international boundary dispute between Cameroon and Nigeria, the Cameroon-Nigeria Mixed Commission (CNMC) recognized the need for confidence building measures between and among the populations affected by the demarcation (an estimated 170,000 people in Nigeria), in order to secure peace and cooperation between the two States. In this context, the Nigeria United Nations Country Team (UNCT) and United Nations Civilian Observers (UNCO) participated in a Joint Needs Assessment Mission (NAM) with Nigeria specialized agencies in December 2011. This mission aimed at getting first-hand knowledge of the returnees’ needs, resulting from the conflict, the demarcation exercise and the poor environmental conditions and economic status of the host communities. In summary, these areas face serious socio-economic challenges such as poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, poor health conditions, lack of public services such as potable water, energy, health and education facilities, agriculture, fisheries, livestock services. In addition, issues of human security and social protection, including gender based discrimination and violence, rule of law and justice, feature prominently as key priorities.

Therefore, after the NAM, a sub-committee formed by the FGN dedicated agencies developed a programme document, as the basis for future interventions from the FGN as well as from partners.

This Returnee Community Focused Reintegration (RCFR) programme is organized according to the four main components enhanced in the NAM report:

Livelihoods, resettlement and reintegration;

Access to basic services;

Security and protection of human rights;

Infrastructure. For each component, priority projects have been determined in the diverse locations assessed, directed at the returnees in the various camps and in their respective host communities.

The support that UNCT and UN specialized agencies in Nigeria can bring to this programme is two-pronged: (i) advocacy to the Federal and relevant States Governments of Nigeria (ii) implementation of some projects (or pilot projects) for the rehabilitation of returnees within their mandate and possibilities.


The purpose for the engagement of a National Consultant, is to review/update the programmedocument taking into consideration the following:

New challenges such as Boko Haram in the Lake chad area;

New challenges such as IDP’s in the North, North-East; areas affecting Bakassi returnees;

Militancy in the South-South and South-East; particularly areas where Bakassi returnees are residing;

Mhether the programme is in line with government new priorities and agenda;

Salient issues of the joint communique issued at the conclusion of President Buhari’s official visit to Yaoundé vis-a-vis the rehabilitation of Bakassi returnees

Existing Information:

Report on Inclusive and Sustainable development for peace and stability along the Nigeria/Cameroonborder.

Need assessment of the Bakassi returnees conducted by the UN in 2011.


Under the overall direction of the UNDP and the direct day to day technical supervision of the CNMC observers Office in Calabar, the consultant shall perform the following tasks:

Desk review all available documentation, by the UN system, Federal and States Governments, as well as NGO’s on all challenges related to IDP’s and Boko Haram in the Lake Chad area;

Desk review all available documentation, by the UN system, Federal and State Governments, as well as NGO’s on challenges related to militancy in the South-South and South-East;

Desk review all available documentation, by the UN system, Federal and States Governments, as well as NGO’S on mater pertaining to resettlement of persons affected by the 2002 ICJ judgement;

Desk review all available documentation by the Federal Government pertaining to its priorities (Green Energy and new alternatives to oil) and its relationship with Cameroon (joint communique Presidents Buhari-Biya);

Review of proposed/draft plan activities for the rehabilitation of returnees by UNCT following needs assessment conducted in 2011;

Based on the results of the above, items (a) – (d), review and update the Nigeria ProgrammeDocument that would contribute immensely to relaunching the Returnees Community Focused Reintegration Programme.

Reporting and deliverables:

The consultant is expected to submit the following as part of deliverables for the assignment:

Inception Report: detailing work plan and working strategy submitted not later than two (2) days after commencement of the assignment;

A Draft Report – highlighting progress made to be submitted not later than six (6) days after commencement of the assignment. This document would be subjected to review by the CNMC;

The assignment will be undertaken during a period of one (1) month but only 15 working days will be paid in accordance with the UN Rules and Regulations;

CNMC does not intend to extend the period of assignment and will not be responsible for extension cost;

A Final Report – to be submitted at the end of the assignment and containing agreed amendments and suggestion to the draft report.


Excellent communication skills (oral and written) in English, including the ability to analytically edit a variety of written documents;

Effective time management, ability to plan or logically adjust established work schedules to deliver promptly on deadlines to meet stake-holders needs as may be necessary;

Proficiency in computer skills and use of relevant software and other MS Office applications, e.g. word processing, spreadsheets and other applications.



An advanced university degree in Development Economics, Accounting, Development Management, Social Sciences, social Works, gender development and other relevant fields is a requirement.


Minimum of 10 years progressive work in programme development with special focus on poverty alleviation and development;

Strong understanding and knowledge of development;

Experience with needs assessment processes;

Working experience with UN Agencies/bi-lateral development Agencies, government organizations, especially, those having mandates to works on development programmes at different sectors;

Evidence of previous engagement in areas similar to the current assignment.


Fluent in English.

Consultant – Improved Knowledge and Skills in Small and Medium Enterprises Development To Support Bakassi Returnees And Host Communities

Additional Category: Management

Type of Contract: Individual Contract

Post Level: National Consultant


Consequent upon the October 2002 International Court of Justice ruling on the international boundary dispute between Cameroon and Nigeria, the Cameroon-Nigeria Mixed Commission (CNMC) recognized the need for confidence building measures between and among the populations affected by the demarcation (an estimated 170,000 people in Nigeria), in order to secure peace and cooperation between the two States.

The Nigeria United Nations Country Team (UNCT) and United Nations Civilian Observers (UNCO) undertook a Joint Needs Assessment Mission (NAM) with Nigeria specialized agencies in December 2011. This mission was aimed at getting first-hand knowledge of the returnees’ needs, resulting from the conflict, the demarcation exercise and the poor environmental conditions and economic status of the host communities. Affected communities were visited in seven locations from three States: Adamawa, Akwa Ibom and Cross River State.

Key findings of the mission highlighted serious socio-economic challenges such as poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, poor health conditions, lack of public services such as potable water, energy, health and education facilities, agriculture, fisheries, livestock services. In addition, issues of human security and social protection, including gender based discrimination and violence, rule of law and justice, feature prominently as key priorities.

The Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) and its agencies, the host States and local governments have implemented various programmes to assist the returnees to settle down. However, the enormity of needs and priorities to be addressed required more concerted effort by the people and government of Nigeria, as well as the international community. Collaboration between the Federal Government of Nigeria and the UNCT resulted in the articulation of a programme document to serve as the basis for future interventions from the FGN as well as from partners.

The programme, Returnee Community Focused Reintegration (RCFR) programme, is organized according to the four main components viz:

Livelihoods, resettlement and reintegration;

Access to basic services;

Security and protection of human rights;


For each of the above component, priority projects have been determined in the diverse locations assessed, directed at the returnees in the various camps and in their respective host communities. The thrust of this programme is advocacy to the FGN and the States, and implementation of pilot projects, which is expected to be replicated and ultimately lead to bigger projects by the FGN, the States and the LGAs, with other partners’

The specifics of these pilot projects would need to be defined in such a manner that the overall objective of settling returnees and creating conducive living environment in host communities for people affected by the ICJ Judgment is achieved. This would require the services of a consultant to articulate.


The overall objective of the study is to provide a fully costed project document, containing an action plan, for providing sustainable means of livelihood for individuals displaced by the ICJ judgement, through improving their knowledge and skills in small and medium enterprises. The study is expected to cover host communities in Adamawa, Akwa-Ibom and Benue States.


Review all available documentation, by the UN system, Federal and State Governments, as well as other donor agencies on resettlement of persons affected by the 2002 ICJ judgement;

Identify existing sustainable livelihood opportunities in host communities of the three states;

Identify challenges faced by individuals in such communities for engaging in small and medium scale enterprise businesses;

Review existing state and local government public accountability processes and identify those that could hamper and/or improve engagement of individuals in small and medium scale enterprises;

Identify capacity building initiatives, for both the private and public sector, that would ensure a conducive environment for operation of small and medium scale enterprises in host communities;

Review existing conflict resolution and management mechanisms and processes in the host communities, with emphasis on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR);

Identify the role and/or potential of the civil society in serving as watchdogs in the host communities;

Based on the results of the above, items (a) – (g), design a fully costed project with clear action plan(s) that would contribute immensely to creating sustainable livelihood opportunities for individuals in the host communities.

Reporting and Deliverables

The consultant is expected to achieve the above objective by undertaking literature review and field work to selected host communities and interacting with them, using appropriate Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) tools.

The consultant will be responsible to submit the following reports:

Inception Report – detailing work plan and working strategy submitted not later than 3 days after commencement of the assignment;

A Draft Report – highlighting progress made and draft costing and action plan(s), to be submitted not later than 20 days after commencement of the assignment. This document would be subjected to review by the UNCT;

A Final Report – to be submitted at the end of the assignment and containing agreed amendments and suggestion to the draft report.



A minimum of first Degree in the Social Sciences and a Master’s Degree in any Development related field.


Minimum of 10 years progressive work in programme development with special focus on poverty alleviation and development.

At least 5 years cognate working experience on local level development, peoples’ participation in governance, public accountability and procurement etc at sub-national levels;

Strong understanding and knowledge of development and participatory approaches is a must;

Evidence of previous engagement in areas of similar to the current assignment.


Strong understanding and knowledge of development and participatory approaches is a must;

Good communication and interpersonal skills in English;

Excellent writing and reporting skills.


Excellent writing and reporting skills in English.


Additional Category: Management

Type of Contract: Individual Contract

Post Level: National Consultant

Consequent upon the October 2002 International Court of Justice ruling on the international boundary dispute between Cameroon and Nigeria, the Cameroon-Nigeria Mixed Commission (CNMC) recognized the need for confidence building measures between and among the populations affected by the demarcation (an estimated 170,000 people in Nigeria), in order to secure peace and cooperation between the two States.

The Nigeria United Nations Country Team (UNCT) and United Nations Civilian Observers (UNCO) undertook a Joint Needs Assessment Mission (NAM) with Nigeria specialized agencies in December 2011. This mission was aimed at getting first-hand knowledge of the returnees’ needs, resulting from the conflict, the demarcation exercise and the poor environmental conditions and economic status of the host communities. Affected communities were visited in seven locations from three States: Adamawa, Akwa Ibom and Cross River State.

Key findings of the mission highlighted serious socio-economic challenges such as poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, poor health conditions, lack of public services such as potable water, energy, health and education facilities, agriculture, fisheries, livestock services. In addition, issues of human security and social protection, including gender based discrimination and violence, rule of law and justice, feature prominently as key priorities.

To address these challenges, a “Returnee Community Focused Reintegration (RCFRP) Programme” was articulated along four main components viz:

Livelihoods, resettlement and reintegration;

Access to basic services;

Security and protection of human rights;


The infrastructure component was viewed as a critical enabler for the first two components, especially as building blocks for achieving the objective of the RCFRP. Central to this is the need to address issues of sustainable development, natural resource management and environmental protection. Thus, the use of green energy technologies that would be adaptable to the local communities within a cleaner environment and support the conservation of the environment was identified as one of the projects to be implemented. Considering the milieu of available green energy sources, their adaptability, acceptability and potential to be sustainable, the use of solar panels was equally identified as the choice green energy technology to be deployed within the Bakassi Host communities.


The overall objective of the study is to provide a fully costed project document, containing an action plan, for deployment of solar panels within the host communities for lighting and also for women to use in cooking and meeting their other energy demands.

The study will cover women and host communities in Adamawa, Akwa-Ibom and Benue States.


Review all available documentation, by the UN system, Federal and State Governments, as well as other donor agencies on resettlement of persons affected by the 2002 ICJ judgement.

Identify existing means of energy use and available alternative energy sources in host communities of the three states.

Identify sustainable development issues relating to the present forms of energy use, including impacts on men, women, children (disaggregated by gender) and demand and supply dynamics of energy in the host communities.

Identify enablers and constraints to the adoption of solar panels as an energy source in the host communities.

Identify requisite quantity of solar panels, batteries – including capacities based on use (lighting and cooking etc) – and related accessories that would need to be deployed to meet the energy demand of host communities.

Identify capacity building needs on usage, operation and maintenance of solar panels to be deployed to host communities.

Based on the results of the above, items (a) – (f), design a fully costed project with clear action plan(s) that would contribute immensely to adoption of solar panels as an energy source by individuals, especially women in the host communities.

Reporting and Deliverables

The consultant is expected to achieve the above objective by undertaking literature review and working closely with the UNCT and may be required to visit state and LGA headquarters of selected Host communities.

The consultant will be responsible to submit the following reports:

Inception Report – detailing work plan and working strategy submitted not later than 3 days after commencement of the assignment.

A Draft Report – highlighting progress made and draft costing and action plan(s), to be submitted not later than 20 days after commencement of the assignment. This document would be subjected to review by the UNCT.

A Final Report – to be submitted at the end of the assignment and containing agreed amendments and suggestion to the draft report.


Strong understanding and knowledge of sustainable development, sustainable natural resource management and environmental protection

Good communication and interpersonal skills.

Excellent writing and reporting skills.



A minimum of first degree in environmental sciences and a Masters degree in any development related field.


Minimum of 10 years progressive work in programme development with special focus on renewable energy utilisation.

At least 5 years cognate working experience on green energy technologies.


Excellent writing and reporting skills in English.


DUE DATE: 18 December, 2015

Jobs United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Saturday 5, December 2015

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