Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Secrets of Writing a Stunning Resume

Given below are some of the Tips explaining the Do’s and Don’ts of Resume/CV writing:

Always either print or page set up your resume on A4 letter size, preferably white paper. You may use ivory colored paper also, which will help easy identification in a pile of Resumes/CVs.

Always get the resume typewritten by a professional, or type for yourself in such a way, giving adequate space between the paragraphs, and allowing sufficient margins. Use single space in between lines and double space in between paragraphs.

Always use simple and understandable full words. You can use “etc” for etcetera avoiding “Engr” for Engineer.

Write short paragraphs – preferably five to seven lines.

Ensure that the Resume/CV and the cover letter are error-free. Always proofread before submission. It is better to take help from one of your friends to check for errors.

Remember to rewrite resumes/CVs for a specific job. Thus you can create more than one resume/CV and be qualified for more than one job.

Include your talents and applied skills for the development of any activity of each one of your jobs.

Write clearly about the relevancy of your experience with the job you are applying for.

Write about your association with Professional Societies, Chapters, Social Clubs and Organizations. Mention if you have contributed to them in any way, but only if they’re appropriate to the job you are applying for.

Every new thing you learn or do in the interest of your job is valuable information to quote. Hence, keep track of those activities, which could be quoted during Annual Appraisals within your company to get a raise in your earnings or promotion.

Should you quote any references in your Resume/CV, give each of them a fresh copy of your resume.

Let the Resume/CV accompany with a Cover Letter customized accordingly.

Retain a copy of your Resume/CV with you, for your reference.

Ensure your Resume/CV reaches its destination in time.

In order to remember what you have quoted always re-read your resume before attending an interview. This way you would be able to answer any question from the interviewer pertaining to anything you have written in your resume.

Give full and correct contact address along with telephone and/or mobile numbers.

Use clearly visible photograph if you like to attach one to your Resume/CV.

Now let us see a few points which you should avoid doing while preparing your resume/CV:

Don’t lie. Be truthful in formulating your resume.

Don’t give reasons on the resume for your termination of services with your previous companies or for any reason voluntarily leaving a job. In almost all cases, this will result in negative implications even for your reasonable explanation. You can far better explain this in person, during your interview.

Don’t list your dozens of hobbies, sports and social activities at a stretch. Limit this information to a couple of lines.

Don’t write “References can be given on request”. If they need, they will ask you to give any Reference. Hence, this is an assumed connotation.

Don’t write your PAN Card Nos. ID Card Nos. etc.

Don’t write about the occupation or position of your spouse.

Don’t write your personal philosophies regarding a social problem or your likes and dislikes about any subject.

Don’t list references on the resume unless specifically asked for to quote.

Don’t write exact dates of your joining a company and leaving the company. Writing Months and years are sufficient.

Don’t date your resume. This is because, if your resume is found in a website a few months later by any Employer, this will appear outdated. Instead periodically you can update your resume.

Don’t give your present companies telephone number, unless your immediate boss is aware of your activities of job hunting.

Don’t write any adverse remarks about your personality, appearance or health.

Don’t write your lesser qualifications on the top when you are a college graduate or post graduate.

Don’t write as to how good you were in your high school, when you are already a Graduate.

Don’t write a different objective other than the targeted job or occupation.

Don’t use chat room jargon and buzz-words anywhere in your resume. For example : 4u, u r, etc. Always write full words.

Don’t give your salary information on the resume. Keep the same to reveal at the time of the interview. If you are called for to give that information, reveal the same in the cover letter. Thus you can avoid quoting the same resume to other Employers, inadvertently.

Secrets of Writing a Stunning Resume

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