Thursday, July 14, 2016

Professional CV Writing - If You Do It Properly, Half the Battle Is Won

CV stands for   curriculum   vitae  and is also referred to as a resume. If you want to get a good job, having a professional CV is the first step you need to take. A CV is your portfolio, which gives a summary of your educational background, experience and skill set. Whether you apply to jobs online or via normal post, you will be required to send a CV and a cover letter. It is vital for you to make sure that your CV has everything an employer might be looking for. You are suggested to go through your resume whenever applying for a job and make changes as per the requirements of a specific job. It increases your chances to stand out as a relevant candidate for this job.

Although the terms “CV” and “resume” are used interchangeably, but there are few differences between these. First of all,  Curriculum  Vitae  is more detailed and along with your education, experience and skills set, it also includes some personal details of yours, for instance, date of birth, marital status, etc. Using a CV is quite common in Middle East, Africa, Asia and Europe. Also, if you look at the details of jobs available in these regions, you will see employers asking for a CV. Therefore, professional CV writing becomes very important while seeking employment in these parts of the world.

In your CV, you should also write a brief introduction of 4-6 lines about you. This part is usually referred as a “Professional Summary” and is given above your experience. It briefly shows your expertise, areas of interest and major accomplishments during your previous employments. Then, you should carry on with your professional experiences, education, etc. If you are a fresh graduate, it is good to entail your achievements while studying. You can mention if you were a part of some dramatic or literary society, or if you achieved an award for good performance in any of the extracurricular activities you participated in.

Nowadays, you will also find a lot of professional CV writing companies, which provide services for drafting professional CVs. However, you will not need the help of someone else to write personal and professional details about you, if you properly follow the resume/CV writing instructions given on various websites. Also, there are websites that show free CV templates to assist new CV writers in drafting their CVs. In case, you still find difficulty in writing your CV yourself, then instead of putting your career at risk, you should find a reputable professional CV writing company. Do make sure that the company you have selected to write your resume does have a good experience in this field.

Professional CV Writing - If You Do It Properly, Half the Battle Is Won

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