Monday, September 12, 2016

Standardized Exam Preparation Tips

Whether you’re getting ready to apply for admission to college or are seeking a professional certification, preparing to take a standardized exam can be very stressful. Not only do you need to possess a solid understanding of the material covered by the exam, you also have to know how to read questions that sometimes seem to be worded in a deliberately tricky manner.

To compound the issue, you also have to cope with the added variable of dealing with completing your exam with an allotted amount of time in a controlled testing environment. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to take some of the stress out of the standardized test taking process.

Test Taking Techniques

If it’s been a while since your last standardized exam, you’ll probably need to spend some time brushing up on your test taking skills before you actually take your test. Most standardized exams consist of multiple choice or true/false items, or a combination of the two types of questions.

For multiple choice questions, be sure to read the question very carefully. Try to pick out the key words so you can be confident that you clearly understand what is being asked. The next step is to read each possible carefully and eliminate the ones that are obviously wrong. This process of elimination will help you narrow down your choices for each item, increasing the odds that you will chose the correct answer.

For true/false test items, reading the question carefully is essential. Watch very carefully for absolute words such as “all” and “always”. The fact that a particular occurrence is usually true does not mean that it is always true. Remember that if any one part of a statement is not correct, then the answer has to be false.

Test Preparation

During the weeks prior to your scheduled exam date, it’s a good idea to complete one or more practice tests specific to the exam you are going to take. Score your practice test questions, and look closely at the items you missed. By making sure you understand the reasons the answers you selected were incorrect, you’ll be in a better position to interpret the questions correctly the next time.

While you are preparing for the exam, learn what you can about the manner in which the test will be scored. It is very important to find out if wrong answers count against your score. If they do, you should avoid guessing if you aren’t fairly certain which answer is correct. If there is no penalty for wrong answers, however, make sure that you don’t leave any questions blank. If a wrong answer can’t hurt your score, it only makes sense to attempt to answer every question. Doing so might actually have a positive impact on the outcome of the exam.

On Exam Day

Make sure to eat a healthy meal before you take your exam. Don’t go overboard with caffeine or sugar. The last thing you want to deal with is an energy crash while you are in the middle of your test. Leave your house in plenty of time to arrive at the testing center with plenty of time to spare so that you don’t incur additional stress related to running late.

The biggest issue you are likely to have to deal with on exam day is stress. Most people find it counterproductive to study or work through practice test items the same day they are scheduled to test. If you have thoroughly prepared for the exam ahead of time, there is no reason to exhaust yourself by cramming immediately before the exam. You should try to be as fresh and rested as possible when you begin the exam. Do your best to relax and focus prior to beginning your test.

Put Forth Your Best Effort

During the exam, make sure to reach each question carefully and think through your responses. Pay attention to the amount of time that has elapsed and the amount of time that is remaining throughout your testing experience. If you have used the proper exam preparation strategies, you’ll be in a great position to earn an outstanding score on your next standardized test.

Standardized Exam Preparation Tips

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