Sunday, September 4, 2016

Professional CV Writers - Pros and Cons

  • Isn’t the best person to sell my skills on my CV me?

  • Surely we know more about ourselves than a 3rdparty does?

  • How can someone else make me sound so much better on my CV than I can?

The above are all thoughts that have gone through our heads once we start writing our CVs. So what are the benefits and pitfalls of going to a professional CV writer?

Let us initially look at the benefits:

  1. Most CV writers are experts in the written word

  2. They can guarantee a grammatically correct document

  3. They have years of experience designing and formatting interview winning CVs

  4. Their work is not dated and therefore can impress the potential employer immediately

  5. It can be a cost affective solution if you are not gaining interviews

  6. The CV writer’s advise on the job market place can be invaluable

  7. Many services offer differing products to match your budget

  8. Most provide a guarantee

  9. Some have industry specific professionals to match your skills

  10. The majority of CV writers have HR and interviewing skills so they know what employers are looking for

  11. Most offer cover letters, supporting statements and other associated job application documents

  12. Some can support you throughout your career and develop your CV with you as your career develops

  13. CV writers can offer one to one interview coaching

Now, let us look at the pitfalls:

  1. Some CV writers just ‘farm out’ documents with no individual service

  2. Beware of CV writers that only want to deal via email – sometimes it’s nice to talk to the individual that is going to write your CV.

  3. CV writing companies can charge very small amounts or incredibly large amounts – at the moment on the internet companies are charging £10 – £1000 for a CV; how do you choose???? The cheapest isn’t always the best, but again £1000 is a lot of money. We’d suggest between £50 – £150 depending on your requirements is a fair charge.

  4. Most CV writers will take payment up front – do you trust that they are going to do what they say they are going to do?

  5. Poor work, no expertise and sloppy presentation

So to recap; calling a professional CV writing company can be very beneficial. However ensure you are happy with the person that you are speaking to – do they really understand what you are trying to get across on the CV or are they just interested in your money.

Writing someone’s CV is a very personal thing and CV writers should bond and build a strong rapport with their clients. Also check what others say about their services – most CV writing companies will have reviews on independent websites.

Again, if you don’t feel comfortable with the cost, skill base, personality etc of the service try another provider – there are enough of them out there!

Professional CV Writers - Pros and Cons

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