Sunday, September 18, 2016

Executive CV Service

As a specialist and focused Executive CV Service, before we started our Executive CV Writing Service, we undertook some market research. This left us with the question of what should an Executive CV Service include?

CV Writing

Most CV Writing services are based around the speed of turn around, in creating a more marketable and better presented version of you. This is driven by the candidate side of the market which wants to use job boards, although these only account for 12% of fulfilled jobs annually.

Hence, the CV Writing services offer 24 hour turn around for draft CV’s, and paper copies as optional extras. Within the service, you should have a 30min phone call to go through your work history and assess your strengths, understand what you want to do, and output a draft document which focus the two together.

Executive CV Marketing

But while these basic CV service are clear to understand, what does the use of the term Executive CV Service actually mean when they start charging more? Is it a quicker turn around, a larger selection of CV Layouts, or the inclusion of better quality paper?

Or does it reflect that you get a better quality CV Writer for paying more, and that their standard service – once you take out profit margin and overheads – can only realistically be provided by someone on the UK National Minimum Wage? Is their Executive CV Service just therefore a piece of confession marketing?

Executive Service

A CV is pretty simple to understand: a two page factually based pitch against a specific job. But a service should step further than two better quality pieces of paper.

In an experiment last year, a national employment organisation took 20 job seekers. For 10 of them, they rewrote their CV’s, while the other 10 were schooled in the art of applying for jobs. The result was that both groups gained worked at about the same rate, an improvement on the average job seeker. But when a third test group of 10 job seekers were given both pieces of the experiment, they gained employment at three times the rate of the two earlier test groups, and five times quicker than the average job seeker, who presently takes around 10.5months to find a job.

In Executive Employment, where small mistakes in how you are found and how you apply, particularly the “three recruiters and out” rule, could blacklist you form various employment companies, is not the service side of an Executive CV as if not more important than the CV itself?

Executive Employment

If all that Executive Employment was about was an Executive CV, then the number of applicants for FTSE positions would require an army of HR professionals to process.

One thing that is often forgotten about in the employment market, particularly the Executive Employment sector, is that people employ people. If your historic results were all that Executive Employment decisions were made on, then all you would need would be an Executive CV.

But as any Executive headhunter knows, the brief they take from their client at the start of the Executive employment process, is not what the eventual successful candidate will be required to do on day1 of starting their new job. The Executive job applicant defines their own strategy within the organisations business requirement, and hence negotiates their own final brief.

An executive service, or just a CV?

We think an Executive CV Service should go beyond just a quicker CV from a wider portfolio of CV Layouts, printed on better quality paper.

While the core service is greatly improved by more experienced CV Writers, the resultant speed of employment and gaining the Executive position is defined by the ability of the service provider to give an additional combination of inside expertise, guidance, pre-prepared materials and coaching for you to obtain the desired outcome: a Senior Executive Job.

If the Executive CV Service you are buying does not give you more than just better paper in a quicker time scale, then don’t be surprised if the results you expected are not gained quickly, if at all.

Good Luck!

Executive CV Service

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