Monday, September 5, 2016

Top 5 Tips On How To Write A CV

Whether you are looking for your first job, embarking on a career change or just looking to move on from your existing employers, it can be daunting and challenging to enter the jobs market but the best way of succeeding is by arming yourself with the right tools. The single most important factor when searching for work is to have a good CV but if you have never created one before or think your existing   curriculum   vitae  could do with refreshing, here are our top 5 tips on how to write a CV.

Firstly, though the words  Curriculum  Vitae  translate as the ‘story of your life’, this doesn’t imply that your CV should be pages and pages in length. Successful CVs are those which can fit all of the necessary information into a document that is no longer than 3 pages. No prospective employer wants to waste time wading through irrelevant information so keep your CV short and sweet. The best way to start is by downloading CV templates free and building the information into the template.

Secondly be organised. Employers will not want to have to read through an essay-style document, they’ll want to scan it and pick out the most important information when first considering those candidates they would like to invite for an interview. Keep information neatly in sections and make use of headings, bullet points and date-ordered lists to make it easy for those reading your CV to pick up on the key points.

Employers will have certain questions in mind before they interview you so if you want the chance to get to the stage where you have the opportunity to answer them, you’ll need to ensure your CV paves the way. If you don’t know how to write a CV to show off your best side, don’t worry, just keep in mind the 3 major things that employers want to know – a) what do you know?, b) what jobs have you done before? and c) what can you bring to this role?

When you download CV templates free you can create a reusable document, which can be adapted according to the job you are applying for at the time. The skills you list on your CV should be relevant to the role you are applying for and should demonstrate that your skill set is matched to the job description.

Finally, be proud of your achievements and include details of qualifications and experience outside of work which could help to describe your character and abilities. Don’t lie or grossly over exaggerate but make sure you sell yourself well as your CV will be the first thing potential employers see. Take all the advice you can on how to write a CV and make sure you take your time in creating the perfect document as it could be the difference between winning or losing out on a new job.

Top 5 Tips On How To Write A CV

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