Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Job Vacancies at UNICEF, Tuesday 4, October 2016

If you are a committed, creative professional and are passionate about making a lasting difference for children, the world’s leading children’s rights organization would like to hear from you.

For 70 years, UNICEF has been working on the ground in 190 countries and territories to promote children’s survival, protection and development. The world’s largest provider of vaccines for developing countries, UNICEF supports child health and nutrition, good water and sanitation, quality basic education for all boys and girls, and the protection of children from violence, exploitation, and AIDS. UNICEF is funded entirely by the voluntary contributions of individuals, businesses, foundations and governments.



Under the guidance of Child Protection in Emergencies Manager, the national consultant will contribute to the strengthening of the monitoring and evaluation system for the child protection in emergencies response.


In the course of 2014 and early 2015, Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’awati wal-Jihad (JAS), more commonly as Boko Haram intensified its attacks on the civilian population in Nigeria, with tactics developing from hit-and-run attacks targeting Government officials, security forces, police stations, detention centers, religious figures and schools, to take-and-hold attacks in which Boko Haram managed to establish and maintain control over large swaths of territory. While in late 2015 and 2016 the Nigerian Armed Forces took back most Boko Haram controlled areas, the fighting caused additional mass displacement, especially in Borno State.

Over 2 million people have been displaced by the conflict, with over half under the age of 18 years, with millions more trapped in the 19 Local Government Areas that were held by Boko Haram. As the Nigerian Armed Forces have regained these Local Government Areas, there have been additional mass displacements. Recent increasing security has also led to the humanitarian community being able to access previously inaccessible Local Government Areas. Children make up over half of the affected population in these newly liberated areas.

UNICEF is rapidly scaling up its child protection in emergencies programming. It is essential that the impact of the programme is effectively and robustly captured for the purpose of external communication, programme development and donor reporting. UNICEF is therefore seeking to contract a national M&E consultant to strengthen internal systems of M&E and ensure the production of quality data analysis of programme reach and impact, with a focus on UNICEF’s psychosocial support programmes and programme for unaccompanied and separated children.

Assignment Tasks



Time frame


Develop of monitoring mechanisms for UNICEF’s child protection in emergency programme in line with UNICEF’s Humanitarian Performance Monitoring Systems

Tools and mechanisms for collecting baseline and programmatic data on UNICEF’s child protection programmes

Month 1

Borno and Yobe

Provide orientation and technical support to UNICEF’s child protection team on monitoring mechanisms and tools,

Orientation delivered

Month 1

Borno and Yobe

Develop/strengthen data collection and collation tools for UNICEF’s child protection programmes and ensure and monthly weekly data collection, collation and analysis. This includes review of the monitoring and evaluation aspects of Project Cooperation Agreements. Work with information management officers to ensure that relevant information is collected and reported for decision making purposes and for inclusion in reports.

Weekly and monthly data available for UNICEF’s child protection programmes/UNICEF funded programmes (beneficiary numbers disaggregated by age, sex and location, as well as by donor)

Ongoing – weekly data submitted by Tuesday 10am every week/ monthly data submitted by 25th of every month

5 Ws completed for UNICEF programmes on a monthly basis

Data per donor produced a maximum of 3 days after request is made

Borno and Yobe

Develop and maintain database of training provided to state and non state organisations, consultants and community volunteers

Weekly and monthly data available for UNICEF’s child protection programmes/UNICEF funded programmes (beneficiary numbers disaggregated by sex, profession and location, as well as by donor)

Ongoing – data submitted by Tuesday 10am every week/ monthly data submitted by 25th of every month

Data per donor produced a maximum of 3 days after request is made

Borno and Yobe

Carry out impact analysis of training carried out

Impact analysis of training provided under each programme intervention

First batch month 3, second batch month 6, third batch month 9, fourth batch month 12

Borno and Yobe

In collaboration with the relevant ministries (WASD – Borno, and YSSCD-Yobe) and UNICEF child protection team, conduct an assessment of formal and informal IDPs camp and host communities to map out the caseload of unaccompanied and separated children

Review and compile a listing of all the available sources of data on UASC, highlighting definitions and methodology used for the registration

Map out current UASC programme coverage by partners, and the current deployment of government social workers at State, Zonal and LGA levels

Review the UASC caseload managed/being managed by NGO partners and the respective State Ministries since the commencement of the programme against the number of UASC documented in the different programme locations

Prepare a list of areas with high concentration of UASC that are currently not being covered to inform programme scale up.

a) Month 2-3 b) Month 2-3

c) Month 3-4

d) Month 2

Borno and Yobe

Support the Child Protection Team to strengthen monitoring of child protection case management, with a focus on UASC

Data collection tools on UASC reviewed and updated where necessary

Collation and analysis of UASC cases

Spot checks carried out to verify UASC case management numbers

Month 1

Data and analysis available on a weekly basis from Month 2

From Month 3 and ongoing


Review and, where necessary, strengthen the data collection tools for the Psychosocial Support Programme

Updated beneficiary data collection tools for the PSS programme

Provide (refresher) training to all consultants and supervisors on PSS tools

Undertake spot checks in PSS sites to verify beneficiary data

Month 2

Month 3

Ongoing from Month 3 (visit at least 3 sites per week, including in the newly accessible areas)

Borno and Yobe

Evaluations of the child protection programmes

Evaluation methodology and evaluation reports

In line with donor requirements

Borno and Yobe

Reports on progress on implementation of the TOR

Monthly reports

By end of each month



Disaggregated beneficiary numbers from UNICEF’s programmes and UNICEF’s funded programmes available on a weekly and monthly basis disaggregated by age, sex, location, intervention, outcome and programme, as well as partner and donor

Disaggregated numbers of people trained by sex, location, profession, subject of training, as well as partner/organization and donor available on a weekly and monthly basis

Beneficiary numbers verified through regular programme site spot checks

Impact analysis of training carried out

Mapping of UASC caseload

Orientation data collection tools delivered to UNICEF staff, consultants and partners

Monthly progress reports



Advanced university degree in social science, statistics or related field or eight years relevant work experience in lieu of an advanced degree

A minimum of five years of relevant professional work experience on M&E

Excellent planning and organizational skills

Excellent interpersonal skills

Strong communication skills – both oral and written


Experience of designing and delivering training on M&E

Experience of working with INGOs or NGOs desirable

Familiarity with child protection

Familiarity of working in an emergency context

UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of our organisation.

DUE DATE: Oct 07 2016 W. Central Africa Standard Time



Under the guidance of Child Protection in Emergencies Manager(s) (Borno/Abuja), the national consultant will support the State Ministries responsible for children in Adamawa, Borno or Yobe to strengthen and ensure effective operation of the child protection information management system in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa Yobe States in North East Nigeria.

Background: In the course of 2014 and early 2015, Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’awati wal-Jihad (JAS), more commonly as Boko Haram intensified its attacks on the civilian population in Nigeria, with tactics developing from hit-and-run attacks targeting Government officials, security forces, police stations, detention centers, religious figures and schools, to take-and-hold attacks in which Boko Haram managed to establish and maintain control over large swaths of territory. While in late 2015 and 2016 the Nigerian Armed Forces took back most Boko Haram controlled areas, the fighting caused additional mass displacement, especially in Borno State.

Over 2 million people have been displaced by the conflict, with over half under the age of 18 years, with millions more trapped in the 19 Local Government Areas that were held by Boko Haram. As the Nigerian Armed Forces have regained these Local Government Areas, there have been additional mass displacements. Recent increasing security has also led to the humanitarian community being able to access previously inaccessible Local Government Areas. Children make up over half of the affected population in these newly liberated areas.

With funding from the European Union under the Promoting Women’s Engagement in Peace and Security in Northern Nigeria, implemented by UN Women, in collaboration with UNICEF and the Federal and State Ministries responsible for social welfare, UNICEF is supporting the state government and NGO partners to develop and operationalize an information management system for child protection, in order to capture data and critical information captured through the case management system. Attempts to fully operationalize the system for respective State Ministries and partner organisations has met different levels of success, partly due to staffing issues as most of the staff assigned to the role require hands on mentorship and support. It has thus become necessary to provide the State Ministries with dedicated persons to focus on operationalizing the child protection information management systems in order to transition responsibility for the system from the NGOs to the government, as part of a broader systems’ building agenda. This will make it possible to better track child protection cases being identified and documented by state and non state actors, and enable the strategic use of this information to better manage the cases, especially with respect to supporting family tracing and reunification which is becoming more urgent within the changing context in the North East. The consultants will also build the capacity of State Ministries in overall documentation, record keeping, and monitoring child In addition, the Child Protection Sub Working Groups, which the State Ministries responsible for children co-chair, in the three States need to be able to better capture the scale of the child protection needs and the impact of the sub sector’s programmes. The national consultants will also support information management for the Child Protection Sub Working Groups.

Scope of Work: The purpose of the consultancy assignment is to provide technical assistance to the State Ministries in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa to operationalize the child protection information management system and to support the Child Protection sub Working Groups to strengthen information management.

The consultant will be required to among others:

develop and implement a plan for strengthening the CPIMS

develop tools and accompanying training materials for data and information collection, collation, analysis and support the deployment of these tools.

support full operationalization of the CPIMS

support Borno MWASD to take on the CPsWG secretariat function.

The national consultants will work closely with the International Information Management consultant in the fulfilment of the Terms of Reference (TOR).

Assignment Tasks




Support relevant State Ministries (WASD – Borno, WASD-Adamawa and YSSCD-Yobto establish and operationalize the child protection information management system at state level and ensure the consistent use of the IA case management (CM) forms

CPIMS set-up and functional within the respective State Ministry in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa

IA case management tools available for use by government social workers

Key Ministry personnel including data clerks, case management supervisors, and social workers are trained and coached on a continuous basis on the CPIMS and supported to use the system & the IA CM tools

A system for collection, review and verification of completed CM forms from social workers, through to the data clerks for data entry is put in place and functional

Backlog of completed CM forms are reviewed and entered into the CPMIS, and a new backlog is prevented from developing through timely entry of new cases into the system

Linkages made with the GBVIMS

Support relevant State Ministries ((WASD – Borno, WASD-Adamawa and YSSCD-Yobto put in place systems for overall documentation and record keeping for child protection cases

Indicators and Means of Verification for the different components of Ministries’ work are developed to track implementation progress

Data collection tools for use by the Ministry are developed based on the agreed list of indicators for the different programme components, and key Ministry staff are oriented on their use.

Monthly progress reports are produced for the respective Ministries based on the data collected using the different data collection tools deployed, and generation of CPIMS reports

A system for record keeping including for archiving of case files is put in place, and is functional

In collaboration with the relevant ministries (WASD – Borno, WASD-Adamawa and YSSCD-Yoband UNICEF child protection team, conduct an assessment of formal and informal IDPs camp and host communities to map out the caseload of unaccompanied and separated children

Review and compile a listing of all the available sources of data on UASC, highlighting definitions and methodology used for the registration

Map out current UASC programme coverage by partners, and the current deployment of government social workers at State, Zonal and LGA levels

Review the UASC caseload managed/being managed by NGO partners and the respective State Ministries since the commencement of the programme against the number of UASC documented in the different programme locations

Prepare a list of areas with high concentration of UASC that are currently not being covered to inform programme scale up.

Support Borno MWASD to take on the secretariat function of the CPsWG, in collaboration with the Child Protection Coordinator

Support the drafting and share minutes of CPsWG monthly meeting

Follow up on implementation of agreed actions with members

Support preparation of CPsWG documents as necessary including compilation and analysis of the CP case statistics from members

Prepare state specific coverage maps for child protection (caseload and partner coverage)

Contribute to UNICEF and CPsWG weekly and monthly sitreps

Support collection and collation of 5Ws for the CPsWG at Sate level

Expected Deliverables

Assessment report with detailed recommendations on how to strengthen the child protection case management process and information management system at State level by month 1.

System for collection, review and verification of completed case management forms in place

Reports on training and coaching on information management conducted with state ministries

100% entry of child protection cases into the Child Protection Information Management System

Monitoring and evaluation framework for State Ministries on child protection, with indicators for monitoring progress and the corresponding data collection tools

UASC mapping report specifying estimated caseload against caseload being managed, and highlighting areas of concentration not currently being covered

Monthly programme reports published on child protection cases, coverage and impact based on data collected using the data collection tools deployed and from the CPIMS

Monthly CPsWG meeting minutes and reports prepared and disseminated

Weekly and monthly updated 5Ws covering the State

Monthly updates on CPsWG coverage and impact prepared and disseminated

Weekly inputs to the sitreps from UNICEF and members of the CPsWG

Consultant’s monthly progress reports indicating progress in execution of the assignment



University degree in social science, statistics or related field

A minimum of three years of relevant professional work experience with management information systems and/or M&E systems

Technical expertise in managing data and information – from data collection, storage and analysis of diverse data sets, as well as presenting information in easily understandable tables, charts, graphs, maps and reports (including snapshots and dashboards) for different audiences

Excellent planning and organizational skills

Strong inter-personal skills and communication skills – both oral and written


Experience of designing and delivering training on information management systems

Excellent knowledge of the latest tool in the field of information management within social science sector

Familiarity with child protection and the systems strengthening approach would be beneficial

Experience of working on information management and reporting systems within the public sector

Experience of undertaking assessments of management information systems

Working knowledge of the local languages

UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of our organisation.


Under the overall guidance of the Chief Field Operations, accountable for the management and implementation of programme in the field office area of responsibility.

As head of field office, direct, lead and manage a group of professional and support staff to develop, manage and administer the sectoral or inter-sectoral programme. Promotes intersectoral partnerships in order to ensure timely implementation of programmes in particular Health, Nutrition, Water and Environmental Sanitation, and similarly.

Contributes to synergize the work of United Nations agencies in UNICEF programme MDGs focused Goals, as well as in humanitarian actions, working closely with the other partners within the inter-agency standing committee (IASC).


Developing and planning the Field Office Program Plan

Leading and managing the Field Office

Monitoring and quality control of the Program Implementation

Representation and external relations at Field office level

Building alliance, resource mobilization and UN System coordination

Leading innovation, knowledge management and capacity building

Safety and security of staff, programs and organizational assets


Representation – Represent UNICEF and the rights and needs of children to government officials, local authorities, NGOs, CBOs and beneficiary communities

Advocacy – Advocate with government officials, local authorities, NGOs, CBOs and beneficiary communities, attention to the rights and needs of children, with particular focus on humanitarian access and protection of children

Programme Development & Monitoring

Reporting – In cooperation with relevant sections of the Country Office, prepare or contribute to the monthly SITREP, donor reports and special reports.

Monitoring — Organize and participate in the regular monitoring of UNICEF supported interventions in the field office area of responsibility through project review, field visits, inspection of supplies, and review of reports, accounts and outputs

Capacity Strengthening – Support capacity strengthening of government and NGO partners on situation analysis, policy, plan/programme/project formulation, project management, monitoring and evaluation

Humanitarian Response Action Plan – Contribute to the country Office situation analysis, HARP formulation, plans of action, project agreements, project cooperation agreements, annual and mid-term reviews, annual reports, and other required documentation.

Programme Implementation — In collaboration with relevant chiefs sections of the Country Office, plan, coordinate and manage the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of UNICEF support within the governorate

Access to Hard to Reach Areas – negotiate with all parties to secure access to population in hot spots and hard to reach areas, including through agency specific convoys, interagency convoys and delivery of critical life-saving interventions

Monitor the Situation — Develop and maintain a sound knowledge and understanding of the humanitarian and political situation and dynamics of the conflict in order to assess impact on the situation of and programmes for children and to identify needs and opportunities

Knowledge Management

Ensure effective knowledge management by drafting or finalizing sectoral documents and reports such as the Country Programme Recommendation and Plans of Action, lessons learned knowledge gained and information / data exchange.

Conduct orientation and training programmes to help build capacity of Government counterparts.

Provide authoritative advice/guidance/interpretation of programme policy and guidelines.

Human Resource & Supply Management

Supply – Monitor the storage, distribution, end use and maintenance of UNICEF supplies used within the governorate

Human Resource Development – participate in and monitor the deployment and recruitment of staff for assignment within the governorate. Monitor personnel processes, timely completion of performance evaluation, staff training and career development


Team Leadership — Provide inspiring leadership to the UNICEF team in Aleppo, terms of UNICEF Mission, guiding principles, policy interpretation, guidance on procedures, developing and maintenance of positive attitudes, constructive team behavior, and positive relations with all partners

Management – Through participatory approaches, manage the work of the UNICEF field office and team, ensuring high standards of accountability and efficiency



Advanced university degree in any of the following: Social Sciences, Public Administration, International Relations, Business Administration, Public Health, Education, or other fields related to the work of UNICEF.

First university degree with additional two-years of relevant work experience is acceptable in lieu of an advanced university degree.


Ten years of professional work experience at national and international levels in field programmes relevant to Education programmes. Experience working in the UN or other international development organization an asset.

Background/familiarity with Emergency.


Fluency in English and a second UN language.

Local working language of the duty station an asset.


Core Values


Diversity and Inclusion


Core Competencies

Communication [ III ]
Working with People [ III ]
Drive for Results [ III ]


Leading and Supervising [ III ]
Formulating Strategies and Concepts [ III ]
Analyzing [ III]
Relating and Networking [ III ]
Deciding and Initiating Action [ III ]
Persuading and Influencing [ II ]


The successful candidate for this emergency recruitment MUST be available to commence work within 31 days of receiving an offer.

Please note that Maiduguri is a non-family duty station.

Employment is conditional upon receipt of medical clearance, any clearance required, the grant of a visa, and completion of any other pre-employment criteria that UNICEF may establish. Candidates may not be further considered or offers of employment may be withdrawn if these conditions are unlikely to be met before the date for commencement of service.



Under the general guidance of the supervisor, and in close coordination with the Communication Officer, responsible for the design, formulation, management, execution, monitoring and evaluation of a behavioural change and social mobilization strategy, plan of action and programme activities in support of the country programme.


Programme communication programme strategy, plan and implementation for behavioural change:

In collaboration with UNICEF management and decision makers and planners of government, donor organizations and the private sector, the Communication for Development Spe…t designs, manages and facilitates the implementation of communication policy, strategy and plans of action aiming at general public and service providers through: (a) behaviour development/change at individual/household levels; (b) social mobilization of civil society organizations; and (c) increased community participation in development programmes for positive social change.

Makes viable recommendations on operational strategies in the areas of participatory communication, social mobilization and behaviour change and on appropriate materials and media to reach target audiences.

Programme communication materials:

In collaboration with partners, the Communication for Development Spe…t organizes and manages the formative research, development, pre-testing and production of culturally relevant communication materials to ensure effective and efficient programme delivery, including facilitating behaviour change, where necessary.

Supports the UNICEF global communications objectives and strategies through development of complementary country specific and local community materials.

Ensures the quality, consistency and appropriateness of communication materials that are developed, produced, and disseminated to local communities, government officials, other

Partnerships for social mobilization:

Develops partnerships with various religious groups, traditional leaders, teachers, artists and other organized groups in the community, as well as civil society organizations, to orient them on country programme goals and to solicit their involvement in the implementation of the country programme.

Promotes a better understanding of children’s and women’s issues by assisting in or managing a country level behaviour change and social mobilization strategy supportive of effective and efficient programme delivery.

Promotes and influences behaviour development/change at individual/ household levels, social mobilization of civil society organizations and increased community participation in development programmes.

Capacity building support:

Develops training materials and activities to build capacity in participatory and behaviour change communication for personnel who are involved in the planning, implementation and evaluation of programme communication intervention, in support of programme sustainability.

Coordination and collaboration with government and partners:

Coordinates with government counterparts in the development and appropriate use of communication for social development aimed at both individual behaviour change and collective action. Provide technical support as required.

Collaborates with government officials, community leaders, UN, and bilateral agencies and NGOs in the organization of activities, operational research, advocacy and exchange of information and ideas supportive of programme communication goals and strategies.

Monitoring and evaluation:

Monitors and evaluates programme activities on the basis of applied communication research and frequent visits to project sites.

Analyzes and evaluates data to ensure compliance and achievement of objectives and recommend corrective action, when necessary, to meet programme/project objectives. Prepares monitoring and evaluation reports in accordance with the established guidelines, methods and procedures. Provides technical advice to programme staff, government officials and other counterparts, and coordinates and manages the evaluative elements of country programme milestone meetings, such as mid-term reviews, strategy meetings, previews and reviews and annual reviews.

Disseminates communication research findings, ensures exchanges and sharing of experience, lessons learned, best practices, and new methods to government officials, programme staff, and other UNICEF partners.

Budget planning and management of program funds:

Participates in and contributes to the budget and programme review and planning. Establishes programme work plans, allocation of resources, and monitors progress and compliance.

Monitors the overall allocation and disbursement of programme funds, making sure that funds are properly coordinated, monitored and liquidated.

Takes appropriate actions to optimize use of programme funds. Improves programme efficiency, quality and delivery through a rigorous and transparent approach to programme planning, monitoring and evaluation.


Education Background:

Advanced University Degree in the Social/Behavioural Sciences, (Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, Health Education) with emphasis on strategic communication planning for behaviour development, social mobilization, participatory communication, and research.

First university degree with additional two-years of relevant work experience is acceptable in lieu of an advanced university degree.


Minimum eight years of progressively responsible professional work experience in the development, planning and management of social development programmes, including several years in developing countries, with practical experience in the adaptation and application of communication planning processes to specific programmes.

Language Proficiency:

Fluency in English is required and a second UN language (IP) is an asset

Fluency in English is required and the local working language of the duty station is an asset (NO).


Core Values:


Diversity and Inclusion




Working with People

Drive for Results


Leading and supervising

Formulating strategies and concepts


Relating and networking

Deciding and Initiating action

Applying technical expertise


The successful candidate for this emergency recruitment MUST be available to commence work within 31 days of receiving an offer.

Please note that this is a re-advertisement. Candidates who have applied to the 1st round, will also be considered, and do not need to re-apply.

UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of our organization.

Application Closing Date Oct 03 2016


Click on Job Title below:


DUE DATE: 7 October, 2016

Job Vacancies at UNICEF, Tuesday 4, October 2016

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