Monday, October 24, 2016

Jobs at Knowledgepool Consulting Limited, Monday 24, October 2016

Knowledgepool Consulting Limited wishes to announce vacancy for the following position in a new Microfinance Bank.



Remain responsible for overall activities of minimum of 15 and maximum of 20 groups where each group consists of 5-30 members and the total number of members is 300-400

Complete group formation in a new area within a maximum of 4-6 months after joining the bank

Take initiative to collect weekly savings from the organized groups only after inclusion of the groups in the branch, that is after approval of the groups

Oversee three to four groups per day, five days of the week except weekend and collect weekly savings and installments as per determined rates/rules

Play an effective role in making groups effective

Prepare disbursement plan in advance for disbursing credit to the organized groups and submit to the Branch Manager

Disburse loans following the set rules, such as member’s age, savings, scheme etc. Remain responsible in case of any irregularities .Try to make proper utilization of credit

Take the initiative immediately for collection of the installment whenever a member expresses his/her ability to repay the credit installment due to any special reason ;may be, through staying at the borrower’s house until recovery or arbitration, inform the Branch Manager instantly about the default, otherwise the Loan Officer will bear all the responsibilities

Maintain savings and credit account related forms/registers correctly on a daily basis. Avoid alterations/corrections or use of white ink on the account related documents.

Discharge special responsibilities assigned by the Branch Manager for the interest of the organization

Sign regularly the attendance book cum movement register kept in the branch office

Deposits the money collected from the groups savings, credit installment and insurance into their account with the bank and submit tell to the branch manager without any delay. keeping cash in hand and suppress cash is a punishable offence

Refrain from defamation, instigation, scandalous activities against the organization otherwise punishment will be imposed if proved

Fill up the loan application form, daily realizable and realized information sheet

To perform any other duty assigned by management from time to time


Minimum of OND holders with 1-2 Experience in Microfinancing

Must have at least 2 years’ experience in related functions.

Problem solving and good negotiation skills is required

Must possess high multitasking skills



Staff Management

Verify and Sign the attendance and movement register

Distribute working areas among the Staff and fix the target

Observe the daily activities of the Staff and their behaviors

Identify the qualities of the staff and utilize their skills accordingly .Play a role in taking appropriate measures to identify their weak sides

Group Management &Visits

Collect the lists of the group members from the Loan Officers

Visit the Group members for assessment of Group information

Provide permission for registration

Give passbooks, code number of the groups

Accept loan proposal ,savings and insurance

Reject deficient group members and fill up the deficiency

Monitor by paying a visit to at least two groups per day. Find out whether there are irregularities in savings withdrawal, savings received by the members, schemes implemented with disbursed loans, one member’s loan given to another, accounts of savings found correct through cross-checking with passbooks, borrowers included in the target according to the rules of the organization received jumping loans or other advantages etc. Put initials on the master roll, savings withdrawal register, passbook and CO register after visiting the group members

Crosschecks the passbooks with the Loan Officer register once every three month

Observe the time a worker spends in the group

See whether there is a good relation among the members and analyze whether there is a good relation among the member and analyze whether the worker’s behavior is proper

Observe whether the Loan Officers give importance to the opinions of the members

Observe the time a worker spend in the group

See whether there is a good relation among the members and analyze whether the worker’s behavior is proper

Observe whether the Loan Officer give importance to the opinions of the members

Discharge the duties of any of the Loan Officers in their absence

Administrative Activities

Take action if rules of the organization are violated and bring this to the notice of the authorities

Communicate with the central office and other sections in case of special needs


Update the General ledger regularly and preserve

Fill up and persevere the collection sheet register with information of the daily realizable and realized

Write down the daily transaction plan and actual information /data and preserve

Perform the responsibility of Operating account as the 1st Signatory. Give approval of all loans

Give approvals of savings refund and adjustment

Make regular entries in the branch register and preserve

Approve and issue all types of bills

Prepare the master roll for loan disbursement

Issue passbooks and verify the accounts of passbooks following the rules

Supervision works

Verify and sign the Loan Officer registers, cash book and collection sheet register

Verify regularly whether there are signatures on the counterfoil of the checkbook and the serial numbers are ok etc

Credit Management

Keep close observation over activities such as the use of loans, regular re payment of installments, creation of defaults etc and take proper action at the proper time

Savings Management

Supervise regularly the issues of weekly mandatory savings, voluntary savings, observe the kind of circumstances, season and month when the members want to withdraw their savings or the amount of withdrawal increases or decreases and make arrangement for transferring funds in the future on that basis. Keep the environment of increasing savings favorable through workers and if possible through self-involvement


Must have at least 4 years’ microfinance experience in related job functions.

Evidence of professional qualifications will be an added advantage

University Degree/HND in a related subject.


Kindly send your comprehensive resume to


DUE DATE: 11 November, 2016

Jobs at Knowledgepool Consulting Limited, Monday 24, October 2016

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