Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The IQ Score and Its Meaning to You

Popularly known as IQ, the intelligence quotient is an effective tool which is used to determine the intellectual capacity of an individual. By this, one would find out how smart or poor he is with respect to his cognitive domain. So what actually is an average score? As maintained by the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, an IQ score of 90 to 109 is reckoned as average and this IQ score scale is shared by fifty per cent of the world’s total population. Moreover, the scale 110-119 is labeled as high average, whereas 80-89 is labeled as low average score. And what is regarded as a high IQ is the score over 120.

So you might ask yourself how these IQ scores can be translated to prospective career choices. Study shows that college graduates are found out to have a mean IQ score of 115 with those scoring a mean of 125 proceeded to a post graduate study. In the same token, a doctor would substantially have a mean of one hundred thirty-five, whereas a teacher would have a mean of one hundred twenty. And lastly, machine operators and truck drivers have a mean of one hundred.

Nevertheless, if your score falls under the normal mean, do not panic. All you need to do is to try again taking the test over on the following day or even on the day after the next day. However, you see to it that you are not too exhausted or stressed out to take the test.

And above all, with regard to IQ score, it is significant to keep in mind that every person is utterly different or unique and that does not only go for the shape of our eyes or color of our skin. Empirically, every human mind operates and thinks uniquely. In this regard, an individual might be exceptionally brilliant in literature, but he might be not so good in certain categories including mathematics and science.

You can also try IQ tests that are available online. A number of them are for free. Nonetheless, keep in mind that these test are not actually a substitution for professional evaluation, but they can be an very interesting to start with.

The IQ Score and Its Meaning to You

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