Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Cover Letter - Let's Get Personal

Well Written But Not Personal: If you really want to write a sample cover letter that gets noticed, then say something about the company you are applying to. Not something obvious, something they will know you had to dig deep to find out. A recent company award, an article in a trade magazine, a recent contract that they were awarded. This approach says a great deal about you.

Example, "I read recently that you received a ten year, accident free award. As a health inspector myself, I know first hand that is no small feat. Again, congratulations."

It may seem like a non-relevant thing to say in your cover letter, but is it? As a health inspector, it"s certainly relevant as a tie in for the position you are applying for. It"s also personal, in that you took the time to mention something most would not. Simply put, you did your homework on the company, and personalized it, to fit your application. An absolute win win.

One thing is true today, recruiters are very professional, they can spot a no effort cover letter a mile away. By not taking the time to do some research on the company or making it personal, your letter just looks like every other template. If you are serious about working at a particular company then do the due diligence the job describes. In the job interview they"re asking "what do you know about our company" and they will ask, you need something of substance to say.

You only cheat yourself in the end by not taking the necessary steps. A well written cover letter is great, but that personal touch pushes it to the top of the pile on a recruiters desk.

Finally, as a teacher, I prefer a collaborative learning approach. That said, I"d like to ask you to join my email newsletter, as I want your feedback and advice. Can I count on your support?

To Your Job Search Success,

Mike Perras, P.Mgr

Jobs in Nigeria

Cover Letter - Let"s Get Personal

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