Showing posts with label UNDP Recruitment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UNDP Recruitment. Show all posts

Friday, November 10, 2017

United Nations Development Programme New Ongoing Recruitment

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), helps developing countries attract and use aid effectively. In all our activities, we encourage the protection of human rights, capacity development and the empowerment of women.

We are recruiting to fill the vacant position below:

Job Title: National Consultant- Good Governance
: Abuja
Starting Date : 29-Nov-2017
Duration of Initial Contract: 24 Working days
Expected Duration of Assignment: 24 Working days

The Third United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF III-2014-2017) is the common strategic framework for the operational activities of the United Nations System (UNS) in Nigeria. It provides a collective, coherent and integrated UNS response to the country’s priorities and needs, expressed in long term vision 20:2020, the Transformational Agenda and other development policies expected to transform Nigeria to one of the top 20 economies by 2020.

Nigeria’s development priorities are also expressed within the framework of the MDGs and other commitments, goals and targets of other international conventions and human rights instruments of the United Nations.  In line with UNDG and UNDAF M&E guidelines, it is mandatory for Country teams to conduct end of cycle evaluation for accountability and learning, and improving performance of subsequent UNDAFs.

In 2016, the UNCT conducted a light mid-term assessment of the UNDAF III to inform the formulation of the new partnership framework. The UNCT has therefore, commenced the process of evaluating UNDAF III with the Federal and State Governments.

The end of cycle evaluation of the UNDAF III is a joint UN process, conducted with national partners, to assess the progress made towards Nigeria’s development priorities selected within the UNDAF. It will also take stock of the environment within which the UN is operating and assess the effectiveness of UNDAF III as a tool of support to the achievement of national priorities and enhanced coordination and harmonization among all UN agencies.

The UN and Nigerian Government will review the results achieved from activities supported by the UNDAF III and the appropriateness of its planned results and strategies. The evaluation provides a unique opportunity to assess achievements against the planned results; and the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of UNDAF III outcomes, interventions and strategies.

This assessment will identify issues and gaps, and proffer strategic and usable recommendations that the UNS and its partners will utilize to improve the strategies, implementation mechanisms, and the management efficiency of the new United Nations Sustainable Development and Partnership Framework (UNSDPF-2018-2022).

The United Nations System in Nigeria is therefore, seeking the services of qualified independent consultants to lead the conduct of this Evaluation. Firms and companies are also encouraged to apply for this opportunity with the view of recruiting experts for this assignment.

Scope of Work, Responsibilities and Description of the Proposed Analytical Work

  • The broader aim of the evaluation, as stated above, is to generate a usable evaluation report that would aid the inherent culture of learning and accountability in the United Nations system programming processes in terms of progress made towards the attainment of the main outcomes and outputs of the UNDAF III.

  • Finally, the evaluation will identify lessons in implementing the UNDAF III, with a particular focus on the governance process and Coordination mechanisms including the PMT, UNCT, UNM&E group, RC office and DaO Lead Agencies and Groups.

  • The recommendations, if any, will aim to improve the implementation mechanism, and management efficiency of UNSDPF-2018-2022.

  • The evaluation would also provide relevant information and strategic recommendations that would support the UN system in Nigeria to enrich the UNSDPF implementation in a timely and most effective manner.

  • The recommendations will aim to improve the strategies, implementation mechanism, and management efficiency of UNSDPF-2018-2022.

  • The Evaluation exercise will cover the current cycle of the UNDAF III from 2014-2017 and will holistically review and systematically analyze recorded achievements and the accompanying strategies and how all these aided the UN in delivering on its mandate.

In particular, the evaluation will:

  • Assess the progress or lack thereof, towards the expected results as defined in the theory of change for UNDAF III cycle. Where appropriate, the evaluation will also highlight unexpected results (positive or negative) and missed opportunities;

  • Identify the factors that have affected positively or negatively the UNCT’s contribution, and explaining the enabling factors and bottlenecks (learning)

  • Provide an analysis of how the UN has positioned itself to add value in response to national needs and changes in the national development context;

  • Present key findings, draw key lessons learned, and provide a set of clear and forward-looking options leading to strategic and actionable recommendations to support and adjust the UNSDPF implementation.

  • Assess the contributions made by the UNCT in the result framework of the UNDAF and its contribution to national development results(accountability);

Evaluation Methodology and Approach

  • The Evaluation shall benefit from existing or newly commissioned studies, research or evaluations conducted by an individual or collaborating Agencies including the UN Agencies.

  • Based on the documented innovations, lessons learnt and findings from the research, studies and evaluations, the Consultants will work with the UN and partners to conduct in-depth analysis of progress towards results, identify lessons learnt and propose corrective actions.

  • The consultants will work with state governments and UNS to produce a report on lessons learnt related to some Delivering as One focus states (Benue, Anambra, Cross River, Oyo, Lagos, etc) and FCT to feed into the Evaluation report.

Data Collection:

  • In terms of data collection, the evaluation will use a mixed method (quantitative and qualitative) approach that will include document reviews, SWOT Analysis, group and individual interviews and field visits as appropriate.

  • Final methods to be selected must match the above stated objectives and specific questions. It is expected that the technical proposal will:
    • Identify methodology and sample (address sampling limitations)

    • Level of stakeholders’ participation amongst other issues

Information Sources:

  • The following minimum documents will be used for obtaining detailed background information on the UNDAF III: The UNDAF Document; The results matrix; The monitoring and evaluation framework and plans; Joint Annual Work Plans for the DaO states and FCT;  Mid-term/End of Year reviews report, Relevant Reports.


  • The Evaluation Team will use a variety of methods to ensure that the data is valid, including triangulation.

Stakeholders’ Involvement

  • The Evaluation will be managed by the UNDAF M&E group to ensure independence of the process.

  • A reference group, as per the UNEG guidance, will be created to guide the evaluation exercise.

  • An inclusive approach, involving a broad range of partners and stakeholders, will be taken for evaluation process.

The Evaluation Process and Work Plan 
The process of the evaluation will be divided into three phases, each including several steps:
Phase 0: Evaluability Assessment:

  • The consultant will identify and review the basic documentation and discuss with key stakeholders to ensure proper response to the evaluability assessment questions.

  • The deliverable is an evaluability assessment report.

Phase 1: Preparation and Inception Phase:

  • Desk review

  • UNDAF Evaluability assessment

  • Stakeholder mapping;

  • Development of an operational/logistical plan.

  • The Output and deliverable of this phase is the Inception Report.

Phase 2: Data Collection and Preliminary Analysis Phase:

  • At the end of this phase, the evaluation team will provide a debriefing of the preliminary findings to the UNCT/PMT, take initial comments and validate the preliminary findings.

Phase 3: Drafting and validating the Evaluation Report:

  • A draft evaluation report will be prepared by the evaluation team after the data collection and analysis exercise.

  • The draft report will be submitted by the Lead Consultant to the Evaluation Committee/RCO.

  • Review and Quality Assurance The Lead consultant will be directly responsible for addressing any comments or observations towards eventual finalization of the report by securing inputs from the respective subject area consultants.

  • Presentation of findings, Validation and submission of report- The Evaluation team shall present the final draft for validation to stakeholders in designated meetings while the final report shall be submitted to the UNCT via the Chair of Evaluation Committee/RCO (Word and PDF version).

  • The estimated timeline for the process is 24 working days.


  • Inception report describing consultants’ understanding of the assignment and which includes his/her detailed plan to execute it (5-10-page document). The report should also further refine the overall evaluation scope, approach, design and timeframe, and provide a detail outline of the evaluation methodology and is to be delivered 4 days after the start of the assignment.

  • Progress report/briefing to the Evaluation Committee/PMT/RCO (the briefing periodicity to be determined in the Inception Report

  • SWOT analysis report on the sample DaO focus states in Nigeria

  • Comprehensive Final Evaluation Report (20 pages content including not more that 4-page Executive Summary)

  • A final Power Point presentation containing the main findings, conclusions and recommendations of the evaluation for dissemination and debriefing purposes.

Time Frame and Remuneration

  • The consultancy is expected to last four weeks (24 working days) starting November 19, 2017 Remuneration will be in accordance with the UN Rules and Regulations and will be commensurate with the complexity of the assignment based on the signed contract administered by UNDP Service center.

  • The Consultancy fee will be paid as a lump sum contract or in line with the following schedule and upon acceptance of key deliverables:
    • At the end of the Evaluability assessment, and submission and approval of the inception report (last week of November):20%

    • At the submission of the Final Draft Reports (1st and 2nd week of December):50%

    • At the end of the Evaluation exercise (3rd week of December): 30%

Composition of the Evaluation Team

  • There will be a team of three (3) consultants made up of one international expert and two National Experts; the international consultant will be the team leader.

  • Each of the other two national consultants should possess relevant qualifications and experience in at least one of the four UNDAF-III outcome areas.

  • As much as possible, the composition of the team should be gender sensitive.

  • The selected consultants are expected to be independent and should not have been involved in the implementation of UNDAF III programmes in any of the Agencies.

Tasks of the Consultants

  • Thoroughly review and familiarize self with the UNDAF documents including the Country Analysis, the UNDAF Outcomes, the UNDAF Results Matrix, the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework and the UNDAF Evaluation Concept Note/TORs;

  • In collaboration with the Office of the RC, lead the planning for, and organization of, the Evaluation meeting including preparation of the report document, the accompanying presentations and the meeting logistics;

  • Attend Evaluation meetings and incorporate any comments or changes and produce the final Evaluation report;

  • In close consultation with the RCO, manage the day-to-day coordination of the detailed tasks of the Evaluation including communication with the Evaluation focal points in the Agencies, sending, receiving and proper archiving of documents; organizing and facilitating consultative/coordination meetings etc;

  • Participate actively and take initiative in the meetings of PMT/EC on the Evaluation;

  • Convene coordination meetings with and provide technical guidance to the UNDAF Area/Sub-area consultants and ensure their full understanding and application of the Evaluation principles and guidelines to both the processes and outputs.

  • Attend and provide technical support to UNDAF Area/Sub-area consultative and review meetings;

  • Review and analyze inputs from all UN agencies and stakeholders, ensure that the reports answer the Evaluation Questions (see above) and collate into the draft Evaluation Report;

  • Draft the text for the crosscutting parts of the report including the executive summary; and synthesis of the Situation Analysis update, the constraints, the lessons learnt, summary of proposed changes and recommendations for UNDAF III;

  • Plan, organize, facilitate and summarize outputs from a participatory comprehensive SWOT analysis of the Delivering-as-One planning and operationalization process;

  • Present the draft Evaluation Report as per the process described in point “Phase 3: Drafting the Evaluation Report” above and incorporate any comments or changes and produce the final draft of the report;

The National Consultant for Good Governance should have the following qualifications and competencies:

  • Advanced University degree in one or more of the following areas: Political Science, Economics, Social Sciences or related fields;

  • Knowledge and experience with the national development frameworks in Nigeria

  • Demonstrated experience in quantitative and qualitative evaluation methodology

  • Understanding of the UN’s mandate and modus operandi preferred

  • Excellent communication and writing skills in English

  • At least 10 years’ experience in accountable governance, anti-corruption programming, institutional and regulatory reforms, public procurement and fiscal responsibility laws in Nigeria; programming experience in conflict prevention and management, internal security and emergency preparedness, management and responses to natural and man-made crises, design and implementation of integrated development policies

  • Expert knowledge of and working familiarity with results-based management, human rights based and gender mainstreaming approaches.

  • Ability to work in a team and deliver results.

How To Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should send their complete application to: [email protected] only applications with complete supporting documents as stated above and received before or at the closing date will be considered, Email must have as subject: UNDAF-IC NAT1Application Procedure
Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:

  • Three Page Proposal:
    • Explaining why they are the most suitable for the work

    • Provide a brief methodology on how they will approach and conduct the work

  • Financial proposal

  • Personal CV including past experience in similar projects and at least 3 references

Lump Sum Contracts

  • The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount, and payment terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables (i.e. whether payments fall in installments or upon completion of the entire contract). Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR.  In order to assist the requesting unit in the comparison of financial proposals, the financial proposal will include a breakdown of this lump sum amount (including travel, per diems, and number of anticipated working days).


  • All envisaged travel costs must be included in the financial proposal. This includes all travel to join duty station/repatriation travel.  In general, UNDP should not accept travel costs exceeding those of an economy class ticket. Should the IC wish to travel on a higher class he/she should do so using their own resources.

  • In the case of unforeseeable travel, payment of travel costs including tickets, lodging and terminal expenses should be agreed upon, between the respective business unit and Individual Consultant, prior to travel and will be reimbursed

Click Here for More Information

Application Deadline  22nd November, 2017.

Jobs in Nigeria

United Nations Development Programme New Ongoing Recruitment

United Nations Development Programme New Job Available

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), helps developing countries attract and use aid effectively. In all our activities, we encourage the protection of human rights, capacity development and the empowerment of women.

We are recruiting to fill the vacant position below:

Job Title: National Consultant – Social Capital Development and Economic Growth
: Abuja
Type of Contract: Individual Contract
Post Level: National Consultant
Starting Date: 29th November 2017
Duration of Initial Contract:24 Working days
Expected Duration of Assignment: 24 Working days

Scope of Work

  • The broader aim of the evaluation, as stated above, is to generate a usable evaluation report that would aid the inherent culture of learning and accountability in the United Nations system programming processes in terms of progress made towards the attainment of the main outcomes and outputs of the UNDAF III.

  • The evaluation would also provide relevant information and strategic recommendations that would support the UN system in Nigeria to enrich the UNSDPF implementation in a timely and most effective manner. The recommendations will aim to improve the strategies, implementation mechanism, and management efficiency of UNSDPF-2018-2022.

  • The Evaluation exercise will cover the current cycle of the UNDAF III from 2014-2017 and will holistically review and systematically analyze recorded achievements and the accompanying strategies and how all these aided the UN in delivering on its mandate. Finally, the evaluation will identify lessons in implementing the UNDAF III, with a particular focus on the governance process and Coordination mechanisms including the PMT, UNCT, UNM&E group, RC office and DaO Lead Agencies and Groups.

  • The recommendations, if any, will aim to improve the implementation mechanism, and management efficiency of UNSDPF-2018-2022.

In particular, the evaluation will:

  • Assess the progress or lack thereof, towards the expected results as defined in the theory of change for UNDAF III cycle. Where appropriate, the evaluation will also highlight unexpected results (positive or negative) and missed opportunities;

  • Provide an analysis of how the UN has positioned itself to add value in response to national needs and changes in the national development context;

  • Present key findings, draw key lessons learned, and provide a set of clear and forward-looking options leading to strategic and actionable recommendations to support and adjust the UNSDPF implementation.

  • Assess the contributions made by the UNCT in the result framework of the UNDAF and its contribution to national development results(accountability);

  • Identify the factors that have affected positively or negatively the UNCT’s contribution, and explaining the enabling factors and bottlenecks (learning)

Evaluation Methodology and Approach

  • The Evaluation shall benefit from existing or newly commissioned studies, research or evaluations conducted by an individual or collaborating Agencies including the UN Agencies.

  • Based on the documented innovations, lessons learnt and findings from the research, studies and evaluations, the Consultants will work with the UN and partners to conduct in-depth analysis of progress towards results, identify lessons learnt and propose corrective actions. The consultants will work with state governments and UNS to produce a report on lessons learnt related to some Delivering as One focus states (Benue, Anambra, Cross River, Oyo, Lagos, etc) and FCT to feed into the Evaluation report.

  • Data Collection

  • In terms of data collection, the evaluation will use a mixed method (quantitative and qualitative) approach that will include document reviews, SWOT Analysis, group and individual interviews and field visits as appropriate.

Final methods to be selected must match the above stated objectives and specific questions. It is expected that the technical proposal will:

  • Identify methodology and sample (address sampling limitations)

  • Level of stakeholders’ participation amongst other issues

Information Sources:

  • The following minimum documents will be used for obtaining detailed background information on the UNDAF III:  The UNDAF Document; The results matrix; The monitoring and evaluation framework and plans; Joint Annual Work Plans for the DaO states and FCT;  Mid-term/End of Year reviews report, Relevant Reports.

Validation :

  • The Evaluation Team will use a variety of methods to ensure that the data is valid, including triangulation.

Stakeholders’ Involvement

  • The Evaluation will be managed by the UNDAF M&E group to ensure independence of the process.  A reference group, as per the UNEG guidance, will be created to guide the evaluation exercise.  An inclusive approach, involving a broad range of partners and stakeholders, will be taken for evaluation process.

The Evaluation Process and Work Plan
The process of the evaluation will be divided into three phases, each including several steps:

  • Phase 0: Evaluability assessment: the consultant will identify and review the basic documentation and discuss with key stakeholders to ensure proper response to the evaluability assessment questions. The deliverable is an evaluability assessment report.

  • Phase 3: Drafting and validating the Evaluation Report: A draft evaluation report will be prepared by the evaluation team after the data collection and analysis exercise. The draft report will be submitted by the Lead Consultant to the Evaluation Committee/RCO. ii. Review and Quality Assurance – The Lead consultant will be directly responsible for addressing any comments or observations towards eventual finalization of the report by securing inputs from the respective subject area consultants. iii. Presentation of findings, Validation and submission of report- The Evaluation team shall present the final draft for validation to stakeholders in designated meetings while the final report shall be submitted to the UNCT via the Chair of Evaluation Committee/RCO (Word and PDF version).

  • Phase 1: Preparation and Inception Phase: i. Desk review ii. UNDAF Evaluability assessment iii Stakeholder mapping; iv. Development of an operational/logistical plan. The Output and deliverable of this phase is the Inception Report.

  • Phase 2: Data Collection and Preliminary Analysis Phase: At the end of this phase, the evaluation team will provide a debriefing of the preliminary findings to the UNCT/PMT, take initial comments and validate the preliminary findings.


  • Inception report describing consultants’ understanding of the assignment and which includes his/her detailed plan to execute it (5-10-page document). The report should also further refine the overall evaluation scope, approach, design and timeframe, and provide a detail outline of the evaluation methodology and is to be delivered

  • 4 days after the start of the assignment.

  • Progress report/briefing to the Evaluation Committee/PMT/RCO (the briefing periodicity to be determined in the Inception Report

  • SWOT analysis report on the sample DaO focus states in Nigeria

  • Comprehensive Final Evaluation Report (20 pages content including not more that 4-page Executive Summary)

  • A final Power Point presentation containing the main findings, conclusions and recommendations of the evaluation for dissemination and debriefing purposes.

Time Frame and Remuneration:

  • The consultancy is expected to last four weeks (24 working days) starting November 19, 2017 Remuneration will be in accordance with the UN Rules and Regulations and will be commensurate with the complexity of the assignment based on the signed contract administered by UNDP Service center. The Consultancy fee will be paid as a lump sum contract  in line with the following schedule and upon acceptance of key deliverables:
    • At the end of the Evaluability assessment, and submission and approval of the inception report (last week of November):20%

    • At the submission of the Final Draft Reports (1st and 2nd week of December):50%

    • At the end of the Evaluation exercise (3rd week of December): 30%

Composition of the Evaluation Team:

  • There will be a team of three (3) consultants made up of one international expert and two National Experts; the international consultant will be the team leader. Each of the other two national consultants should possess relevant qualifications and experience in at least one of the four UNDAF-III outcome areas. As much as possible, the composition of the team should be gender sensitive.

  • The selected consultants are expected to be independent and should not have been involved in the implementation of UNDAF III programmes in any of the Agencies.

Tasks of the Consultants

  • Thoroughly review and familiarize self with the UNDAF documents including the Country Analysis, the UNDAF Outcomes, the UNDAF Results Matrix, the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework and the UNDAF Evaluation Concept Note/TORs;

  • Present the draft Evaluation Report as per the process described in point “Phase 3: Drafting the Evaluation Report” above and incorporate any comments or changes and produce the final draft of the report;

  • In close consultation with the RCO, manage the day-to-day coordination of the detailed tasks of the Evaluation including communication with the Evaluation focal points in the Agencies, sending, receiving and proper archiving of documents; organizing and facilitating consultative/coordination meetings etc;

  • Participate actively and take initiative in the meetings of PMT/EC on the Evaluation;

  • Convene coordination meetings with and provide technical guidance to the UNDAF Area/Sub-area consultants and ensure their full understanding and application of the Evaluation principles and guidelines to both the processes and outputs.

  • Attend and provide technical support to UNDAF Area/Sub-area consultative and review meetings;

  • Review and analyze inputs from all UN agencies and stakeholders, ensure that the reports answer the Evaluation Questions (see above) and collate into the draft Evaluation Report;

  • Draft the text for the crosscutting parts of the report including the executive summary; and synthesis of the Situation Analysis update, the constraints, the lessons learnt, summary of proposed changes and recommendations for UNDAF III;

  • Plan, organize, facilitate and summarize outputs from a participatory comprehensive SWOT analysis of the Delivering-as-One planning and operationalization process;

  • In collaboration with the Office of the RC, lead the planning for, and organization of, the Evaluation meeting including preparation of the report document, the accompanying presentations and the meeting logistics;

  • Attend Evaluation meetings and incorporate any comments or changes and produce the final Evaluation report.

The National Consultants Social Service Delivery should have the following qualifications and competencies:

  • Advanced University degree in one or more of the following areas: Health sciences, Demography, Social Sciences, Health Economics, Law or related fields

  • At least 10 years’ experience in programming for social services (including Education, Health, skills acquisition poverty reduction) delivery etc;

  • Expert knowledge of and working familiarity with results-based management, human rights based and gender mainstreaming approaches;

  • Knowledge and experience with the national development frameworks in Nigeria

  • Demonstrated experience in quantitative and qualitative evaluation methodology;

  • Understanding of the UN’s mandate and modus operandi preferred;

  • Excellent communication and writing skills in English;

  • Ability to work in a team and deliver results.

How To Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should send their complete application to: [email protected] only applications with complete supporting documents as stated above and received before or at the closing date will be considered, Email must have as subject: UNDAF-IC NAT2

Application Procedure
Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:

  • Three Page Proposal:
    • Explaining why they are the most suitable for the work

    • Provide a brief methodology on how they will approach and conduct the work

  • Financial proposal

  • Personal CV including past experience in similar projects and at least 3 references


  • All envisaged travel costs must be included in the financial proposal. This includes all travel to join duty station/repatriation travel.  In general, UNDP should not accept travel costs exceeding those of an economy class ticket. Should the IC wish to travel on a higher class he/she should do so using their own resources.

  • In the case of unforeseeable travel, payment of travel costs including tickets, lodging and terminal expenses should be agreed upon, between the respective business unit and Individual Consultant, prior to travel and will be reimbursed

Lump Sum Contracts

  • The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount, and payment terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables (i.e. whether payments fall in installments or upon completion of the entire contract). Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR.  In order to assist the requesting unit in the comparison of financial proposals, the financial proposal will include a breakdown of this lump sum amount (including travel, per diems, and number of anticipated working days).

Click Here For More Information

Application Deadline  14th November, 2017.

Jobs in Nigeria

United Nations Development Programme New Job Available

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Lagos State Employability Support Project Training Scheme for Unemployed Youth

UNDP and Lagos State Employment Trust Fund (LSETF) through the Lagos State Employability Support Project plan to increase the pool of skilled manpower to alleviate the acute shortages of employable labor.

The project will improve the quality of labour in these sectors: Manufacturing, Health Care, Construction, Entertainment, and Hospitality. It is expected that through the project about 16,000 skilled manpower will be produced in a three-year period to cater for demand in key sectors. It also includes promotional and access to market – matching participants to jobs – endeavors for Participants.

The project targets unemployed and under employed youths with or without skills and aged 18 to 35 years. If you are unemployed, underemployed and are interested in building a career in the stated sectors, please apply below.

Details of the courses include:


  • Mason

  • Bar-bender & Steel fixer

  • Formwork carpenter

  • Plumber

  • Electrician

  • AC Technician(RACW)


  •  Sound Assistant

  •  Production Assistant

  •  Social Media Associate


  •  Care Givers – child & adult

  •  General Duty Assistant

  •  Emergency medical Technician

Hospitality & Tourism

  •  Front office assistant

  •  F&B Steward Service

  •  Housekeeping Attendant

Garment Making

  •  Sewing Machine Operator


  •  Manual Metal Arc Welder

  •  Mechanical fitter


Application Process
Interested in any of these sectors? Please register and apply at

Jobs in Nigeria

Lagos State Employability Support Project Training Scheme for Unemployed Youth

Individual Consultant – UN Staff Stress Counsellor at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Tuesday 7, November 2017

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), helps developing countries attract and use aid effectively. In all our activities, we encourage the protection of human rights, capacity development and the empowerment of women.


Type of Contract: Individual Contract

Post Level: National Consultant

Starting Date: 04-Dec-2017

Duration of Initial Contract:1 year within a Long Term Agreement Framework

Expected Duration of Assignment:1 year


The consultant will be required to the following specific tasks:

Review the already developed training manual on youth and conflict prevention and peacebuilding;

Partake in the technical review session on the manual (date TBD);

Partake in TOT session of the manual (date TBD);

Develop a strategy, in consultation and close collaboration with UNDP and NYSC, for the roll out of the training in an assigned NYSC orientation camp as a pilot case.

Oversee and implement the actual training of youth in the assigned orientation camp;

Compile a lessons learned document from the roll out, to include survey data from youth as end users of the tools;

Liaise with UNDP and the manual formulation consultant to update manual to tailor it to the specific needs of the NYSC and corps members based on the lessons learned document.

Prepare the report of the consultancy to include recommendations/suggestions to improve the training manual and enhancing the partnership between UNDP and NYSC, as well as, advance future training of NYSC members.


The consultant should possess Masters or PhD degree in Social Sciences, Law, Conflict Prevention and Peace Studies.

He or she must have cognate experience in teaching at tertiary level or a former lecturer who is now into private practiceor a civil society practitioner with track record and experience in conflict management and peacebuilding with sound training and facilitating skills in the field of conflict management and peacebuilding.

He or she must possess over 15 years of practical experience in conducting trainings of application of peacebuilding and conflict prevention skills.

Knowledge of international best practices in applied education is required, and previous international experience will be considered an asset


Applicants should send their complete application to: only applications with complete supporting documents as stated above and received before or at the closing date will be considered, Applications must be submitted with the email subject: IC- Stress Counsellor.

Application Procedure

Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:

Proposal explaining why they are the most suitable for the work. The proposal must demonstrate knowledge of international best practice in relevant fields (such as diplomas, certificates), as well as independently verifiable information (such as evaluations of previous engagements) are to be annexed if they are available.

Personal CV including past experience in similar projects and at least 3 references

Financial proposal:

The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount, and payment terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables (i.e. whether payments fall in installments or upon completion of the entire contract). Payments are based upon input, i.e. a verified number of days worked, and output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR.  In order to assist the requesting unit in the comparison of financial proposals, the financial proposal will include a breakdown of this lump sum amount (including travel, per diems, and number of anticipated working days).


All envisaged travel costs must be included in the financial proposal. This includes all travel to join duty station/repatriation travel.  In general, UNDP should not accept travel costs exceeding those of an economy class ticket. Should the IC wish to travel on a higher class he/she should do so using their own resources.

In the case of unforeseeable travel, payment of travel costs including tickets, lodging and terminal expenses should be agreed upon, between the respective business unit and Individual Consultant, prior to travel and will be reimbursed

DUE DATE: 13 November, 2017

Jobs in Nigeria

Individual Consultant – UN Staff Stress Counsellor at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Tuesday 7, November 2017

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

United Nations Development Programme New Ongoing Recruitment

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), helps developing countries attract and use aid effectively. In all our activities, we encourage the protection of human rights, capacity development and the empowerment of women.

We are recruiting to fill the vacant position below:

Job Title: Programme Assistant
Job ID: 12727
Location: Abuja
Grade: G5
Vacancy Type: Service Contract (SC)
Contract Duration: Initial duration of 1 year 

  • Under the guidance and direct supervision of the Country Director, the Programme Assistant ensures effective and efficient functioning of the Country Director’s and Deputy Country Director (Programmes) offices.

  • He/she maintains full confidentiality in all aspects of assignment, maintenance of protocol procedures, management of information flow and follow-up on deadlines and commitments made and undertaking office administeration and program support function on the CD/DCD-Program’s office.

  • The Programme Assistant works in close collaboration with the Front Office, and Programme and Operations teams, UN Agencies and national authorities to ensure efficient flow of information, actions on instructions, agendas.

Duties and Responsibilities
Summary of key functions:

  • Effective and efficient functioning of the Country Director’s and Deputy Country Director (Programmes) offices

  • Effective communications and administrative support to the office

  • Facilitation of knowledge building and management

Ensures effective and efficient functioning of the Country Director’s and Deputy Country Director (Programmes) office focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Management of the office, ensuring an environment of professionalism and teamwork at all times, and setting exemplary standards of conduct for the CO team;

  • Screening of all incoming communications, filter outgoing correspondence for supervisor’s signature, clearance and further action by other staff; wherever possible.

  • Adherence to appropriate protocol and correspondence guidelines by CO team when communicating with Government and other external partners;

  • Use of automated office management system

  • Efficient and discreet management of the schedules

  • Organization of regular and ad-hoc meetings; preparation of minutes and summaries of actions to be taken; tracking of progress on planned issues; follow-up with focal points.

Ensures provision of effective communications and administrative support to the office focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Maintenance of the filing system ensuring safekeeping of confidential materials. Use of automated filing system.

  • Draft routine correspondence, interoffice circulars, general briefing notes, documents, reports, and minutes of meetings when requested, translations when required;

  • Administration of travel, meetings, appointments and briefings of Country Director/Deputy Country (Programme). Including drafting of background notes.

  • Maintenance of Teams’ status reports, best practices, lessons learned, publishing on section intranet and compiling of information for resource mobilization and communications officers.

  • Support to organization of advocacy events if required

  • Coordination of the information flow in the office and dissemination of corporate and interoffice communication to staff as required.

  • Facilitation of information sharing with Management Support, and Programme and Operations Teams.

  • Follow up on deadlines, commitments made, actions taken and coordination of collection and submission of the reports to the Country Director.

Ensures facilitation of knowledge building and management focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Sound contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice.

  • Organization of trainings for UNDP staff on coordination, administration and protocol issues.

Impact of Results

  • The key results have an impact on the efficiency of the Country Director’s and Deputy Country Director (Programmes) offices.  Accurate analysis and presentation of information strengthens the capacity of the Country Director’s office and promotes the image of UN/UNDP as an effective contributor to the development of the country. Incumbent’s own initiative is decisive in results of work and timely finalization.

Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstrates commitment to UNDP’s mission, vision and values.

  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability

  • To display high levels of  professionalism, intergrity.

Functional Competencies:

  • Knowledge Management and Learning

  • Actively works towards continuing personal learning, acts on learning plan and applies newly acquired skills

  • Shares knowledge and experience

Development and Operational Effectiveness:

  • Ability to perform a broad range of activities aimed at effective and efficient functioning of Country Director’s office, including data/ schedule management, maintenance of protocol, information flow and performance tracking

  • Ability to provide input to business processes re-engineering, elaboration and implementation of new data management systems, act to support programme and operational processes in the offices.

  • Confidentiality

Leadership and Self-Management:

  • Focuses on result for the client and responds positively to feedback

  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude

  • Remains calm, in control and good humored even under pressure

  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities

Required Skills and Experience

  • Secondary Education with specialized administration, development and office  management.

  • University Degree or equivalent in Social Sciences, Administration , Management or Development or relevant field would be desirable .


  • 5 years of progressively responsible secretarial, administrative, international development, programme management experience is required at the national or international level. Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel), and handling of web based management systems.

Language Requirements:

  • Fluency (both written and spoken) in English.

  • Ability to communicate in at least one national language


How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply

Application Deadline  6th November, 2017.

Jobs in Nigeria

United Nations Development Programme New Ongoing Recruitment

United Nations Development Programme New Vacancy Available

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), helps developing countries attract and use aid effectively. In all our activities, we encourage the protection of human rights, capacity development and the empowerment of women.

We are recruiting to fill the vacant position below:

Job Title: Early Recovery Area Coordinator
Job ID: 12163
Location: Maiduguri, Borno
Grade: SB4
Vacancy Type: Service Contract (SC)
Contract Duration: Initial duration of 1 year
Slot: 2
Duties and Responsibilities

  • Under the guidance of the Head of UNDP Sub-office in NE Nigeria and direct supervision of the Early Recovery Programme Coordinator, the Early Recovery Area Coordinator is delegated the responsibility for achievement of programme results in his/her assigned geographic area of responsibility.

  • Within agreed constraints in the detailed work plan the ER Area Coordinator is fully accountable for the achievement of substantive and/or geographic programme outputs and oversees a Programme Associate (when applicable).

Summary of Key Functions

  • Ensures day-to-day management of programme activities in his/her assigned substantive and/or geographic programme outputs;

  • Reports to ER Programme Coordinator on the achievement of project outputs, feeds into project/programme reports and into communications results of UNDP Nigeria;

  • Ensures that the programme produces the ER results specified in project documents, to the required standard of quality and within specified constraints of time and cost within his/her area; and

  • Suggests activities in her / his area for the annual project work plan and contributes to overall ER programme development as well as resource mobilization

Ensures day-to-day management of programme activities in his/her assigned substantive and/or geographic programme outputs:

  • Liaises and collaborates with relevant counterparts and target groups in specific locations in the three targeted states

  • Monitors and supervises the work of contracted parties and individuals for specific substantive or geographic outputs

  • Ensures full compliance with UNDP rules and regulations of all ER activities for specific substantive or geographic outputs.

  • Details and implements ER programme components and outputs for the benefit of IDPs as well as communities

  • Ensures full alignment and complementarity of UNDP’s ER efforts with those of national counterparts, sister UN Agencies and other institutions and individuals in the target areas

Reports to ER Programme Coordinator on the achievement of project outputs, feeds into project/programme reports and into communications results of UNDP:

  • Reports on UNDP’s ER activities, accomplishments and results as per formats, milestones and other requirements for specific substantive or geographic outputs

  • Contributes to sub-office reporting towards counterparts and humanitarian clusters for UNDP

  • Certifies completion of specific works and services as conducted by contractors as part of specific substantive or geographic outputs

  • Produces stories, editorials, audio-visual and other materials in support of UNDP communications efforts furthering ER in the three targeted states.

Ensures that the programme produces the ER results specified in project documents, to the required standard of quality and within specified constraints of time and cost within his/her area:

  • Implements and monitors the high quality of UNDP’s programmatic work in specific substantive or geographic outputs

  • Suggests and advances areas for improvement of the UNDP ER programme for further incorporation into further proposals and concepts.

  • Works laterally with other UNDP ER Area Coordinators to discuss approaches, learn lessons, exchange experiences and improve UNDP ER programming and operations across board

  • Conceives and supports a range of partnerships for the benefit of UNDP’s ER activities with state and local governments, non-traditional leaders and institutions, research and volunteer organizations, UN Agencies and non-governmental actors of all sorts

Suggests activities in her / his area for the annual project work plan and contributes to overall ER programme development as well as resource mobilization:

  • Contributes to discussion and documentation on lessons learnt and best practices towards furthering the UNDP ER business case;

  • Contributes to the conception and drafting of project and programme concepts, proposals and budgets for new and expanded ER programming;

  • Advocates UNDP’s achievements and experiences to wider audiences, in the targeted areas and beyond;

  • Contributes to resource mobilization efforts of UNDP.

Impact of Results

  • The key results have an impact on creation of effective positioning of UNDP as a key actor in early recovery in the NE of Nigeria, thus contributing to the stature and name of UNDP as UN’s global development network.

  • In particular, the key results have an impact on implementation of UNDP early substantive recovery strategies with a view to delivering on-ground UNDP’s early recovery programmes and projects, as well as reaching resource mobilization targets.

Competencies (Functional Competencies)
Advocacy/Advancing a Policy-Oriented Agenda:

  • Preparing information for advocacy

  • Identifies and communicates relevant information for a variety of audiences for advocating UNDP’s mandate

  • Maintains a functioning network of contacts with a variety of stakeholders to promote a better understanding of UNDP’s mandate and to support advocacy efforts

Building Strategic Partnerships:

  • Maintaining a network of contacts

  • Analyzes and selects materials for strengthening strategic alliances with partners and stakeholders

  • Establishes and nurtures positive communication with partners

  • Maintains an established network of contacts for general information sharing and to remain up-to-date on partnership related issues

Promoting Organizational Learning and Knowledge Sharing:

  • Basic research and analysis

  • Generates new ideas and approaches, researches best practices and proposes new, more effective ways of doing things

  • Documents and analyses innovative strategies and new approaches

Job Knowledge/Technical Expertise:

  • Fundamental knowledge of own discipline

  • Analyzes the requirements and synthesizes proposals

  • Strives to keep job knowledge up-to-date through self-directed study and other means of learning

  • Demonstrates good knowledge of information technology and applies it in work assignments

  • Understands and applies fundamental concepts and principles of a professional discipline or technical specialty relating to the position

  • Possesses basic knowledge of organizational policies and procedures relating to the position and applies them consistently in work tasks

Creating Visibility for UNDP/Supporting UNDP’s Capacity to Advocate:

  • Research and data analysis

  • Promotes awareness of UNDP’s centrally to development through dissemination of information and materials

  • Maintains networks and knowledge assets for use in visibility and image activities

Global Leadership and Advocacy for UNDP’s Goals:

  • Preparing information for global advocacy

  • Identifies and communicates relevant information for advocacy for UNDP’s goals for a variety of audiences

  • Maintains a functioning network of contacts in the media and civil society, to promote a better understanding of UNDP’s mandate and to support advocacy efforts

Conceptual Innovation in the Provision of Technical Expertise:

  • Research and analysis

  • Keeps updated in his/her area of substantive expertise

  • Identifies opportunities for conceptual innovation

Client Orientation:

  • Establishing effective client relationships

  • Researches potential solutions to internal and external client needs and reports back in a timely, succinct and appropriate fashion

  • Organizes and prioritizes work schedule to meet client needs and deadlines

  • Establishes, builds and sustains effective relationships within the work unit and with internal and external clients.

Core Competencies:

  • Demonstrating/safeguarding ethics and integrity

  • Demonstrate corporate knowledge and sound judgment

  • Self-development, initiative-taking

  • Managing conflict

  • Learning and sharing knowledge and encourage the learning of others. Promoting learning and knowledge management/sharing is the responsibility of each staff member.

  • Informed and transparent decision making

  • Acting as a team player and facilitating team work

  • Facilitating and encouraging open communication in the team, communicating effectively

  • Creating synergies through self-control

Required Skills and Experience

  • Master’s Degree in Media Relations, Journalism, Publishing.


  • 2 years of relevant experience at the national or international level in public relations, communications or advocacy.

  • Previous experience with a multilateral or international organization is helpful but not mandatory.

  • Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages, good knowledge and experience in handling of web-based management systems.

Language Requirements:

  • Proficiency in both oral and written English.

  • Knowledge of local language is an advantage.

How to Apply

Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply


  • All posts in the SC categories are subject to local recruitment.

  • Applicant information about UNDP rosters

  • UNDP reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement.  We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with UNDP at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience and educational requirements


Application Deadline  6th November, 2017.

Jobs in Nigeria

United Nations Development Programme New Vacancy Available

Friday, December 2, 2016

Job Opportunities at Centre for Democracy & Development (CDD), Friday 2, December 2016

Centre for Democracy & Development (CDD) is an international, non-governmental organisation dedicated to research, training and advocacy on issues of democratisation, development and human security in West Africa. Due to recent moves within the organisation, we are recruiting to fill the following positions below:



This exciting and challenging position carries responsibilities of: Co-ordinating the logistics support for programmes, including requisitioning, receiving, storing, transportation, customs clearance, issuing and processing payment for services in accordance with CDD policies and guidelines.

Responsible for identifying and promoting compliance with good transport and logistical practice by proactively identifying broader issues regarding logistical weakness/non-compliance to policies and guidelines for the assigned country/state programmes, develop logistics procedures in cooperation with internal and external stakeholders within institutional donor rules and guidelines

Facilitate the supply chain for the organisation from procurement of goods into stock or direct to programmes including setting up transportation framework agreements after appropriate tendering processes and arranging freight forwarding or transport; ensure that goods/services are procured in a timely and cost effective manner within donor regulations, advise field logistics teams on logistic procedures to ensure compliance with CDD policies, donor regulations and follow-up issues of non-compliance.

Other responsibilities are: monitor and enhance procedures in operational programmes through field visits, giving advice and training, ensuring that programme staff follows donor rules, guidelines and good practice, oversee the Asset Register to ensure that it is up to date and coherent with programme logistics asset lists with all supplied assets, coordinate with Programmes and Field Office staff to ensure asset management and disposal procedures are followed in accordance with CDD policy as well as donor requirement.


A degree in Logistics and/or any other related qualifications with at least 3 years of experience in a similar position at an NGO or international body.


Ability to use QuickBooks and Ms Access is necessary, knowledge and experience of logistics and fleet guidelines, meticulous, courtesy, good communication skills and ability to work as a team..


Very Competitive.



This exciting and challenging position carries responsibilities for project development, management and implementation.

Other Responsibilities include:

Fundraising, networking, research support and policy analysis, monitoring and evaluation, events organising and conference coordination. Reporting to the Head of Programmes.


The suitable candidate will hold a post-graduate Degree in the Social Sciences, Humanities, Law or related field, experience of working in post-conflict or transition environment,


Excellent IT and administrative skills;

Adaptability to new demands and changing circumstances;

Sound analytical and report writing skills;

Ability to translate strategic aims into practical plans;

Ability to work under pressure to strict deadlines as well as demonstrable experience of project management and multi-tasking.

Strong inter-personal and communication qualities will be coupled with teamwork skills and the post-holder will have a good understanding of democratisation, international development and human security issues in the West Africa sub-region.

Fluency in French is an advantage.


Very attractive.



The Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Officer’s specific duties will be program monitoring and evaluation: ensuring that the programme is performing optimally to achieve established results/targets, and monitoring progress on performance indicators.

S/he shall develop and manage the system for reporting on programme results as per monthly reporting guidelines and to donors as per donor reporting guidelines.

S/he shall: ensure that programme plans and activities are directed towards achieving targets identified in proposal performance management plans and Annual Operating Plans; assist in negotiating with funders over indicators/performance information required from the organisation; implement and monitor a system for collecting data and information from Programme staff, partners, and sub-grantees on indicators/targets, including success stories that highlight the work of the organization.

S/he shall be familiar with and communicate to rest of staff the basic tenets of programme Monitoring and Evaluation (such as the OSIWA, USAID, UNDP etc log frame, or “logical framework” approach).

S/he shall ensure that reports conform to specified/required formats, and that reports correspond to grant-specific.


The ideal candidate will bring: 6+ years’ experience in programme monitoring and implementation.

Thorough familiarity with grant rules, regulations and requirements common to programmes funded by development cooperation agencies & foundations (such as USAID, DFID, NED, UNDP, OSIWA etc), and Proven abilities in programme DME (design, monitoring, and evaluation), including familiarity with best practices in use in the NGO sector to plan, monitor, and measure impact of programs.

This position requires the ability to work with a diverse team, to manage pressure effectively, and strong organizational skills are all essential.


Very Competitive.



The Centre is inviting applications from qualified candidates to fill the position of Senior Finance Officer in the Centre.

The person will be based in Abuja and will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the financial operations of the organization.

Supervise the finance and foster collaboration and cooperation between Finance/Administrative and Programme staff as well as liaise with donor organizations.

Specific duties include reviewing and forecasting monthly project and office expenses of the organization and partner organizations, coordinating finance department tasks, overseeing office accounting, grants management and other general financial duties. Person Specifications


The candidate must be a Chartered Accountant with preferably a Master’s degree in Finance or Accounting.

S(he) should have at least ten (10) years experience in a Related position, part of which must be in an international agency or the NGO sector.


Proficiency in computerized accounting packages (QuickBooks, Excel, Word etc) is required, as well as attention to details; strong writing and oral communication skills.

Demonstration of managerial and strong analytical problem solving skills with ability to handle sensitive and confidential data with discretion and integrity is a must. Excellent planning and prioritisation skills also required.


Very Competitive.



S/he will work directly with the Director organizing documentation, keeping records, monitoring programmes, carrying out internet searches and other duties that will facilitate the work of the organization.


S/he should have B.Sc or HND in Mass Communication, English Language or related subjects.

Must have at least Second Class Lower.

At least three years experience in similar job.


Ability to use office programmes like word, excel and power point.

Familiarity with the internet is essential.

Ability to thrive under pressure with limited support and effective and persuasive communication skills are required.


Very Competitive.



Excellent IT and administrative skills,

Adaptability to new demands and changing circumstances,

Sound analytical and report writing skills,

Ability to translate strategic aims into practical plans,

Ability to work under pressure to strict deadlines as well as demonstrable experience of project management and multi-tasking.

Strong inter-personal and communication qualities will be coupled with teamwork skills and the post-holder will have a good understanding of democratisation, international development and human security issues in the West Africa sub-region.


The successful candidates will hold degree level education in the Social Sciences, Humanities, Law or related disciplines with at least 2 years of cognate experience.


Very Competitive.


Applicants should forward a one page Cover letter, a maximum 3 page resume and referees contact details by email to:


Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

Only Electronically submitted applications will be entertained. Scanned applications will be disregarded.

Subject line of emails must state clearly the Name of Applicant and Job Title of position applied for.

DUE DATE: 15 December, 2016

Job Opportunities at Centre for Democracy & Development (CDD), Friday 2, December 2016

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Job Opportunity at UN Women, Saturday 15, October 2016

UN Women – In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. In doing so, UN Member States took an historic step in accelerating the Organization’s goals on gender equality and the empowerment of women. The creation of UN Women came about as part of the UN reform agenda, bringing together resources and mandates for greater impact. It merges and builds on the important work of four previously distinct parts of the UN system, which focused exclusively on gender equality and women’s empowerment.

We are recruiting to fill the position below:


Location: Abuja, Nigeria

Type of Contract: Individual Contract


UN Women-NGA Strategic Note (SN), the main programme planning tool for the agency’s support to normative, coordination and operational work, will be ending in 2017. The Strategic Note is aligned with UN Women’s Global Strategic Plan 2014-2017, national development plans and country-level UNDAFs.

The work of UN Women is focused on its three core mandates as follows:

Normative work: to support inter-governmental bodies, such as the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) and the General Assembly, in their formulation of policies, global standards and norms;

Programme work: to help Member States implement international standards and to forge effective partnerships with civil society;

Coordination work: entails both work to promote the accountability of the United Nations System on gender equality and women’s empowerment (GEWE), and more broadly mobilizing and convening key stakeholders to ensure greater coherence and gender mainstreaming across the UN.

The Country Portfolio Evaluation (CPE) is a systematic assessment of the contributions made by a country office to development results with respect to gender equality. The CPE is primarily commissioned by the Country Office (CO) as a formative (forward-looking) evaluation to support the CO and national stakeholders’ strategic learning and decision-making. It uses the CO’s Strategic Note as the main point of reference.


Responsible for delivering the key evaluation products:

Coordinate the work of team members during all phases of the evaluation process;

Ensuring the quality of outputs and application of methodology as well as timely delivery of all products;

Lead the conceptualization and design of the evaluation, the coordination and conduct of the country visit and the shaping of the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the final report;

Develop an inception report outlining the design, methodology and required resources and indicative work plan of the evaluation team;

Assign and coordinate team tasks within the framework of the TORs;

Direct and supervise national consultant on research and analysis of secondary evidence, project documents, databases and all relevant documentation;

Coordinate the conduct of data collection, present preliminary findings and prepare draft and final reports.



Demonstrates consistency in upholding and promoting the values of UN Women in actions and decisions, in line with the UN Code of Conduct.

Diversity and Inclusion:

Treats all people with dignity and respect; shows respect and sensitivity towards gender, cultural and religious differences; encourages diversity wherever possible.

Drive for Results:

Sets high standards for quality of work; monitors and maintains quality of work; works in a systematic, methodical and orderly way.

Working in Teams:

Acts as a team player and facilitates team work.

Functional Competencies

Leading and Supervising:

Provides others with a clear direction; motivates and empowers others; sets appropriate standards of behavior.

Communicating Information and Ideas:

Facilitates and encourages open communication in the team, communicating effectively.

Self-management and Emotional intelligence:

Manages Conflict / Negotiates and Resolves Disagreements.



Academic Degree in Social Sciences, Demography, Law, Management or other relevant field of studies.


Proven working experience of at least 10 years of conducting gender-responsive evaluation of development programmes and applying qualitative and quantitative evaluation methods;

International experience in designing evaluations and coordinating/leading evaluation teams;

Experience in gender analysis and human-rights based approaches;

Technical competence in the thematic areas to be evaluated ;

Excellent evaluation management skills including strong participatory and team work skills;

Excellent communication skills including ability to communicate with different stakeholders such as the country partners, senior management team as well as the  Civil Society Board members; knowledge of local language is desirable;

Country or regional experience in West and Central Africa;

A strong record in designing and leading evaluation;

Technical competence in UN Women thematic areas of Elimination of Violence Against Women, Women Political Participation, Women Economic Empowerment;

Knowledge of the role of UN Women and its programming, coordination and normative roles at the regional and country levels.


Strong written and spoken skills in both French and English.

DUE DATE: 30th October, 2016. (Midnight New York, USA)


DUE DATE: 30 October, 2016

Job Opportunity at UN Women, Saturday 15, October 2016

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Job Vacancy at UN Women, Saturday 8, October 2016

UN Women – In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. In doing so, UN Member States took an historic step in accelerating the Organization’s goals on gender equality and the empowerment of women. The creation of UN Women came about as part of the UN reform agenda, bringing together resources and mandates for greater impact. It merges and builds on the important work of four previously distinct parts of the UN system, which focused exclusively on gender equality and women’s empowerment.

We are recruiting to fill the position of:


Additional Category: Gender Equality

Type of Contract: Individual Contract

Post Level: International Consultant

Duration of Initial Contract: 02 Months and 15 days

Expected Duration of Assignment: 02 Months and 15 days



The overall goal of the action is to use the HeForShe initiative and campaign platform to mobilize a visible force for gender equality in Nigeria especially on the rights of women and girls in humanitarian settings.


To launch the HeForShe platform with high level, accessible and public advocacy on the engagement of men and boys,

Greater public awareness and support (especially from men in decision making) for internally displaced women and girl survivors of insurgency

Key Actions:

Hosting of a series of high profile events including the official launching ceremony of the HeForShe in Nigeria under the patronage of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria;

Mobilize and disseminate voices of high public decision makers, opinion leaders and celebrities’ profiles, heads of government and delegations, and development agencies, UN agencies (OCHA, UNHCR, WFP, UNFPA UNICEF, FAO, and UNDP);

To mobilize and disseminate the voices of IDPs women/ Girls and survivors of the Boko Haram terrorism attacks in Nigeria;

To mobilize and disseminate voices of male champions and leaders’ information on their actions from the private sector (corporations), academia sports, and entertainment industry;To mobilize and target key med

ia and new media around key actions on ending GBV, promoting women’s economic empowerment, women’s participation, especially in humanitarian contexts;

Impact of result:

To develop and produce advocacy and communications material documenting the Launch;

To present data collected by the project in a user manner;

A digital campaign for HeForShe in Nigeria is launched via social media to announce the launch;

Key messages, real time information and news are disseminated through the duration of the HeForShe campaign;

500 invitations are sent to key stakeholders and a minimum of 250 guests are in attendance under the patronage of the office of President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria at the official launch event of the HeForShe;

Develop infographics to disseminate information and data on the status of women and girl IDPs in Gombe, Adamawa and Bauchi states;

At least 30 media houses/practitioners are partners of the HeForShe launch in Nigeria and are convened for a press conference;

An interview with the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria is conducted and aired on national TV challenging leaders to “take action right now” to create a gender equal world;

A video documentary with voices of IDPs women/girls survivors is produced;

Short videos with voices and key messages for call to action by high profile male personalities is produced;

A youtube channel is created featuring dialogues and talking series on HeForShe, including possible a talk forum;

HeForShe signage is produced and distributed at each event (hats and T-shirts, Banners, bracelets and other promotional materials;

User friendly data are produced on an agreed periodicity.


Core values and Guiding principles:


Demonstrate consistency in upholding and promoting the values of UN Women in actions and decisions, in line with the UN Code of Conduct.


Demonstrate professional competence and expert knowledge of the pertinent substantive areas of work.

Cultural sensitivity and valuing diversity:

Demonstrate an appreciation of the multicultural nature of the organization and the diversity of its staff. Demonstrate an international outlook, appreciating difference in values and learning from cultural diversity.


Ethics and Values:

Demonstrate and safeguard ethics and integrity.

Organizational Awareness:

Demonstrate corporate knowledge and sound judgment.

Development and Innovation:

Take charge of self-development and take initiative.

Work in teams:

Demonstrate ability to work in a multicultural, multi ethnic environment and to maintain effective working relations with people of different national and cultural backgrounds.

Communicating and Information Sharing:

Facilitate and encourage open communication and strive for effective communication.

Self-management and Emotional Intelligence:

Stay composed and positive even in difficult moments, handle tense situations with diplomacy and tact, and have a consistent behavior towards others.

Conflict Management:

Surface conflicts and address them proactively acknowledging different feelings and views and directing energy towards a mutually acceptable solution.

Continuous Learning and Knowledge Sharing:

Encourage learning and sharing of knowledge.

Appropriate and Transparent Decision Making:

Demonstrate informed and transparent decision making.

Functional Competencies:

Excellent communication skills. Communicates sensitively, effectively and creatively across different constituencies;

Demonstrates very good understanding of and experience in communications and outreach;

Proven networking skills, and ability to generate interest in UN Women’s mandate;

Strong initiative-taker;

Very effective at multi-tasking;

Focuses on impact and results;

Interacts effectively with all levels of the organization;

Technical expertise;

Ability to handle a large volume of work under time constraints;

Builds strong relationships with clients, focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to feedback;

Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;

Identifies opportunities and builds strong relationships with clients and partners;

Demonstrates exceptional ability to remain calm, in control and good humored even under pressure and tight deadlines.

Required Skills and Experience

Education and certification:

Advanced university degree (Masters or higher level) in a discipline such as: Gender, International Development, Economics, Political Science, or other relevant studies.


Minimum 5 years of experience in the communications field;

Traceable record of work on similar global campaigns is mandatory;

Proficiency in using social media, electronic networks and software for communication purposes (i.e. Websites, electronics bulletin, etc.);

Good experience with new media;

Practical experience working with the organizations/ private sector/communities in supporting development related projects/activities at a regional or global level is essential;

Familiarity with gender issues. Familiarity with UN Women and UN system is an asset;

Significant experience in the African region is an added advantage.

Language Requirements:

Fluency in English is required.


DUE DATE: 21 October, 2016

Job Vacancy at UN Women, Saturday 8, October 2016

Friday, June 10, 2016

Recruitment in United Nations Development Programme

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) helps developing countries attract and use aid effectively. In all our activities, we encourage the protection of human rights, capacity development
and the empowerment of women.

Job Title: Humanitarian Affairs Officer

Location: Yola, NIGERIA

Vacancy Type: Service Contract (SC)

Contract Duration: Initial duration of one year

Given the current crisis in Nigeria, OCHA has to scale up its support to the Humanitarian Coordinator in mobilization and coordination of an effective and principled humanitarian response. OCHA is particularly concerned about vulnerable communities and those at risk due to current conflict. Under the leadership of the Humanitarian Coordinator for Nigeria, OCHA maintains an office in Abuja and a field presence in Borno, Adamawa, Yobe and Gombe states in North East; the primary objectives of OCHA Nigeria include the following:

  • Advocate for access to basic services, especially water, sanitation, education and health for vulnerable communities, including collection, analysis and dissemination of information and negotiation of access.

  • Coordinate the implementation of humanitarian response in Nigeria with UN agencies and programmes, national and international NGOs and local authorities/communities as appropriate with focus on strengthening the Cluster Approach.

  • Enhance a protective environment that respects the human rights of all, including IDPs, returnees and minority clan.

Under the general guidance of the Head of Sub-Office in Yola, the HAO is expected to have comprehensive knowledge of North East of Nigeria, UNOCHA operations, humanitarian partners, operations of the government and NGOs. As such the HAO provides the elements of institutional memory and local networking essential to the credibility and authority of the statements and documents provided by OCHA and the Humanitarian Coordinator. They work with little supervision in the field, and are expected to prepare concise reports and analysis and are an integral part of the OCHA Team in Nigeria.

Duties and Responsibilities
Summary of key functions:

  • Information Collection in support of Humanitarian Analysis and Response, 

  • Information Sharing 

  • Development of coordination and cooperation mechanisms among stakeholders 

  • Monitoring and Reporting


  • Preparing information for advocacy:

  • Building Strategic Partnerships :

  • Maintaining a network of contacts

  • Resource Mobilization 

  • Promoting Organizational Learning and Knowledge Sharing 

Job Knowledge/Technical Expertise 

  • Fundamental knowledge of own discipline

  • Understands and applies fundamental concepts and principles of a professional discipline or technical specialty relating to the position

  • Strives to keep job knowledge up-to-date through self-directed study and other means of learning

  • Demonstrates good knowledge of information technology and applies it in work assignments

  • Demonstrates in-depth understanding and knowledge of the current guidelines and project man

Required Skills and Experience


Master’s Degree or equivalent in political science, sociology, law, international relations or other related fields with up to 2 years of relevant experience at the national or international level.



  • Up to 2 years of relevant professional experience, preferably in complex emergency and inter-agency contexts, dealing with relief and transitional issues.

  • Familiarity with UN policies, rules and procedures, particularly in relation to humanitarian response and coordination, and knowledge of institutional mandates, policies and guidelines pertaining to humanitarian assistance, especially the humanitarian reform agenda. 

  • Ability to research, analyze, evaluate and synthesize information. 

  • Ability to express clearly and concisely, ideas and concepts in written and oral form.

  • Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc) and experience in handling of web based management systems.

Language requirements: 

  • Proficiency in both oral and written English

  • Knowledge of local language is an advantage  

Recruitment in United Nations Development Programme

Friday, June 3, 2016

Vacancies at UN Women, Friday 3, June 2016

UN Women – In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. In doing so, UN Member States took an historic step in accelerating the Organization’s goals on gender equality and the empowerment of women. The creation of UN Women came about as part of the UN reform agenda, bringing together resources and mandates for greater impact. It merges and builds on the important work of four previously distinct parts of the UN system, which focused exclusively on gender equality and women’s empowerment.



Analysis of the humanitarian Strategy documents indicate that gender issues, particularly practical and strategic needs as well as the actions targeting this population are not fully taken into account, from the indicator point of view. Only the issues linked with GBV are mentioned in the protection cluster. However, indicators limited to this level are still very global. Even if various actors are willing and able to integrate information and strategies orientated towards gender, data is unavailable and critical resources allocated to attain gender responsive results are minimal.

It is therefore based on the priority to reinforce the integration of gender in humanitarian response in Nigeria and to make it more efficient when targeting women and girls, that UN Women has decided to recruit a team of consultants to undertake a baseline survey.


The baseline survey consultant will carry out this assignment under the direct supervision of UN Women’s Coordinator for this Humanitarian project.

The purpose of this assignment is to establish current status of women and girls as well as condition of relevant services and expertise available to meet their needs within the current humanitarian settings in Adamawa, Bauchi and Gombe States, Northern Nigeria.


The objective is to enable UN Women obtain baseline data against set performance indicators related to addressing critical gender gaps in the on-going humanitarian response activities in the following three areas:

Comprehensive emergency assistance initiatives for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) women/girls and survivors of SGBV in target areas (psychosocial, medical, justice, security etc);

Economic capacity of women and social rehabilitation efforts in place to meet the needs of women affected by crisis for peaceful cohabitation in target areas;

Existing coordination mechanisms for a more comprehensive and gender-responsive approach to Humanitarian response in Nigeria.

The following indicators included in the project results framework reflect critical issues that need to be considered for the baseline survey:

Of survivor services put in place;

Of survivors of SGBV supported with psychosocial assistance;

Of women sitting in decision-making spheres on camp management;

Of quick impact Projects supported;

Of humanitarian actors trained in Gender/GBV response;

Of studies and situation analysis on gender/GBV and on the situation of rescues produced.

The baseline data gathered will facilitate identification of relevant interventions and actors as well as inform future mid-term monitoring and end of project evaluations thereby facilitating effective measurement of results and attribution to project efforts.

The following are the expected results from this baseline study:

Changes anticipated as part of this intervention clearly identified;

Enhanced understanding of gender responsiveness of humanitarian action in the 3 project states;

Priority areas on Economic Empowerment for women and girls affected by the insurgency identified and initiated.

Preparation for the study:

Prepare workplan and finalize budget delineating timelines for activities related to this 30-day assignment;

Develop relevant research instruments and methodology for the study;

Coordinate the work of local data collectors at state level to generate information and pre-test and finalize tools;

Prepare an inception report outlining the approach/ methodology to be employed in executing the assignment and a detailed program for the baseline with;

Timeline/schedule of activities;

Sampling framework;

Detailed methodology of how to collect, triangulate and summarize the primary and secondary data (quantitative and qualitative)

Undertake field survey:

Conduct consultations with stakeholders, including relevant government Ministries, Departments and Agencies to gather critical information and clarify issues related to this assignment.

Consult with Civil Society Organisations, Development partners and other Non-State Actors at state level to collect information to inform finding and recommendations in the report.

Undertake gender analysis of existing humanitarian response and coordination mechanisms in the target states, in terms of their capacity to meet the distinct needs of women and girls as against other interest groups:

AIdentify the number of women and girls who are currently in IDP camps and host communities in the project states (particularly escapees from Boko Haram captivity and survivors of SGBV), noting the number of those able to access services.

Identify existence/non-existence of crisis centers in the 3 project states and determine their capacity to provide holistic integrated emergency assistance to IDP women and girls, as well as survivors of SGBV.

Ascertain and assess existing service providers of psycho-social support (individual and institutional), including the Nigeria Police and determine gaps in meeting the needs of IDP and survivors of SGBV.

Identify viable economic empowerment alternatives for IDP women and girls and survivors of violence ad number of women and girls who currently gave access to economic empowerment initiatives.

Identify UN agencies and other development partners on ground, interventions provided by them and gaps in meeting the needs of target beneficiaries.

Analyse and synthesize information and data gathered as well as articulate findings and recommendations on ways to systematically strengthen gender responsive humanitarian action for internally displaced persons both in camps and in host communities. Report not to exceed 20 pages.

Prepare and submit a draft baseline report for review and feedback;

Submit final Baseline report with inputs and comments integrated;

Conduct de-briefing meeting at the UN Women Office;

Inception report and workplan with duration not exceeding a span of 30 working days, to be approved by UN Women. Workplan to take into consideration all the tasks outlined in section V above;

Research/review instruments and methodology;

List of intended contacts and stakeholders to be engaged/interviewed in this assignment;

A modest budget for the Baseline Survey review activities;

Draft and Final analytical and process reports of all activities within the framework of the assignment with clear recommendations.


Corporate Competencies:

Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;

Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UN Women;

Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;

Treats all people fairly without favoritism.

Functional Competencies:

Highly developed research assistance skills;

Strong analytical skills, and ability to rapidly analyze and integrate diverse information from varied sources;

Able to use the Internet and other research and applied statistical tools effectively;

Identifies priority activities and assignments;

Teamwork – excellent interpersonal, organizational and management skills and ability to work within multi-disciplinary teams.

Development and Operational Effectiveness:

Able to manage complex problems proactively and effectively, including responses to field based emergencies;

Ability to operate effectively in a changing and complex environment, and to produce results under stress;

Consistently approach work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;

Proven organizational and communication skills;

Demonstrate strong oral and written communication skills;

Demonstrate openness to change and ability to manage complexities;

Strong analytical capabilities;

Strong interpersonal and communication skills.



Advanced degree in Law, Conflict Studies, Human Rights, Gender Studies or any other relevant field.


Minimum 10 years professional experience in the area of peace building, conflict resolution, peace and security, human rights, gender and/or development preferably in Nigeria;

Strong research background. Experience in data collection and analysis;

Knowledge of women’s rights issues in the context of Peace and Security, gender equality and SGBV matters;

Able to work independently with efficiency and competence;

Excellent written and oral skills.


Fluency in English;

Fluency in a major local language of northern Nigeria will be highly valued.



Analysis of the humanitarian Strategy documents indicate that gender issues, particularly practical and strategic needs as well as the actions targeting this population are not fully taken into account, from the indicator point of view. Only the issues linked with GBV are mentioned in the protection cluster. However, indicators limited to this level are still very global. Even if various actors are willing and able to integrate information and strategies orientated towards gender, data is unavailable and critical resources allocated to attain gender responsive results are minimal.

It is therefore based on the priority to reinforce the integration of gender in humanitarian response in Nigeria and to make it more efficient when targeting women and girls, that UN Women has decided undertake a baseline survey and requires three (3) Research Assistants (one per state – Adamawa, Bauchi and Gombe).


The following are the expected results from this baseline study:

Changes anticipated as part of this intervention clearly identified;

Enhanced understanding of gender responsiveness of humanitarian action in the 3 project states;

Priority areas on Economic Empowerment for women and girls affected by the insurgency identified and initiated.

Under the guidance of and reporting directly to the supervising baseline survey consultant, each Research Assistant will be responsible for the following generic on-demand activities:

Compile, analyze and synthesize information for the supervising baseline survey consultant;

Perform research assistance to carry out data collection in respect of the baseline survey assignment in this initiative;

Support the development of methodologies, reports, briefs, etc. on specific issues;

Characterize specific groups in terms of different indicator;

Performing background research assistance (qualitative and quantitative);

Deliver the specific products described above within the established deadlines.


Corporate Competencies:

Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;

Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UN Women;

Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;

Treats all people fairly without favoritism.

Functional Competencies:

Highly developed research assistance skills;

Strong analytical skills, and ability to rapidly analyze and integrate diverse information from varied sources;

Computer literate; must be able to use the Internet and other research and applied research tool effectively;

Identifies priority activities and assignments;

Teamwork – excellent interpersonal, organizational and management skills and ability to work within multi-disciplinary teams is critical.

Development and Operational Effectiveness:

Able to manage complex problems proactively and effectively, including responses to field based emergencies;

Ability to operate effectively in a changing and complex environment, and to produce results under stress;

Consistently approach work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;

Proven organizational and communication skills;

Demonstrate strong oral and written communication skills;

Demonstrate openness to change and ability to manage complexities;

Strong analytical capabilities;

Strong interpersonal and communication skills.

Required Skills and Experience


Bachelor’s Degree in Politics, International Relations or related Development field. Master’s Degree may be an additional asset.


Minimum of 5 years’ experience in the area of field data gathering preferably in Nigeria;

Strong research background. Experience in data collection and analysis;

Knowledge of women’s rights issues in the context of Peace and Security, gender equality and SGBV matters;

Able to work independently with efficiency and competence;

Excellent written and oral skills.


Fluency in English.

Fluency in a major local language of northern Nigeria will be highly valued.



UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security.

UN Women, with funding from the Japanese government, is implementing a one year project titled ” Mainstreaming Gender into Humanitarian Response in Nigeria” This project is a humanitarian action component of UN Women’s current Peace and Security programme in Nigeria. It is designed to address the needs of internally displaced women and girls especially survivors of Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV). It will focus on filling critical gender gaps in the on-going humanitarian response activities in three areas:

Strengthen emergency assistance initiatives to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) women/girls and survivors of SGBV in target areas.

Improve the economic capacity and social rehabilitation of women affected by crisis for peaceful cohabitation in target areas.

Strengthen humanitarian coordination mechanisms for a more comprehensive and gender-responsive approach in Nigeria.

Under the overall guidance and direction of the supervisor, the Project Officer provides project support to the effective management of UN Women programmes in the Country Office by contributing in the project design, formulation, implementation and evaluation.  S/he supports the delivery of UN Women programmes by analyzing results achieved during implementation and supporting appropriate application of systems and procedures.  She/he works in close collaboration with the programme and operations team, UN Women HQ staff, Government officials, multi and bi-lateral donors and civil society ensuring successful UN Women programme implementation under portfolio.


Summary of Key Functions:

Provide advice on the project aimed at ensuring internally displaced women and girls have increased access to adequate survivor service;

Contribute to the empowerment of women and girls IDPs and their vulnerable host communities;

Strengthening humanitarian coordination systems in target states;

Monitoring and evaluation;

Donor reporting.

Provide advice on the project aimed at ensuring internally displaced women and girls have increased access to adequate survivor service:

Advices the project coordinator on the project direction and options at the state level based on a knowledge of the humanitarian response, priorities, challenges and emerging issues;

Contribute to the establishment of functional crises centers in target states and communities;

Ensures target survivors of gender based violence receive support while maintaining confidentiality of survivors:

Participates in the initiatives by other relevant stakeholders in the assigned focus area translating UN Women’s priorities;

Engage with government agencies tasked with ensuring support for victims gander based violence;

Facilitates the collaborative relationships with other UN agencies, experts, government counterparts ensuring timely and efficient delivery of inputs related to the humanitarian response.

Contribute to the empowerment of women and girls IDPs and their vulnerable host communities:

Review project proposals from CSOs and cooperatives as it relates to the empowerment of women and host communities;

Ensure UN Women collaborates with other organisations working in the area of economic empowerment for internally displaced women and girls.

Strengthening Humanitarian Coordination Systems in Target States:

Ensure gender equality and women’s empowerment consideration in the implementation and planning of the humanitarian strategic response plan in target states;

Provide technical and capacity building support to  humanitarian and Government actors, including the coordination system;

Ensure that gender equality and women’s empowerment needs and rights are adequately and sustainably integrated into all humanitarian response;

Ensure good partnerships with the UN Agencies, government institutions, bi-lateral and multi-lateral donors, private sector, civil society etc.

Monitoring and Evaluation:

Develop a monitoring and evaluation plan in-line with the principles of Result-Based Management;

Ensures humanitarian data is captured as required by the donor;

Collects knowledge on current and emerging trends by gathering relevant information on projects, strategies, approaches and ongoing experience for lessons learned, best practices;

Contributes to knowledge networks and communities of practice;

Manages the project’s appraisal and evaluation according to results-based management requirements;

Supports the effective application of RBM tools and monitoring achievement of results.

Donor Reporting:

Work closely with partners and consultants to ensure timely submission of progress and final reports to donor;

Provide inputs to the donor reports in terms of accomplishments.

Ensure close collaboration with UN Women Administrative and Finance Staff to ensure efficient financial management and efficient transfer and tracking of funds for grants and contractors.


Corporate Competencies:

Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;

Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UN Women;

Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;

Treats all people fairly without favoritism;

Fulfills all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment.

Functional Competencies:

Knowledge and experience of working on  gender, elections and democratization processes;

Substantive knowledge of issues on gender equality and women’s empowerment;

Outstanding team-building, organizational and communication skills;

Capacity to work with diverse partners including governments, donors and civil society.



Master’s Degree in Economics, Gender and human rights related disciplines, Sociology, Psychology, Social Sciences or related field.


Minimum 5 years of relevant experience at the national or international level with development projects preferably including some experience in design, monitoring and evaluation of development projects. Knowledge of gender and human rights issues desirable.

Experience with working with Internally Displaced Persons.

Experience in Economic Empowerment of Women is an added advantage.

Must have good knowledge and experience of gender issues as it affects the northern Nigeria.

Must have good working knowledge of M&E especially as it relates to gender issues.

Prior experience in the UN System and the Region will be an asset.


Fluency in English is required;

Knowledge of official national language essential.

Working knowledge of Hausa is a requirement.


Click on Job Title below:




DUE DATE: 15 June, 2016

Vacancies at UN Women, Friday 3, June 2016